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Why Western criticism of India’s Mars mission is blatant racism

Some people will never get over the mentality of see a developing country like ours take such giant strides in space.
One of the greatest newspaper in the world (self proclaimed!!) has this to say

I'm sure when the MARS orbiter starts sending back data, it will be a fitting reply.

It may sound racist, but given a choice i'll prefer greyer brain cells over white skin anyday.

There are three things should be mentioned in the present context.

1. The idea that poor countries should not go for Space programs is itself a faulty one. Space missions are not luxury,but ardent necessity for a nation. The writer should have had some knowledge about the Western Technical assistance to Indian Space Agencies in the previous years.

2. There is nothing to boast about the aid UK gives to India. We did not beg for it. In 1 Billion aid is simply a peanut as described by the Indian president,being hardly a minor fraction of our total spending. The journalist also missed out where this aid is being spend in India.

3. Journalists are humans.They have their own prejudice,views and opinions but as a whole they do not represent west. It is not quite wise to tag entire west as anti-Asian or racist on the basis of some blogs or news articles. If they were so prejudiced with their racist ideas,we won't have received the technical assistance we got since the beginning of our space program.
Land where sun never sets :P is in total darkness now a days. These people can wank and wank . Why can't we just return their shitty aid money with interest and make them shut their filthy mouth.

Their are mere lap dogs and should be treated that way.

Them must look at their past deeds and count the money and wealth they stole from us. In return what they have given is not even peanuts.

We should buy now their new Aircraft carrier and make them wank more :P
Now it is not necessary, since we were both the victims of the prejudice of the western hegemony.

We won't mind if India went ahead of us in the Mars probe mission.

When i saw so much racist reactions from the West on India, i am fully supporting India on this one.

HOLY FCUK what is this India-China Friendship day :china:
Funny that the Chinese wants to play down India's achievements. Look at yourself first.
China dominates you in every corner you racist bastards.

Your country makes tons of nukes but when a developing country tries to make one your a$$ starts burning for no reason, you're no boss of this world anymore. Save your collapsing government.
A few minor errors in the article:
1) Subramaniam Chandrashekar won the nobel prize for physics - there is no separate category for astrophysics.
2) Surendra nath Bose did not work in that field at all, he was a mathematical physicist.

BTW, this is how proud americans wer about their own endeavors. Why should Indians feel apologetic for stamping our trace in the cosmos?

you are wrong a little bit its Satyendra Nath Bose
There are three things should be mentioned in the present context.

1. The idea that poor countries should not go for Space programs is itself a faulty one. Space missions are not luxury,but ardent necessity for a nation. The writer should have had some knowledge about the Western Technical assistance to Indian Space Agencies in the previous years.

2. There is nothing to boast about the aid UK gives to India. We did not beg for it. In 1 Billion aid is simply a peanut as described by the Indian president,being hardly a minor fraction of our total spending. The journalist also missed out where this aid is being spend in India.

3. Journalists are humans.They have their own prejudice,views and opinions but as a whole they do not represent west. It is not quite wise to tag entire west as anti-Asian or racist on the basis of some blogs or news articles. If they were so prejudiced with their racist ideas,we won't have received the technical assistance we got since the beginning of our space program.

we use to get 250 million per year only not 1 billion 
Some people will never get over the mentality of see a developing country like ours take such giant strides in space.
One of the greatest newspaper in the world (self proclaimed!!) has this to say
View attachment 10439

I'm sure when the MARS orbiter starts sending back data, it will be a fitting reply.

It may sound racist, but given a choice i'll prefer greyer brain cells over white skin anyday.

assholes have nothing of their own..............jealous

and by the way aid is only 250 million per year and that too will end in 2015 after india rejected it
HOLY FCUK what is this India-China Friendship day :china:

The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Enemy here is losely used, of course.

But given the choice we don't like the West much more and if truth be told, India and China really don't have much to argue about in the first place.
people will try to pull you down when you rise up..this is a natural phenomenon...get over it..india and china are realizing this now since they are rising now..there is no racism here..it is common sense..in the past only western countries were properous ..plus they have good bonding between themselves take for example, us, england, australia..canada..they are like brothers of another mother but still close toegther so unity always wins in global politics..look at japan..it is so tiny island..they dont crib about jealousy since they are deveoped !!
The author is right- it is blatant racism and envy. Let me tell you as a Brit, the British people see India's rise in contrast to the UK's decline and it really, really irks them. They merely see India as the land of curry and as a former colony- not as an emerging power. Every time India achieves something these fools are so quick to point out all of India's issues- it's so predictable.

I agree; there are some sources which too say same thing.

One Indian said, in article that Brits cant just stand that India can be successful without them too.
We should buy now their new Aircraft carrier and make them wank more :P

No, we should make a comparable carrier at a fraction of the cost while they mothball their own carrier for lack of funds to operate. And we are doing it - IAC1 and 2.

That is what irked them with the mars mission as well - that we are doing it so cheapy while their space agency had to spend much more for the same thing.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Enemy here is losely used, of course.

But given the choice we don't like the West much more and if truth be told, India and China really don't have much to argue about in the first place.

Except Border Dispute
We really don't have to much to argue
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