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Why was my first thread closed

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IMO, human will never know how / by whom the world is created. Universe is not a TOY to be created by some one (a God).

As no one can prove the existence or non-existence of God, we're forced to believe a God, which is introduced by a mesmerising prophet/Group.

I was a strong believer of God till the following questions raised in my mind:

1. Why there are so many religions in the world? Why God couldn't stop creation of other religions?

2. If God needs love, prayers and thanks from human, and he does good for only his followers, WHAT IS DIFFERENT BETWEEN MAN & GOD?


Personally I respect all believers and above comment is just my opinion. Please don't take offense.
I am a believer and I dont find this thread offensive. It may be a good place to talk about God and the question his existence.
Talking ABOUT GOD is beyond the scope of this forum and generally a secular forum has no place for such theocratic debates. Moreover, Bhagat Singh and all that atheism talk, has little to nothing to do with Pakistan - the core focus of this forum.

The reason because religious threads are locked away isn't because they are offensive, its because they are of a meaningless topic to the core purpose of this forum.

This is a secular forum. It isn't concerned care about your religious beliefs, just your point of views about the political, strategic and social issues of Pakistan. Even when you talk about India-defence, it has to be about Pakistan. When about China, it has to be about Pakistan.
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