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Why Turkey is pushing hard in Libya? Why it is so important for Turkey?


Mar 16, 2014
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Turkey look at Libya differently... Thats why there is no way others can win it over Turkey.. US understood it on time and recently France is trying to switch sides and understood their mistakes.
1) Ottoman empire started to collapse starting from LIBYA, where even Ataturk fought. They didnt want to get out of Ottoman and fouth for it. It is very important for RTE to win it to bring a hop for Turkish people as it is the first way to show Turkey is going back to old gold years.
2) North of Libya, Misrata, even today's Libya president is Turkish descent called Koroglu. Those Turkish who married with local people and slaves there.. it used to be called kuloglu, means children of slave, and later turned to be koroglu..
3) Non of those countries has capabilities to produce tens of UAVs and support them.. unlike, new Turkish UAVs will be able to fire cruise and air to air missiles within a year, which will change the fight significantly... Turkey can also find exactly location of opposite artillery right after their fire. it gives GNA to attack back those locations and suppress them.
4) new Libya government are member of Muslim Brotherhood, which Tunis and erdogan are part of.. Erdogan cannot leave aloe his friends. it will be very bad for him to stay and watch there
5) Libya was always nice to Turkey. for years and years... For Turkish people, We need to give the favor back when they need it.. it is the right time.
6) it will mean huge opportunity for Turkish business which had more than 100 billion $ projects in libya and freezed. they are also in talk to resume some of them.
7)Libya is the only country that could agree with Turkey in Mediterranean see and divide it as Turkey wanted unlike Egypt, Greece, ISrael and so on... It means hugeeee for Turkey...

I can even say more.... unfortunately, Arabs didnt see the picture, and will loose the fight without even knowing why Turkey got this serious about it... it is good to have brain cells sometimes)
Turkey has no ally in the ME except Qatar. Turkey seeks to prevent fall of Tripoli government to Russia backed dictator Haftar.
This is the reason.
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