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Why the USA is leader of the World?



New Recruit

Sep 22, 2020
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USA wields its power through Economic, Political, and Military domains, which projects the US prowess which the country has achieved gradually over the years, and became an undisputed leader of the world after World War 2 when the USA reached the height of its power, which is slowly being eroded with the rise of China, and Russia. The USA was one of the wealthiest countries in the world even before the start of the Second World War.
In 1823 the United States President James Monroe warned European countries not to further colonize any country in the Western Hemisphere if they did so it will be considered hostile against the United States, proclaiming the famous Monroe Doctrine. At that time with limited naval forces, the doctrine was not considered important but slowly with the rise of the US the doctrine became more possible to implement.
The Monroe Doctrine became the pinnacle in the United States foreign policy for generations and continues to do so. USA politics is dominated by foreign policy issues. In recent years topics on Iran, the Middle East, and Terrorism have dominated the mainstream media of the United States and projected the issues as part of the “axis of evil” that will destabilize world peace thus American intervention becomes necessity. The rhetoric is often repeated with much enthusiasm.
The economic and Political dynamics of US control overlap, and in most ways complement each other which leads to more control and influence from the US over other countries. Many multinational corporations are US based, like Apple, Google, Microsoft, SAS, NetApp, FedEx, Cisco, Marriot, McDonald’s, Kimberly-Clark, SC Johnson, American Express, Medtronic, Intel, 3M, MARS, Accenture, are some of the top multinationals that are based in the United States with a global chain across the world and invested franchises, and other business in many different industries, and countries across the world creating a chain of networks.

Most of the labor-intensive work is done in smaller countries to achieve maximum benefits from minimized labor costs, and where corruption is rampant, and tax breaks or avoidance is possible. These small countries are like heaven for these multi-national organizations.
As of 2015, the US has 800 military bases across the globe spending billions of dollars of tax payer money.

These Multi-nationals (MNCs) revenues are larger than the GDP of the smaller countries which puts enormous political influence and pressure on political leaders of these countries who fall in line in following their agenda rather than pursuing independent policies. These MNCs provide a great source of job opportunities and additional revenues which is often used as leverage against lesser developing nations in case of an increase in taxes or barriers. These MNCs directly give enormous influence to the United States which dictates terms politically and economically.

The United States is also military power, its military prowess comes from state of art sophisticated weapons which the country projects through its military defenses placed strategically at an ideal location at important parts of the world. In the Middle East, the US has at least 10 military bases, the country has military bases all over the world. As of 2015, the US has 800 military bases across the globe spending billions of dollars over the years over infrastructure, which gives the country a strategic advantage against the adversaries.

Not only bases are the source of power for the USA, but its dominancy is also complemented with new weapons whether nuclear, naval, or others. The USA has the largest fleet of aircraft carriers dominating the oceans around the world with ready to combat air force available on these aircraft carriers. The US was the first country to develop fifth-generation fighter aircraft namely the F-22 Raptor, with that US is also investing massively in the development of sixth-generation fighter aircraft and poised to give the US decisive advantage in air warfare for a considerable time. The country has invested heavily in R&D for many decades and reaping the benefits of it.

The decisive military advantage played a pinnacle role in dominating the rest of the world. The Europeans were able to colonize the entire world almost because of one major reason that was their ability in creating sophisticated weapons as compared to others. The United States seems to have adopted this advantage which will give them a considerable advantage in the future.

It's all about the all-powerful US dollar. It beats everything else and explains why US is so powerful.
Strong Military and Economy that's why, Plus its Location and not a single hostile and Powerful neighbor ..

  • highly educated mass of men and women produced by top universities of the world
  • hard work culture. Americans work hard and play hard.
  • innovative, many high IQ individuals
  • highly competitive men and women who strive for the best
  • all this means armies of scientists, engineers, lawyers, accountants, entreprenuers, researchers who build the best in the world. From rockets to ships, to nuclear submarines to fighters etc.
I believe these qualities were brought from Europe via British settlers [hard work ethic coupled with administrative acumen], German settlers [hard work coupled with scientific acumen], Jewish settlers [hard work and business flair etc

All this in tandem with massive natural resources of continental America produced a mighty nation in less than 150 years. The country is a marvel when you consider not long ago there was nothing, nothing in the vast American landscape but few Native American nomadic tribes.

  • highly educated mass of men and women produced by top universities of the world
  • hard work culture. Americans work hard and play hard.
  • innovative, many high IQ individuals
  • highly competitive men and women who strive for the best
  • all this means armies of scientists, engineers, lawyers, accountants, entreprenuers, researchers who build the best in the world. From rockets to ships, to nuclear submarines to fighters etc.
I believe these qualities were brought from Europe via British settlers [hard work ethic coupled with administrative acumen], German settlers [hard work coupled with scientific acumen], Jewish settlers [hard work and business flair etc

All this in tandem with massive natural resources of continental America produced a mighty nation in less than 150 years. The country is a marvel when you consider not long ago there was nothing, nothing in the vast American landscape but few Native American nomadic tribes.

Agreed. Well put.
Agreed. Well put.
Ultimately it is men and women who make those nuclear submarines, those spaceships, those bridges, those radar evading F-35 fighters Pakistan would love to have. Men and women. Human resource. If they all migrated to Pakistan and worked for this country Pakistan would be on the way to being a superpower.

Instead we have very few of them but oversupply of bearded mullahs who promise redemption and virgins in next life while we sit in garbage in this world.
Ultimately it is men and women who make those nuclear submarines, those spaceships, those bridges, those radar evading F-35 fighters Pakistan would love to have. Men and women. Human resource. If they all migrated to Pakistan and worked for this country Pakistan would be on the way to being a superpower.

Instead we have very few of them but oversupply of bearded mullahs who promise redemption and virgins in next life while we sit in garbage in this world.

But isn't that a form of control? Keep the masses deluded and dumb so you can control them. That in essence is UnIslamic. Pakistan will only rise when the focus of all of us turns towards striving for perfection in Science, Technology, Economics and other human endevours.
But isn't that a form of control? Keep the masses deluded and dumb so you can control them. That in essence is UnIslamic. Pakistan will only rise when the focus of all of us turns towards striving for perfection in Science, Technology, Economics and other human endevours.

I agree it's a form of control. But the USA also controls its population by all means necessary. The more Free country they more methods of manipulation in deceives are needed I think, as opposite to Authoritarian they don't care much.

  • highly educated mass of men and women produced by top universities of the world
  • hard work culture. Americans work hard and play hard.
  • innovative, many high IQ individuals
  • highly competitive men and women who strive for the best
  • all this means armies of scientists, engineers, lawyers, accountants, entreprenuers, researchers who build the best in the world. From rockets to ships, to nuclear submarines to fighters etc.
I believe these qualities were brought from Europe via British settlers [hard work ethic coupled with administrative acumen], German settlers [hard work coupled with scientific acumen], Jewish settlers [hard work and business flair etc

All this in tandem with massive natural resources of continental America produced a mighty nation in less than 150 years. The country is a marvel when you consider not long ago there was nothing, nothing in the vast American landscape but few Native American nomadic tribes.
Yet most of them cant even point out another country on map 🤣 ngl they have many great minds but their mass population is ignorant
  1. Economy: US has a nominal GDP of roughly 19 trillion dollars. Thats almost 25% of the total GDP of all world combined and is about 1.6 times the GDP of second placed China. GDP is a common economic comparison tool. So US is the strongest economy in the world. It receives the highest amount of Foreign Investment. Compared to US, Russia has the trade profile of a second grade nation. Only China comes close right now. US GDP per person is roughly 60000 dollars. Russia has 10000 dollars, India and China have 8000 dollars roughly. That’s like 12% of the US. Only EU comes close with an average of maybe 35000 dollars.
  2. Military: US has the The United States spends 560 billion dollars a year on defence, has the most powerful military in the world. No one comes close.
  3. Technology and Finance: US is the world leader in technology and finance. Silicon Valley and Wall Street. Look at them. Stock market is performing well after Trump.
  4. Space Exploration: US is the World Leader in Space exploration. NASA. Its average annual spending is about 20 billion dollars in space.
  5. Entertainment: Hollywood movies make a lot of money. Netflix is on the rise. Strongest entertainment industry in the world. Everyone thinks about the Oscars. Even other countries.
  6. Education: 13 of the top 20 universities of the world are in the US.
Any aspect of World leadership and USA is on the top. Strong alliances too. And there are no challengers yet. Russia doesn’t come close in trade, education, entertainment or tech. All it has is strong military. EU is suffering from poor economy. China has massive population and corruption. India has weak infrastructure and an exploding population. And no country comes close in trade.
Yet most of them cant even point out another country on map 🤣 ngl they have many great minds but their mass population is ignorant
Not many bother to memorize world map TBH because this is not a requirement to succeed.

I am sure that if many are presented a blank world map to identify all countries in it in the form of surprise quiz - many will fail this test.
Not many bother to memorize world map TBH because this is not a requirement to succeed.

I am sure that if many are presented a blank world map to identify all countries in it in the form of surprise quiz - many will fail this test.
Naming all countries is one thing not being able to identify Russia China or even EU countries is ignorance... and in general American mass is ignorant...
Yet most of them cant even point out another country on map 🤣 ngl they have many great minds but their mass population is ignorant

No the average American focus centers around his or her community and gradually fades as the distance grows. ...my community, my town/ my city, my country , North America ..rest of the world

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