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Why the people hate MQM?

brothers MQM also is a Politicians Party and we have to accept they and accept their work what they have done for Karachi, Pakistan,

and regards GAWADAR PORT, BABAR GHUWORI form MQM also was a minister of K.P.T i know it was Done by Mr Musharaf but Ghurwori was a part of his Team (CHOTA THA PAR THA TO)

and why we are 4getting Dr Ameer Liyaqat Hussain who have maked way to close Shia and Suni Muslim as a Host of ALIM ON LINE,

Regards MUSTAFA KAMAL what he done don't need to tell

Regards 12th May who done that incedent (DON"T know)
but DR. ISHRAT UL EBAD went -to leaders an other parties and maked PEACE in KARACHI.

plzz Accept them
:yahoo: MR, ASDAD.... DEAR , ALTAF HUSSAIN is from army!
mr , altaf was a cadet, he didint completed that, but he IS, and he always have soft corner for pakarmy.
and he worked already for 2 times with two longest serving ARMY CHIEFS.:enjoy:
he is a disgrace to muhajirs who spilled blood to get here. sometimes i wonder why isi doesn't take him out and eliminate him for the good of the country.

Simply cause he is protected by british government And dont forget zia help him become what he is today.
I know it has done a lot for karachi. Mustafa Kemal is f4m MQM. The party helps oppressed ppl who hav had to suffer under indian misrule to call Pakistan their home & come here and be citizens... it has also destroyed the stupid divide between shias and sunnis by making us work together. I am all in f4 MQM and a passionate supporter f4 the ideas they represent cauz they hav helped many people.

The riots of may 2007 were blamed on the party and now many people see them as sum sort of really bad or evil group. However it is worth mentioning that the chaos after bhuttos death was much worse than this. There was no noise about why PPP remained so quiet and said nothing while their cheyley ran around the streets like crazed maniacs. They cud very well be responsible f4 the 10000+ cars burned in the whole nation & all the ppl killed, shops destroyed and property destroyed...

you guys keep mentioning Karachi last i checked there is lot more Urdu speaking Pakistanis in other parts of Sindh where MQM have gained ground cause of them (we will not mentions other provinces where there is a substantial part of Urdu speaking Pakistanis reside also thats why the name changed from Muhajir to mutahida).what have they done for other cities in sindh.

his comments about creation of Pakistan was a mistake is a slap in the face of 100s of 1000s of people that lost there lives for it And he claims to speak for them.:hitwall:
Guess who else for a long time said its a mistake to divide india (Nehru) and he went as far as saying eventually they will realize there mistake and come back.
anyone who think that Division of Sub-continent is justified, he is opposing the dream of Allama Iqbal, efforts of Quiad-e-Azam and blood of thousands of martyred muslims.

May be we are not on a right page here i need a lesson in history could you please share with what was Allama's dream.iam always willing to learn what was Quaid fighting for iam obviously wrong here so please help me.
voiceofaa;139984]Not worth mt reply Bro. try to learn how to behave on public forums.

I Asked you countless times to back your claims with some thing you couldn't answer that yet you keep singing the same tune thats called brain washing.this is a public forum if u want to claim some thing or argue some thing have some thing to back it with instead of questioning my behavior.

He is a Bachelor of Arts from Islamia College, and Bachelor of Pharmacy from Karachi University, much more educated then other politicians
THis is completely False bachelor of arts cannot become a pharmacist.

BUt the good news is with leaders like MR 10% engine chore nawaz and mulana diesel fazul rehman And to top it all Iltaf himself i say pakistans future is in Good hands.

Other then Musharaf i consider every body else to be worthless as a Urdu speaking Pakistani he has done more for Pakistan then any other so called leader. if u wanna be proud of some leader may i suggest MUsharaf no one in there right mind will question you.:pakistan:i salute him any day others can kiss my (censored)
his comments about creation of Pakistan was a mistake is a slap in the face of 100s of 1000s of people that lost there lives for it And he claims to speak for them.:hitwall:
Guess who else for a long time said its a mistake to divide india (Nehru) and he went as far as saying eventually they will realize there mistake and come back.

I think if he came to Pakistan he could be convicted. Now I dont know if it is in the 1973 Constitution, but the othe Constitutions we had, anyone who claims that Pakistan should not of been created could be imprisoned.
The Pir of London Altaf Hussain has the blood of hundreds of people on his hands. He has gotten many people killed and I think if he left the party I just might support MQM.
Other then Musharaf i consider every body else to be worthless as a Urdu speaking Pakistani he has done more for Pakistan then any other so called leader. if u wanna be proud of some leader may i suggest MUsharaf no one in there right mind will question you.:pakistan:i salute him any day others can kiss my (censored)

Well as far as President Musharraf geos he is indeed a great leader and we need more leaders like him. But I am not sure if I would consider him amoung the best leaders Pakistan has ever had, but then again this is my opinion and you have yours and I am sure other people have theirs.
MQM is the party everyone loves to hate. Yes in the past they heavily relied on its militant wing but things changed after 1999. It has gradually dropped its armed resistance and taken up seats in the parliament.

I have seen how it destroyed Karachi in the 90's and how its has now rebuilt it now. They still have a long way to go and we have to realize and they are a true representation of their voters. Some maybe intimidated into supporting them but then that also happens in South Punjab. InshAllah this problem will take care of itself once the automatic checks-and-balances of institution come into play under a strong national government.

MQM also does need to realize that "muhajirs" not only live in karachi and hyderabad and we all also made that treacherous journey. It needs to give up its mafia-style democracy and abolish the no-go areas in Karachi especially.
at first, he was not visiting accordingly, he should inform government and quote his plane so that government can arrange security and passage for him. 2ndly he was not forcefully stoped, he was offered quite a few options to choose with, but his intentions were beyond addressing the bar council, even he was offered helicopter, Interior minister, IG sindh both were present there to welcome him and to make sure his safety during his visit, what else he wants :crazy:

He says it was a kidnapping attempt.:lol:
I think MQM is a perfect definition of a facist party, the way the followers of this party are brainwashed resembles exactly what happened in Germany during Hitler and Nazi rule there. The way they worship Altaf Hussain, exactly resembles how Nazi Germans worshiped Hitler, remember hitler was also very famous for his speeches, also no doubt MQM is a organized and efficient party, just like the Nazi party, but being organized and effiecent doesn't mean you are good, you can be the most evil person and be organized and efficient

im waiting for MQM ruling Pakistan because Nazis did too and conquering Asia :rofl:
MQM is not a fascist party. Its a terrorist organization..
First is what happened on May 12, 2007 when Chief Justice of Pakistan tried to enter Karachi? He was stopped by force and over 40 people died. TV coverage clealry showed people carrying MQM flags and guns firing. Aaj TV was fired upon for many hours and despite repeated requests aired by Aaj TV no one from government came to their rescue. Remember interior minister in the last government was from MQM.

Now who's stance has been proven correct....???????

Either PCO judges should be acceptable or not .............
MQM, cant be accepted as a major figure in national politics , be cause most of pakistani political parties were based on the leaders who are from JAAGIRDAR families.

MQM is not Acceptable to people of Karachi because:

1. MQM leaders are from LOW - CLASS Families

2. Whose MODUS OPERANDI is Intimidation of opponents Through Terrorism , Murder and Mayhem.

3. Have NO NATIONAL VISION for Pakistan

4. Who will form alliance with ANYBODY or ANY PARTY which is in Power so they can be a part of Government at any level (i.e. Federal or Provincial level).

5. They have no Principles and grab Power and Wealth through THEFT, EXTORTION, INTIMIDATION AND MAFIA LIKE ACTIVITIES.

6. Are basically THUGS who are totally shameless and without any Principles.

I could go on and on to describe this LOWLIFE BAND OF THUGS but then why waste time on such people.

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