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Why the Gulf Isn't to Blame for the Syrian Refugee Crisis


Jul 22, 2012
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Why the Gulf Isn't to Blame for the Syrian Refugee Crisis
Gulf states are defending their record in assisting Syrian refugees as world opinion grows hostile to their perceived indifference.


Syrian migrants rest on a road close to the Greek border near Edirne, Turkey, on Wednesday.
Sept. 16, 2015 | 4:29 p.m. EDT

By: Barın Kayaoğlu, Contributor for Al-Monitor

As European nations appear to be opening their doors to Syrian refugees, Gulf countries face mounting criticism for their alleged refusal to follow suit.

International anger is palpable. Just Google “why aren’t Gulf countries” without completing the question and links will appear to articles blasting oil-rich Arab states for their perceived indifference to the plight of Syrians fleeing their country’s tragic civil war. The Washington Post claims that Gulf countries are doing “next to nothing” for Syrian refugees, and an Amnesty International infographic shows how only five countries — Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq and Egypt — host 95% of the refugees. Even Saudi Arabia’s announcement that it will help serve Syrian refugees’ religious needs by funding the construction of 200 mosques in Germany was met with derision.

Yet Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain and Kuwait see the criticism as unfair. Abu Dhabi’s government-owned The National newspaper recently ran an editorial to remind the world that since the Syrian civil war began in 2011, 100,000 Syrians have moved to the United Arab Emirates. A total of a quarter-million Syrians now live in the UAE.

Saudi Arabia is defending its record more forcefully. On Sept. 11, an unnamed official at the Saudi Foreign Ministry claimed Saudi Arabia had received around 2.5 million Syrians, though the actual number is probably between 100,000 to 250,000. The Saudis also claim to have provided approximately $700 million to Jordan and Lebanon — although that figure falls far short of the $5.5 billion Turkey has spent.

So why is there a discrepancy between Gulf countries’ official positions on Syrian refugees and their alleged inaction? According to a Bahraini analyst who spoke to Al-Monitor on condition of anonymity, “Geography matters.” He said, “Unlike Turkey, Jordan or Lebanon, the Gulf states share no land borders with Syria. And in contrast with Europe, Gulf states are inaccessible via the Mediterranean.” In other words, most Syrians find it more convenient to head to Europe than the Gulf.

Another reason is the traditional Arab taboo against boasting about one’s charitable efforts. Riyadh’s Sept. 11 announcement said, “The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia does not intend to speak about its efforts to support Syrian brothers and sisters during their distress.” It is poor form in Arab culture to praise what is essentially a humanitarian obligation.

Another problem is that Gulf countries are not signatories to the Geneva Convention on the status of refugees. When Syrians come into Saudi Arabia or the UAE, they are not officially registered as “refugees” but as “guests” or “workers.” Treating refugees as “guests” carries an element of prestige for the host country. The government of Turkey, party to the 1951 convention, also has preferred to call the Syrians who fled there “guests” or “visitors” to show its domestic supporters and the international community that it was wealthy enough to provide assistance without outside interference.

There is also a mix of socio-economic and domestic political considerations at play. A Dubai-based Turkish professional who spent years living in Qatar argues that while Saudi Arabia could absorb more Syrians because of its large territory and population, smaller countries such as the UAE, Qatar and Bahrain do not have that luxury. The Turkish national told Al-Monitor on condition of anonymity that “Qataris and Emiratis do care about Syrian refugees and they have helped them financially. But these countries are rich precisely because they have small populations and land — they are concerned that they could be flooded demographically, economically and politically.” Qatar and the UAE are very safe places but local citizens are already outnumbered by foreign workers, leading the countries' leadership to wonder whether they could cope with disorder if an uprising by the foreigners occurred.

Fahad Nazer said those concerns exist, but with a caveat. A senior political analyst at JTG, Inc. in Washington and a former analyst at the Saudi Arabian Embassy, Nazer told Al-Monitor in an interview that Riyadh “is indeed trying to reduce the number of foreign workers in its private sector to make room for the thousands of Saudis who enter the job market every year.” Furthermore, he added, “the Saudi government is also incurring a significant budget deficit this year because of the steep drop in the price of oil. However,” he warned, “There is little evidence to suggest that demographic challenges and budgetary constraints are major determinants of the government's policy.”

Adam Coogle, a Middle East researcher at the global advocacy organization Human Rights Watch, concurred. Over email, Coogle wrote that he finds it “hard to imagine any Gulf country making a demographic argument for keeping [Syrian refugees] out, given the enormous number of migrants living in Gulf countries already.”

But even more salient than demographic challenges are the security risks that seem to lurk in many people’s minds. There is a genuine fear that no matter how unlikely, al-Qaeda and Islamic State militants could blend in with Syrian refugees who are moving into North America, Europe and the Gulf. “I haven’t heard this,” said Coogle, “but it’s certainly reasonable to imagine that Gulf countries have security concerns on this issue. All countries in the region have become fearful of [al-Qaeda/IS] infiltration.”

“I also don’t think that security concerns are a major factor,” said Nazer, adding, “It is certainly not beyond [IS] to try to exploit the suffering of Syrian refugees to its benefit. It’s very clear that [IS] doesn’t believe in any moral red lines.”

In the final analysis, Gulf countries — just like Turkey, Iran and Russia — deserve blame for their role in and inability to stop the civil war in Syria. And just like European countries, the United States and Canada, Gulf countries could do a better job of sharing the burden of caring for Syrian refugees with Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq and Egypt. But whatever Gulf countries’ faults, failing to help Syrian refugees is not one of them.

Why the Gulf Isn't to Blame for the Syrian Refugee Crisis - US News
Saudi Arabia Refugee Policy Controversy: King Salman Condemns 'False Accusations' Over Resettlement Policy

Saudi Arabian officials continued this week to refute criticism that the country was not doing enough to help Syrian refugees. King Salman joined the defensive Monday, saying during a cabinet meeting that critiques were “false and misleading accusations.” As the refugee crisis in Europe continued to heighten, with thousands of refugees arriving to the continent's shores daily, Saudi Arabia has come under fire for not taking enough refugees from neighboring Syria.

More than half of the 380,000 people who have arrived in Europe since January are fleeing war-torn Syria, according to data from the United Nations. Damascus, the capital of Syria, is approximately 620 miles from northern Saudi Arabia, and many experts and politicians watching as refugees travel thousands of miles to get to northern Europe have slammed the Saudis for not taking in more Syrians.

Saudi Arabia came under renewed criticism after journalists discovered Monday that the nation had over 100,000 empty air-conditioned tents in the western town of Mina that could be used to temporarily board refugees. The tents are only used a few days out of the year to house people making the pilgrimage to Mecca and could shelter up to 3 million people.

Saudi officials have defended the stance, saying their country has taken more than 2.5 million refugees from Syria, more than all of the European nations combined, state news agency SPA reported. An estimate from TeleSUR put the number of Syrian refugees in Saudi Arabia closer to 500,000.


A 2010 aerial picture shows thousands of tents housing Muslim pilgrims crowded together in Mina, near the holy city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia. Mina is only occupied several days of the year, and authorities have criticized Saudi Arabia for not using the 100,000 empty tents to house refugees from neighboring Syria. AFP/Getty Images

Syrians are not treated as refugees in Saudi Arabia in order to "preserve their dignity and safety and [give] them complete freedom of movement," according to a member of the foreign ministry, who spoke to Reuters Friday on the condition of anonymity. Since Syrians do not have refugee status, Saudis say their numbers are difficult to quantify, leading to misrepresentations in the media.

Saudi Arabia "will always remain at the forefront of countries supporting the brotherly Syrian people and will not accept any overbidding in this matter or questioning its positions,” said Adel Altoraifi, the minister of culture and information, as reported by Al-Arabiya, a Saudi-owned news outlet.

Saudi Arabia Refugee Policy Controversy: King Salman Condemns 'False Accusations' Over Resettlement Policy

Saudi says has welcomed 100,000 Syrians
2.5m Syrians hosted by KSA since uprising | Arab News

And if you dont like this news, even UN sources tell you how many they took and how much more thy paid to get some settled in other countries!

UNHCR hails Saudi aid for Syrians | Arab News

UNHCR - Signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to support internally displaced persons in Yemen

And before you jump on another Arab country I suggest you do your homework:

In a statement provided to The Associated Press, the Emirati government said it has provided residency permits to more than 100,000 Syrians who have entered the country since 2011, and that more than 242,000 Syrian nationals currently live in the country. It did not provide details on the visa terms.

"The UAE has made it one of its foreign policy priorities to address this issue in a sustainable and humane fashion together with its regional and international partners," the statement said.

The Emirates is a major destination for guest workers and foreign businesspeople from around the world, including the Middle East. Residency visas are typically tied to an employing sponsor or a resident family member, and do not allow for an indefinite stay in the country or an opportunity to acquire Emirati citizenship.

More than 9 million people live in the Emirates, with foreigners outnumbering citizens more than four to one.

In addition to the visa extensions, the Emirates said it has provided more than $530 million in humanitarian aid and development assistance since 2012 in response to the Syrian crisis.

Part of that aid goes to fund the smallest of three refugee camps in Jordan, which is sheltering more than half a million Syrian refugees. The UAE-funded camp, known as Marajeeb al-Fhood, houses more than 4,000 refugees.

UAE defends response to Syria refugee crisis | CTV News
UAE aid to Syrian refugees is the highest - Khaleej Times
UAE says over $1bn spent on Syrian refugees | Middle East Eye

UN High Commissioner for Refugees praises UAE for helping Yemen | The National

UNHCR - Qatar

Saudi Arabia defends aid effort towards Syria after criticism on refugees

Migrants board buses to be transported to a Berlin refugee camp after they arrived by train from Austria to Schoenefeld railway station, south of Berlin, Germany, September 11, 2015.

Saudi Arabia on Friday defended its efforts to aid Syrians fleeing the conflict in their country, following criticism that Gulf countries were not taking in any refugees since the crisis broke out four years ago.

None of the six states that form the Gulf Cooperation Council -- Saudi Arabia, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Bahrain and Qatar -- has signed the U.N. convention on refugees, which has governed international law on asylum since World War Two.

But Gulf states say they have taken in hundreds of thousands of Syrians since the civil war there began in 2011 -- just not as refugees.

The Saudi Press Agency (SPA) cited an official source in the foreign ministry as saying that the kingdom found it "important to clarify these efforts with facts and numbers in response to media reports, which included false and misleading accusations about the kingdom".

The source said Saudi Arabia had received nearly 2.5 million Syrians since the conflict erupted.

"(The kingdom) was keen to not deal with them as refugees, or to put them in refugee camps, to preserve their dignity and safety, and gave them complete freedom of movement."

"(The kingdom) gave whoever chose to stay in the kingdom, which are in the hundreds of thousands, proper residency ... with all the rights that are included like free health care and engaging in the workforce and education."

Saudi Arabia has also provided some $700 million in humanitarian aid to Syrians and had set up clinics in various refugee camps, the statement said.

The official source said more than 100,000 Syrian students were receiving free education in the kingdom. The country had provided humanitarian aid countries hosting Syrian refugees and through international relief organizations.

(Writing by Yara Bayoumy, editing by Larry King)

Saudi Arabia defends aid effort towards Syria after criticism on refugees| Reuters
just like Israel Gulf states cannot take any blame for anything
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