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Why the Chinese Internet Is Cheering Russia’s Invasion

Chinese not supporting Russia would be weird Chinese for me....
The five principles of China's diplomacy are not only the principles of China's diplomacy, but also the first article of the Chinese Constitution. At the same time, we also experienced the Korean War. Fully understand how Russia feels. While respecting Ukraine's sovereignty, we also oppose NATO's eastward expansion and hope to resolve the Ukraine issue through peaceful negotiations.
Ukraine is a sovereign state recognized by China.

you should read your party line better

Maintaining world peace. China does not participate in the arms race, nor does it seek military expansion. China resolutely opposes hegemonism, power politics, aggression and expansion in whatever form, as well as encroachments perpetrated by one country on the sovereignty and territorial integrity of another, or interference in the internal affairs of another nation under the pretext of ethnic, religious or human rights issues.

So is Somali that US just bombed 3 days ago.
Did you not hear Putin’s speech? He explained why Russia went to war. He said Ukrainians are a Nazi gang that terrorized Russian ethics. Not because Ukraine wants to join NATO.
Did you hear his other speeches before that.

Ukraine is a sovereign state recognized by China.

you should read your party line better

Maintaining world peace. China does not participate in the arms race, nor does it seek military expansion. China resolutely opposes hegemonism, power politics, aggression and expansion in whatever form, as well as encroachments perpetrated by one country on the sovereignty and territorial integrity of another, or interference in the internal affairs of another nation under the pretext of ethnic, religious or human rights issues.
Dude, US said they are freedom loving democrats too. You want me to start? Seriously?

Chinese social media awash with praise for Russian President Putin


Netizens in China are overwhelmingly in support of Russian President Vladimir Putin, whom they call "Emperor Putin", praising his hyper Alpha image. PHOTO: REUTERS

Elizabeth Law

2022年2月28日 上午12:55 SGT

BEIJING - As Russian troops started moving into Ukraine, Chinese social media was awash with comments supporting the incursion, forcing censors to work overtime in taking down some of the more extreme views.

While most vocal nationalistic voices appeared supportive of military aggression, a more measured crowd also gained quiet traction, though mostly in the form of "likes" rather than comments.

Others have also taken the opportunity to hit out at Western countries for forcing China to take a stand, with a video of Foreign Ministry spokesman Hua Chunying's rebuke of foreign journalists going viral.

As the Russia-Ukraine crisis escalated over the past week, news of it dominated Chinese social media, with hundreds of millions of views for each hashtag.

Sunday (Feb 27) evening, the top trending topic was the Chinese Ambassador to Ukraine Fan Xianrong postponing the evacuation of some 6,000 citizens because conditions were too dangerous.

The topic drew 330 million views and tens of thousands of comments, most of them praising the ambassador for staying behind in Kyiv.

"China has always been the fastest in evacuating its citizens. During the pandemic too, we always evacuate our people the moment we can," wrote one user on Weibo, a Twitter-like platform.

As other countries told their citizens to leave Ukraine as soon as possible before war broke out, China had insisted that the country was still safe and that anyone planning to leave the capital city should display the Chinese flag on their vehicles.

After the war broke out on Thursday, Beijing said it would prepare charter flights to evacuate its citizens.

Netizens are also overwhelmingly in support of Russian President Vladimir Putin, whom they call "Emperor Putin", praising his hyper Alpha image.

"Today is the best day of 2022 because Russia has invaded Ukraine," posted a female user on Douyin, the Chinese version of TikTok.
She added: "I'm so happy... Putin is commanding, firm and charismatic."

China has been working hard to control the narrative online, with a supposedly leaked memo on instructions for media coverage of the conflict.

Moderators have been told to delete posts that are "anti-Russia" and "pro-Western", according to the document accidentally posted on the Weibo account of Beijing News, a newspaper owned by the Communist Party.

Commentaries urging a more pacifist response have also been removed, including a post by a self-proclaimed millennial writer Tang Yishui.

In his piece - Those Who Advocate War Are Idiots - that went viral on Thursday and Friday, Mr Tang pointed out the human cost of conflict and how the post-World War II relative peace has been shattered by this one event.

"Those netizens who can't hear cries from afar have tripped over themselves to praise Emperor Putin, as if in 2022, 'Emperor' is a term worth celebrating," he wrote.

The post, along with an open letter written by five university professors urging the Chinese government to condemn Russia's actions, were among the thousands of posts taken down by censors.

Weibo said 622 posts were taken down for "harmful content", while 105 accounts were suspended for posting "unsafe content". Douyin said it removed 6,400 videos and cut 1,620 problematic live streams.

The hashtag "We Accept Pretty Ukrainian Women Refugees", which had nearly 100,000 views last Friday, was also removed.

Did you hear his other speeches before that.

Dude, US said they are freedom loving democrats too. You want me to start? Seriously?
Yes Putin even wrote an essay telling Russians and Ukrainians are same people.

That reminds me of story of chinese historians telling Chinese and Vietnamese are same people.

The problem is Ukrainians and Viets don’t want it. They are like women that are tired of relationships they seek divorce because their husbands are drinker and lazy. Moreover their husbands are violent.
Yes Putin even wrote an essay telling Russians and Ukrainians are same people.

That reminds me of story of chinese historians telling Chinese and Vietnamese are same people.

The problem is Ukrainians and Viets don’t want it. They are like women that are tired of relationships they seek divorce because their husbands are drinker and lazy. Moreover their husbands are violent.
Which historian said Chinese and Vietnamese are the same people?
I read some people wrote that people of Guangdong and Guangxi provinces share same origin with Vietnamese but never heard anyone saying Chinese and Vietnamese being the same people.


Guangdong, Guangxi provinces and Vietnam used to be a united kingdom, but later on in the history, Guangdong and Guangxi joined China and now become one of the richest and most developed regions in Asia, Vietnam went to its seperate way and become one of the poorest.
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The five principles of China's diplomacy are not only the principles of China's diplomacy, but also the first article of the Chinese Constitution. At the same time, we also experienced the Korean War. Fully understand how Russia feels. While respecting Ukraine's sovereignty, we also oppose NATO's eastward expansion and hope to resolve the Ukraine issue through peaceful negotiations.
when you respect sovereignty of Ukraine that means they are free to make decisions of their own

Yes Putin even wrote an essay telling Russians and Ukrainians are same people.

That reminds me of story of chinese historians telling Chinese and Vietnamese are same people.

The problem is Ukrainians and Viets don’t want it. They are like women that are tired of relationships they seek divorce because their husbands are drinker and lazy. Moreover their husbands are violent.

It is true Russians and Ukranians are the same people
Chinese and Taiwanese are the same people. They can have two different countries :enjoy:
when you respect sovereignty of Ukraine that means they are free to make decisions of their own
when you respect sovereignty of Iraq, Afghanistan, Lybia, Syria... that means they are free to make decisions of their own

It is true Russians and Ukranians are the same people
Chinese and Taiwanese are the same people. They can have two different countries :enjoy:
Russians and Ukrainians are close, but they are still two seperate ethnic groups, speaking different languages, while mainland Chinese and people in Taiwan are 100% the same people, speaking standard Chinese, Mandarin, you really need to get some basic education.
Russians and Ukrainians are close, but they are still two seperate ethnic groups, speaking different languages, while mainland Chinese and people in Taiwan are 100% the same people, speaking standard Chinese, Mandarin, you really need to get some basic education.

Austria speaks German. They are different state from Germany

Can someone explain me if America will allow Russia or China or even Iran at Mexico or Canada border?
Mexico and Canada won't allow Russia or China or Iran to come. Of course if we mistreat Canada or Mexico they might
Yes Putin even wrote an essay telling Russians and Ukrainians are same people.

That reminds me of story of chinese historians telling Chinese and Vietnamese are same people.

The problem is Ukrainians and Viets don’t want it. They are like women that are tired of relationships they seek divorce because their husbands are drinker and lazy. Moreover their husbands are violent.
I don't care what he wrote, I asked you did you hear his other speeches about NATO expansion.
Yes Putin even wrote an essay telling Russians and Ukrainians are same people.

That reminds me of story of chinese historians telling Chinese and Vietnamese are same people.

The problem is Ukrainians and Viets don’t want it. They are like women that are tired of relationships they seek divorce because their husbands are drinker and lazy. Moreover their husbands are violent.
His main point was NATO expansion. Please listen to it first then come back to me. Ukrainian Nazi shit was just an excuse.

Maybe North Vietnamnese have some Chinese blood but i doubt the majority of Vietnamnese are related to Chinese. North Vietnamnese were an offshoot of the Cantonese people.

We have no intention of colonising Vietnam. We just want our islands back.

Austria speaks German. They are different state from Germany

Mexico and Canada won't allow Russia or China or Iran to come. Of course if we mistreat Canada or Mexico they might
Just put some nukes in Cuba and Venezuela. Lol
when you respect sovereignty of Ukraine that means they are free to make decisions of their own

It is true Russians and Ukranians are the same people
Chinese and Taiwanese are the same people. They can have two different countries :enjoy:
I hope the confederate states can be independent too. Lol
Which historian said Chinese and Vietnamese are the same people?
I read some people wrote that people of Guangdong and Guangxi provinces share same origin with Vietnamese but never heard anyone saying Chinese and Vietnamese being the same people.


Guangdong, Guangxi provinces and Vietnam used to be a united kingdom, but later on in the history, Guangdong and Guangxi joined China and now become one of the richest and most developed regions in Asia, Vietnam went to its seperate way and become one of the poorest.
I don't care what he wrote, I asked you did you hear his other speeches about NATO expansion.
His main point was NATO expansion. Please listen to it first then come back to me. Ukrainian Nazi shit was just an excuse.

Maybe North Vietnamnese have some Chinese blood but i doubt the majority of Vietnamnese are related to Chinese. North Vietnamnese were an offshoot of the Cantonese people.

We have no intention of colonising Vietnam. We just want our islands back.

Just put some nukes in Cuba and Venezuela. Lol

Vietnamese are native to Red River Delta in North Vietnam, aka Dong Son civilization. They are Austro-Asiatic, not an offshoot of Cantonese in Guangdong. Nanyue is made of diverse tribes, Dai, Yi, Zhuang, Buyi....etc. Hence, the name hundred tribe. North Vietnamese are distantly related to some minority ethnic in Guangxi and Yunnan, whom they share a border with.

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