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Actually the fact that CPEC pisses off India and the fact that CPEC will raise tensions in South Asia... is exactly why CPEC is great for Pakistan and is a game changer!

If India was OK with CPEC ... then I would have said CPEC sucks! If your mortal enemy (who has a Gujarat Holocaust leader and Kashmir Butcher as its leader) hates something for Pakistan... then trust me... that thing is the best thing for Pakistan... litmus test!
If something is angering India, then we Pakistanis must be doing something right!`:lol:
i dont have the time to read the whole article

1. Pakistan is betting it's future on CPEC while avoiding necessary economical/political reforms.
2.An economically stable and growing Pakistan is a threat to India.
Daniel Markay is an idiot who lives by presumptions, conjectures, and surmises. Ignore the vitriol that he puts out.
it is at least conceivable that China’s tighter embrace of Pakistan would help to resolve Islamabad’s fundamental insecurity from facing a larger Indian neighbor. With that insecurity addressed, Pakistan would no longer feel the need to deploy risky asymmetric tools for balancing, namely a large and growing nuclear arsenal (informed by an inherently risky first-use doctrine) and militant proxy forces
@Kaptaan Could this be true though? And FM's recent remarks about militants being liability kind of proves this to be true.
Question is, why Americans are blowing their gasket over CPEC.

Apart from failing to denuclearize Pakistan from Afghanistan using terrorism and internal destabilization as a tool, and failing to set India up as regional hegemony, the thing which is really giving pain to America is China using Pakistan to have direct ingress into the Middle east energy sector and being able to challenge petro dollar, which is a big red line for any nation as far as America is concerned. Saddam and Gaddafi paid it dearly when they tried something similar, China is now doing much worse, openly, by using its own currency for energy trade. And for this China will need Pakistan help with oil and gas pipelines coming from ME and Iran traversing Pakistani territory and entering China. Death of petro dollar in nutshell.

This is exactly it.

It is interesting that China has openly challenged the petro dollar with payment by gold backed yuan in less than one year of first complete transit of goods on CPEC.

As for the article, usual garbage. But a limited war in North is clearly on the horizon, and India is a willing attack dog in their hatred for Pakistan.
@Kaptaan Could this be true though? And FM's recent remarks about militants being liability kind of proves this to be true.
Although the FM did a great job in that interview presenting Pakistan's case but he is known to make gaffes - so I don't know how much to read into that "liability" comment of his.
This is exactly it.

It is interesting that China has openly challenged the petro dollar with payment by gold backed yuan in less than one year of first complete transit of goods on CPEC.

As for the article, usual garbage. But a limited war in North is clearly on the horizon, and India is a willing attack dog in their hatred for Pakistan.

People need to watch aramco IPO next year. Chinese are rumored to be heavy involved. If that goes to China, then see you later America.

US doesn't want China to have alternative rout to middle east cuz of oil and strategic location of Pakistan and India is just jelouse and can't see any one els stronger than her and they both keep making trouble to keep both busy Pakistan internally and China with NK.
50-100 billion is so cheap a price for China to pay in order to become a two ocean power!

Besides it is just the first phase. 2nd and 3rd phases will truly blow the nickers of the troublemakers and ill wishers.

What worries/scares indians is the Sinofication of South and South West Asia.

This process is making india irrelevant power in the region. Hence sabre rattling against China and Pak.

But Sino-Pak Friends have other, long term plans and ideas... CPEC is a framework of that thinking/pradigm.

Just wait a decade.
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