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Why the capture of Afghanistan's 5th-largest city should be wake-up for call India


Jan 20, 2013
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United States
Very interesting article on FirstPost here, excerpts below

1. It seems Afghanistan is back begging India for lethal weaponry.
2. It seems it is not open Afghans are calling Pakistan the enemy
3. Note: Stenkazai the acting Defense Minister was thought to be so pro-Pakistan that he has been called an ISI agent in Afghanistan.


I learnt that Afghanistan’s government renewed the request for four Mi-35 attack helicopters recently. The attack on Kunduz made this need rather urgent. Weeks before the attack on Kunduz, chief of the Resolute Support Mission and US forces General John F Campbell visited India and told high-ranking officials in the Government of India that the US would welcome a decision by India to give Afghanistan the attack choppers.

This is being seen as a shift in US policy since during the UPA government, the US, in order to please Islamabad, had pressured New Delhi not to provide any lethal equipment to Afghans.

“Twenty provinces in Afghanistan need attack choppers, how are we to distribute these four?” asks Moradian and says India’s help is too-little-too-late, but to give is a better decision than holding out. He says India and Afghanistan have a common enemy — Pakistan, and India should support Afghanistan in fighting it. “If India decides to give four choppers for symbolic value it means nothing, but if this reflects a paradigm change in New Delhi’s policy, that would be a welcome change. We want an assertive India in the region," he says.

In response to my question about how India can help, the Afghanistan defence minister says, “I don’t tell India what to do, I ask India what can it do? Afghanistan is not relying on one country, but we would accept help from whoever provides it in a speedy manner." A request wrapped in a warning.

India’s Ambassador to Afghanistan Amar Sinha reacted to Stanekzai's remarks and said that news from Delhi was expected soon.

Meanwhile the Taliban are still hiding in homes in Kunduz as the battle rages on.
Apart from india, all the major stakeholders in Afghanistan are on Pakistan's side. Recently , ISAF commander Gen Campbell reiterated this fact when he said “The role of Pakistan remains integral to stability in Afghanistan ". Both China and the US and even Iran backed the Muree talks.

The only solution to this problem is through talks , this is quite evident. Forget 4, even if India provides its entire Attack helo fleet to ANSF, there wont be any major change on ground. If Helos and fighter planes could have won the afghan war than ISAF/US would have eliminated the taliban threat in the first two months of the war. India should stop playing games.
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