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Why Technocratic Caretaker Govt is a Bad Idea: Lt. Gen (R) Haroon Aslam

Why Caretaker Technocrat Government is a bad idea?

By Lt Gen Muhammad Haroon Aslam (Retd)

“It is the set of sails, not the direction of the wind that determines which way we will go.”

It is getting amply clearer that Ishaq Dar, the economic sorcerer, has failed to impress, and with every passing day, the overall economic situation is getting bleak. After the discreditable exit of Mr Miftah, it is quite predictable that the bell will soon toll for Mr Dar as well. Having failed in economic resuscitation, the coalition government will soon find itself in a political blind alley.

What will happen thereafter? One proposal to handle the aftermath of the impending flop is the establishment of a caretaker technocrat government for a longer duration. Such odd ideas are generally floated to gain the response of various segments of society for further diagnosis of emerging situations. Prima facie, it’s really a bad idea, though many can come up with umpteen number of reasons to support it.

The constitution of Pakistan is a fundamental document that serves as a guidebook for how this country is to be governed. It’s a separate issue that since the time it was written it has been intermittently abused and trampled. Interestingly, all the unconstitutional inanity is done in its name by those who unendingly cry hoarse about its sanctity.

The caretaker government, for a longer period than necessary to hold general elections, will be an extra-constitutional act with no legitimacy. It will be seen as a quasi-martial law, bringing the Armed Forces under pointless criticism. When the country faces a fifth-generation war, wherein centrifugal forces are being aided and abetted, it is prudent not to venture into such unconstitutional methods.

A caretaker technocrat government, in whatever form and structure, will be a non-representative entity. The checkered history of Pakistan tells us that a non-representative leader(s) or the ones who give preference to personal interest over the national interests, readily succumb to international pressures, while a parliament gives depth and strength to the top leadership of a country.

In the emerging political milieu amid economic near-bankruptcy, Pakistan will surely come under pressure from international forces to take measures that can impinge on the national security of Pakistan. Let there be a parliament that would give strength and credence to our country. Our diplomacy will be ineffective and rudderless with a hotchpotch technocrat government in place.

It is a universally agreed principle that economies thrive on the bedrock of political stability. Will a technocrat government bring that much-needed political certainty and confidence? I am afraid not. The political parties will find it convenient to agitate and gather political mileage in this period.

Resultantly the move will surely be counterproductive and create a mess that is difficult to handle. What’s the way forward? The only rational and constructive option is none other than holding general elections as soon as possible. The more we shy away from elections, the more we push our country towards the path of economic decline and allied social impact that can implode unpredictably.

We must not forget that the will of the people is the best mortar to build a resilient and sturdier nation. Any extra-constitutional experiment would be an exercise in futility that will further compound the challenges to the national security of Pakistan.

The author is a retired 3 star General officer, and former corps commander and head of Special Service Group.

"Caretaker Technocratic Government" is just another name for All-Star Babbu team.

Another ploy used by the establishment to delay elections and prevent Imran Khan from going back.
@Horus sb,

Given the economic crisis that PAK faces is there any alternative left?

Anyone with half a brain can figure that out, but patwari and establishment riders refuse to use it.

Elections, free and fair will solve all this mess.
technocratic or democratic, thats none of your fuvking business gen haroon aslam, just go back to your damn barracks idiot

He is a retired General. Can't go to barracks. He is now a civilian.
Establishment intends to stop return of IK to power. For that, they will go to any extent possible.

Drown the country, keep IK out.
Drown the country, keep tools of coercion above the law.
Drown the country, keep plots.

The Establishment logic is legendary.
Drown the country, keep IK out.
Drown the country, keep tools of coercion above the law.
Drown the country, keep plots.

The Establishment logic is legendary.

Nothing special. All criminal organizations work like that. There is hardly any exception. No entity forgoes it's legitimate, of illegitimate, power voluntarily.
Nothing special. All criminal organizations work like that. There is hardly any exception. No entity forgoes it's legitimate, of illegitimate, power voluntarily.

100000000%. Been teaching my students this fundamental truth. The class just concluded at LUMS. First of its kind :)
100000000%. Been teaching my students this fundamental truth. The class just concluded at LUMS. First of its kind :)

Sir Jee: Daikhna, andar he na ker dain, Fauji. Aaj kal bohat "bhootray" huye haen. Hafiz bhi dhamkiyaan laga raha hae.
The general is wrong. Elections are not the solution anymore. The same incompetent/corrupt/treacherous politicians will come back to power after elections. We need a new solution for the current mess that the country is in.
Even under Martial Laws, it is actually the politicians who were in-charge of governance/economy. As if after elections rivers of honey and milk will start flowing all over the country.

Anyways if the economy tanks or the country defaults in the next 3 to 4 months; everyone will forget about elections/politics and inflation/livelihood would be the only thing in the minds of a common man.
Sir Jee: Daikhna, andar he na ker dain, Fauji. Aaj kal bohat "bhootray" huye haen. Hafiz bhi dhamkiyaan laga raha hae.

Bilkul, sir.

Mein tau fundamental truths ki baat karta hun. Not specific to any country or institution. This is the very first rule of power. Helpful in political philosophy, constitutional theory (separation of powers, institutional design, etc.)

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