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Why should Swati resign for ‘sins’ committed by Rafique, says Fawad


Sep 26, 2018
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PML-N leader in response asks govt to not play with lives of travellers and take steps for improvement of railways

Federal Information Minister Fawad Chaudhry has said that incumbent railways minister cannot be blamed for the “incompetence” of his predecessor, PML-N leader Khawaja Saad Rafique.

“Why should Azam Swati [railways minister] resign over the sins committed by Saad Rafique,” he said while addressing a press conference in Islamabad after train collision incident which claimed the lives of at least 40 passengers and left dozens injured.

The minister claimed that the due to the lack of investment by the previous governments all institutions including railways were in tatters.

Fawad said PTI-led government was the first in country that initiated mega ML-1 project for the up-gradation of the railways.

The minister said that investigation into the cause of incident was underway and as soon as any headway was made the findings would be made public.

Former railways minister Rafique expressed regret over the minister’s allegations, saying that the time was not appropriate for mudslinging.

The PML-N leader in a video statement urged the government to “not play with the lives of travellers” and take steps for improvement of the railways.

He said the PTI-led government had destroyed the railways and did not do any work for its improvement.

Rafique said the ML-1 project was initiated during the last tenure of PML-N under China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and added that the project was delayed due to the incompetence of incumbent rulers.

A collision between two passenger express trains in Sindh's Ghotki district killed at least 40 people and injured scores more on Monday, with the death toll likely to rise as rescuers were still trying to access several mangled coaches.

According to Pakistan Railway (PR) officials, the collision occurred between the Millat Express, which was en-route from Karachi to Sargodha and Sir Syed Express, coming from Rawalpindi. The mishap occurred between Raiti and Obaro railway stations.

A spokesperson of PR added that the accident occurred after the coaches of one train, the Millat Express, derailed and fell across the opposite track, where they were hit by another train, the Sir Syed Express.

In Pakistan every one is whiter then white and taking responsibility is not the word exists in our Urdu dictionary may be their in the English language that's why their are difference in standards.
All the politicians are in the gutter and instead of getting out of the gutter they are even busy pulling each other legs there. Come on give us a break and do some thing right for a change and for the country.
Question, two trains collided head on?
If yes then how did two trains come to be on the same track?

PM IK needs to hold the minister and ministry accountable for this fiasco, you can't have two standards.

Ch. Fawwad is wrong here, ML-1 expansion and upgradation was initiated by PMLN. Instead of deflecting and passing ills on previous government, he should introspect a bit, and accept negligence of his own government. It's been almost 3 years since PTI has come into power, they should start taking responsibility for their own faults.

Question, two trains collided head on?
If yes then how did two trains come to be on the same track?


A spokesperson of PR added that the accident occurred after the coaches of one train, the Millat Express, derailed and fell across the opposite track, where they were hit by another train, the Sir Syed Express.
Ch. Fawwad is wrong here, ML-1 expansion and upgradation was initiated by PMLN.
ahh they didn't start it because khatti train was priority as it was a political move! in fact it still hasn't started. Heck ML-1 upgradation goes back to Musharraf Era not kabaria amritasi era.
عوام سکھر ٹریک کی خستہ حالی کا بتاتی رہی اور ریلوے افسران خط خط کھیلتے رہے
By سیدہ سدرہ On جون 7, 2021 4
عوام سکھر ٹریک کی خستہ حالی کا بتاتی رہی اور ریلوے افسران خط خط کھیلتے رہے

گھوٹکی حادثے کے بعد سکھر کا ٹرین کا سفر غیر محفوظ اور خطرناک قرار دے دیا گیا جبکہ گزشتہ ہفتہ میں سکھر ریلوے کے ڈپٹی سپرنٹنڈنٹ نے ٹریک کی خستہ حالی سے متعلق سی ای او ریلوے کو رپورٹ دی تھی۔

تفصیلات کے مطابق پاکستان میں ایک اور بڑا ٹرین حادثہ ہوا ہے جس میں 50 سے زائد افراد جاں بحق ہوئے جبکہ متعدد افراد زخمی بھی ہوئے ہیں۔ ڈی ایس ریلوے سکھر نے ٹریک کی خستہ حالی سے متعلق گذشتہ ہفتے سی ای او ریلوے کو مراسلہ لکھا تھا۔ مراسلے میں مؤقف اختیار کیا گیا تھا کہ سکھر ڈویژن میں مین لائن کے 456 کلومیٹر ٹریک کی حالت خراب ہے جبکہ برانچ لائن کا 532 کلومیٹر ٹریک بھی خستہ حالی کا شکار ہے۔

دوسری جانب ایک اور رپورٹ بھی منظر عام پر آئی ہےجس میں ڈی ایس ریلوے سکھر کی ذہنی حالت خراب ہونے کا الزام عائد کیا گیا ہے۔ یہ رپورٹ وفاقی انسپکٹر برائے ریلوے فرخ تیمور نے چند مہینے قبل کراچی ایکسپریس کو منڈو ڈیرو میں حادثہ پیش آنے کے بعد ڈی ایس طارق لطیف کے طرز عمل پر تیار کی تھی۔
عوام سکھر ٹریک کی خستہ حالی کا بتاتی رہی اور ریلوے افسران خط خط کھیلتے رہے

انسپکٹر نے ڈی ایس کے خلاف وزارت ریلوے کو متنبہ کیا اور بتایا کہ اس کی موجودگی میں مزید حادثات پیش آسکتے ہیں۔ انہوں نے ڈپٹی سپرنٹنڈنٹ پر الزام لگایا کہ وہ ذہنی طور پر بیمار ہیں جبکہ انہوں نے ڈی ایس کے علاج معالجے کی سفارش کرتے ہوئے یہ دعویٰ بھی کیا کہ وہ ڈرائیوروں کو ٹریک پر ٹرینوں کی رفتار تیز کرنے پر مجبور کرتے ہیں۔
عوام سکھر ٹریک کی خستہ حالی کا بتاتی رہی اور ریلوے افسران خط خط کھیلتے رہے

اس حوالے سے اینکر جمیل فاروقی نے ٹوئٹر پر پوسٹ شیئر کی۔ انہوں نے لکھا کہ کچھ دن قبل ایک دوست نے خبر دی تھی کہ ”ریتی“ کے قریب ریلوے پٹری کے نیچے لگی فِش پلیٹیں ٹوٹ جانے کے باعث ریلوے ٹریک انتہائی خطرناک شکل اختیار کرچکا ہے جو 100 فی کلومیٹر فی گھنٹہ سے ذائد چلنے والی ٹرینوں کے لئے حادثے کا سبب بن سکتا ہے ،آج عین اُسی جگہ حادثہ ہوا ہے۔

واضح رہے کہ گھوٹکی کے علاقے ڈہرکی کے قریب 2 ٹرینوں میں خوفناک تصادم کے نتیجے میں 51 مسافر جاں بحق جبکہ متعدد زخمی ہو گئے۔ ملت ایکسپریس کی بوگیاں الٹ کر دوسرے ٹریک پر جاگریں۔ مخالف سمت سے آنے والی سرسید ایکسپریس بوگیوں سے ٹکرا گئی۔
Imran Khan should not have asked previous ministers to resign. He should have forced them to improve safety, training and upgrade protocols. Pakistan Railways is at worse standard than the condition it was in when British left it.

Now the problem is that Imran and PTI are stuck with claims to resign. The safety record is beyond horrible. There have been 3 major accidents at least in last 3 years. Every other year, there is a plane crash as well. This points to incompetence, corruption and decay in these departments due to apathy spanning over decades.

There is no short term solution and even the much trumpeted ML-1 will not work as expected if given under same Railways administration.
PR major chunk goes to pension .... siasi bharitian has killed railway.
ahh they didn't start it because khatti train was priority as it was a political move! in fact it still hasn't started. Heck ML-1 upgradation goes back to Musharraf Era not kabaria amritasi era.

Orange train was provincial project, Federal government has nothing to do with it.
Damn China for not approving ML-1 on BOT basis or even low interest rate. But lets spend billions on useless power plants.

The purpose of setting a precedent for resignation after such incidents is to ensure that the next minister takes his job seriously. Otherwise you can always just say that the staff on ground made the mistake, why should I resign (as Shiekh Rashed famously said after a train accident).

With the power and prestige that comes with being the minister of Railway, there should also come responsibility and accountability.

Unfortunately, the position (as with most ministries) is much more political rewarding than an actual job.
Question, two trains collided head on?
If yes then how did two trains come to be on the same track?
I read on twitter because the signals are manual not automatic. So maybe someone did not signal?

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