Lemme start by saying that Modi is an inspiration to not just many administrators, but alot of people too. Ill admit he had a large role in getting idiots like Lalu outta Bihar and getting good people in Orissa and other states, where people realized DEVELOPMENT>POLITICS.
that being said, i cant see him ever becoming PM. Its sad ad right in a way. lets be serious here he didnt call the army in the riots when the police was telling muslims "go back to Pakistan". Rightly or wrongly, he is associated with a very north indian, hindu etc etc identity that alot of indians( not just muslims) dont feel a part of. it would be great for the country if he became PM but impossible as his actions have alienated alot of people. It is the cost of the democratic and multiculrural identity that we are so proud of and what makes our rise fair, distinctly indian.
(Before you call me a pseudo-secular, terrorist foreigner convert etc etc)As for me,a north indian, mohyal bhramin hindu, I dont mind him leading a state or two( GOSH, WHAT HE COULD DO IN UP) him being pm or a serious contender is not going to happen, and for our multicultural identity that separates us from the Chinese,the secular nature of our country that separates from our Pakistanis thats a good thing.