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Why Quetta tragedy is not sectarian in nature?

Hazara's are not doubt victims of joint venture of almost all kind of terrorists. Whoever is supporting or funding but the fact is religion is being used for this purpose. In my opinion few things need to be done on war-foot bases, doesn't matter parliament do it or GHQ

1. Ban on religious and ethnic based organizations (political, charity or whatever)
2. Introduce & enforce harsh laws to curb hate speeches.
3. Capital punishment for issuing fatwas which encourage killings
4. Make a separate intelligence agencies to monitor the funding sources, bank balances and activities of Public office holders, LEA's officials, political and religious figures.
5. Put an end to feudal system
6. Dissolve current provinces and make smaller manageable units
7. Provide development & economic opportunities to the communities who are left behind
8. Education.
9. Reform judicial system to convict criminals and provide justice on time
10. Reform in Police, domestic intelligence agencies and other LEAs to stop political interference
what personal attacks?

frankly speaking in my part of Pakistan not many people knew these divisions it was only after the goons from other parts started spreading different colors of such divisions here.

and honestly speaking despite having post-graduate degree i myself dint know what the fk is barelvi.deobandi, salafi and so on few years back.

if anyone asks me what school of thought i belong to i dont have any solid answer. all i and thousands of others know that we believe in Allah, offers 5-time prayers , have to pay zakat if we are entitled to pay , keep fast, and believe in prophethood.

what the hell there is any need for promoting this and that pagriwala and their ideology on dedicated TV channels?

oh by the way last but not the least here in KPk even amog uneducated families we in 99% cases hear a curse word for wahabis

Zakat is obligatory not entitlement based. Rest of post 1000000% agree, i hope you don't get Wajib-ul-Qatal fatwa for this
I just gave you the link above buy that book and read it you will know what he said

i dont need to read him as i read Quran for everything. i doubt many things and argue with God for answer and He (Allah) replies my doubts no other than in Quran itself and i am content with that.

i dont need any wahab or shahab for explaination.

Zakat is obligatory not entitlement based. Rest of post 1000000% agree, i hope you don't get Wajib-ul-Qatal fatwa for this

only one has enough assets to pay zakwat hence not obligatory on every one
I thank @Pksecurity for post No 1 & the link pasted.

Quite truthfully it has educated me on a subject I knew little. I would like to know more.
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i dont need to read him as i read Quran for everything. i doubt many things and argue with God for answer and He (Allah) replies my doubts no other than in Quran itself and i am content with that.

i dont need any wahab or shahab for explaination.

only one has enough assets to pay zakwat hence not obligatory on every one
Mr first read Quran and Hadees both secondly read this book he has explained everything from Quran and Hadees and those who say they are content with the Quran don't know about Islam Sir

i dont need to read him as i read Quran for everything. i doubt many things and argue with God for answer and He (Allah) replies my doubts no other than in Quran itself and i am content with that.

i dont need any wahab or shahab for explaination.

only one has enough assets to pay zakwat hence not obligatory on every one

and if you bother to read than you don't have any right to attack him :tdown:

It's not only on assets but income as well - can prove it however it's not topic.

We know it Sir but it has to be to some extent than it can be given
It's not only on assets but income as well - can prove it however it's not topic.

income comes under wealth assets na.

Mr first read Quran and Hadees both secondly read this book he has explained everything from Quran and Hadees and those who say they are content with the Quran don't know about Islam Sir

and if you bother to read than you don't have any right to attack him :tdown:

We know it Sir but it has to be to some extent than it can be given

Why should i read wahab when i have Quran ?

secondly why i should not attack him for spreading takfirism
income comes under wealth assets na.

Why should i read wahab when i have Quran ?

secondly why i should not attack him for spreading takfirism
That shows your reality Mr you don't even know what he said and you are blaming him GOOD job shows your reality Mr first read him and you have to read both Quan and Sunnah and he has told what is in Quran and Sunnah if you don't want to know what some one has said you don't have any right to attack him so stop attacking
I have read about this good terrorist, bad terrorist stratagem. But surely an terrorist who kills Pakistanis or targets the Pakistani state or forces must be considered a bad terrorist and eliminated?
Yep! Those are the TTP yahoos. But remember there is a common chord running through ALL terrorist groups. They do support one another by varying degrees. The Al Qaeda - TTP - Afghan Taliban - JeM - LeT etc. And all except the TTP are supported by the PA/ISI, some being used for furthering their objectives in Afghanistan and others for their proxy war in Indian Kashmir.

Like the TTP, some of these terror groups will eventually branch out on their own or break up into independent splinter groups and become a threat to not only neighboring countries, but Pakistan too. It's a dangerous game that the Establishment is playing. It's a Frankenstein monster that they have created and unable to get rid of. After all > 40,000 have been killed and many more maimed/wounded...and the numbers keep rising! All for what? For a piece of territory (Kashmir)? And a malleable Taliban government in Afghanistan for it's so called 'Strategic depth'?

The price being paid for this failed strategy is enormous. But are the powers-that-be bothered? Nope! They couldn't care less. For them the people of Pakistan are expendable. The means don't count. The end does. Which of course, has disaster written all over it!
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