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Mar 9, 2014
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Pakistan's military operation against terrorism can't get legitimacy or success till infamous shemale Mulla Abdula Aziz is locked behind the bars. This notorious terrorist have a long historyof being formidable mulla in Pakistan who challenges the writ of the government, promotes terrorism, sectarian violence and supported non state actors like TTP in the past decade.

His new romance with ISIS grabbed national headlines yet Pakistan's Minister of Interior claimed his innocence in the Pakistani parliament just the other day. "There is no case against Moulana Abdul Aziz" Interior Minister Nisar claimed to the federal members of parliament in Islamabad. Mr. Nasir should be impeached for lying to the house because interior minister very well knows that there are 2 different FIR ( First Information Reports) registered against him in Islamabad and Karachi by members of civil societies. Not only that Abdual Aziz also have non bailable arrest warrant against him by Anti Terrorism court, yet no arrest and free to do and say what he wants. Let me present the FIR's for you Mr, Nisar.

Adding to the insult is his latest advice to the PM and the Chief of Army Staff. “I ask the army chief and the prime minister to put the house in order so that nobody has to look towards Daesh(ISIS) or anyone else,” said the Maulana who has repeatedly been warned by the Islamabad administration about his combative statements and acts.
Ironically PLMN government not only refuses to take action but also ignored is assistance in the Pakistani capital Islamabad. One must wonder why? Why this moulana so important for PLMN government and why PLMN government is harboring this terrorist? I can give you few known facts and you will understand the name behind the game.
Recall July 10, 2007, during Musharraf regime, after attempts at negotiation failed, Military SSG(Special Service Group) stormed the mosque, taking control of most of the complex, killing 92 terrorist including foreign Uzbak terrorists. The brother of Abdul Aziz, Moulana Rashid Ghazi was killing in that action and Abdul Aziz was able to escape wearing a burka among women and children.

PLMN used that Red mosque operation for political gains and scandalized the military operation on national media against military regime. Many PLMN leaders claimed that hundreds of female student were killed in action to prove state sponsored terrorism against innocent civilians to get national sympathy for political purposes.

After taking over the government in 2013, PMLN started its vengeance against Musharraf and military alike and launched multiple cases against former military leader Parvez Musharraf. To prove Musharraf guilty as charged, Mulla Abdul Aziz, his infamous wife and children got the status of " Star Witness" for PLMN government. These witness can, for PLMN government, lie and get desired results in the court of law for much needed revenge for 1999 military coup of then PM Nawaz Sherif government.

In September 2013 a fictitious murder charge was labelled against Pakistan's former military ruler Pervez Musharraf in connection with the death of a Red Mosque Brigade leader Abdul Rashid Ghazi. The very next month, in October 2013, Musharraf was charged again with false, fabricated Red Mosque siege case and house arrested. Moulana Abdul Aziz is the " KEY WITNESS" in both of those political motivated cases and willing to testify for the PLMN government.

Any action against moulana Abdul Aziz will surely jeopardize the case and may backfire for PLMN government with military and its ex chief exonerated by the court with serious political implication for PM Sherif. His arrest can harm PLMN government in the ways in many ways and may paved the way for another military coup in current condition of national unrest. He is advised by the PLMN government to hush up and stay protected.

Add icing to the cake, the Saudi connection and protection. The commonality between Moulana Abdul Aziz and PLMN government is that they both protect Saudi interest in Pakistan. Adual Aziz is also an agent and recruiter for Saudi agenda to recruit terrorists for TTP and ISIS, both of which are fully funded by Saudi regime and therefore fully protected by PLMN government. It is openly disclosed fact that Abdul Aziz"s wife have ISIS connections reported by Pakistani media. She supplies young girls for "War Marriage"with ISIS fighters so their sexual needs are met.

Finally how can we forget San Bernardino Massacre in US where Red Mosque was linked once again with promoting terrorism. US officials handed over information to their Pakistani counterparts about links between Tashfeen Malik and the Red Mosque in Islamabad. A special US official flew to UK where he met with PM Nawaz Sherif's brother Shahbaz Sherif and gave the information. US was assured a complete investigation but no action was taken as Moulana Abdul Aziz is under Pak- Saudi witness protection program and any action against him with harm PLMN government and Saudi interests in the country.

The thing is "what is stopping army to take him out"?

The army is silent because of the Saudi interest which are very powerful. 2 billion US dollar powerful. We cant say no to our masters.

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