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Why Pakistani schools should start teaching Chinese language to its future generations

Chinese should be taught as an optional fourth languages.

One national
One regional
One cultural
One international

4 language should be the least in any modern education system.
If the Chinese want to do business in Pakistan they should be the ones learning English and Urdu people of Pakistan should learn their official languages first before learning a language of a “friend”
There is nothing wrong with Pakistanis learning Chinese and Chinese learning Urdu.
Around 3:45. Absolute dishonesty by the translator in the voice over. The person is saying 'dehshatgard' meaning 'terrorist' and the narrator is blatantly translating it as 'separatist'. @Horus
ya sure why not, regional language at least Punjabi is already going obsolete (some institutions consider a vulgar language - those psychos ) and all the hardwork parents put on their children to learn English results in a wretched Urdu. so why not, do include Chinese and the new generations will make a new language of their own.

optional is good but never make it compulsory, i am thankful they havent made Arabic compulsory or anything
nice... would love to see a punjabi and a tamil butcher chinese (language)
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