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Why Pakistan could not be reformed / fixed so far?

India developed because it has 29 states; Pakistan has 2 major provinces. It is hard for 29 crooks to agree on anything, but 2 crooks (Sharif and Zardari) can agree to take turns looting the country. Throw in some goodies for the army, and they will turn a blind eye while the country goes to rot.

Bangladesh is a different story. They had the passion and zeal of a freshly independent country before the corruption cemented itself in. Their society is also much more progressive than Pakistan. Perhaps it is Bengali culture. Even in pre-1971 Pakistan, Bengalis were always more inclined towards education and intellectualism.
That's all well in good, but Pakistan was doing much better than all Asian countries leave alone South Asia up until the early 70's. Then Bhutto happened and he destroyed the very fabric of this nation by hooking it on corruption and dismantling it's industrial base...

Even if I share, you won't accept why. However it is very evident and in front of us all for quite sometime now.

That guy in your dp is. DP hatao mulk Bachao 😛
To add context..............



The differential between India and Pakistan has been steadily increasing over the years
and as of today India is almost 12 times of Pakistan's economy and almost 2 times Per capita GDP


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2) Judiciary
No nation can survive without a functioning justice system. Recently it was revealed that Pakistan came at 130th place out of 139 in adherence to rule of law.
It is responsibility of the state to provide equal justice for all. And considering above ranking and daily pathetic verdicts from Pakistani courts, it is clear as daylight that the state has failed to fulfill its basic responsibility in justice area as well.

Excellent write up @Norwegian .

If I were to choose one thing to fix on priority it would be judiciary. This is the mother of all evils in Pakistan. Ask any Pakistani and a unanimous response would be against this institution. This is the institution that has in its glorious history: introduced "concept of necessity", legitimized every dictator, has cases pending since independence in 1947, corrupt to the core.

Fix it and other elements will fall in line automatically.

You are missing the 800 pound gorilla in the room, the biggest impediment to any development...holy sacred cow establishment...

Establishment is not necessarily bad. Every strong country has a group that you can call "establishment". In the US it is old political families, ultra rich conservatives & liberals, media moguls etc. They are the real decision makers. Same in Turkey: old guard that preserves Turkey's Attaturk heritage.

Our's has largely been good for Pakistan. Only problem is they have kept civilians out of it and this lack of civilian viewpoint has given them a very narrow focus on security. Until recently they did not think of economy. Do not confuse actions of one selfish person in very recent days as action of entire establishment. They have a way of getting things messy and then clearing them up spectacularly.
That's all well in good, but Pakistan was doing much better than all Asian countries leave alone South Asia up until the early 70's. Then Bhutto happened and he destroyed the very fabric of this nation by hooking it on corruption and dismantling it's industrial base...

That still leaves us with the problem of how to cure the cancer from Pakistan. Once they get rid of Imran Khan, there is no one else who can unite the country to challenge them. The military, bureaucracy, judiciary, media, legal system: they have bought and compromised every single institution in the country.

They will be as ruthless as they need to in order to continue looting the country for the next 50 years. Remember, these are the people who did Model Town and didn't blink an eye. I don't see any hope once they get rid of Imran Khan.

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