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Why our exporters suck at exporting

“Manufacturing has been stuck at the 12-14pc of GDP for the following reasons: (a) severe energy crisis, (b) artificially overvalued rupee that encouraged imports over local manufacturing, (c) indiscriminate use of customs duty, additional customs duty and regulatory duties, making imported inputs too costly, (d) high duties led to an anti-export bias, which shrank exports, (e) holding back exporters’ refunds, (f) wrong setting of customs duty drawback amounts and then not paying them, (g) badly negotiated Free Trade Agreement with China, (h) putting revenue considerations before industrialisation and (i) not giving exporters competitive energy rates.”

no mention of those feudal oligarchs who would rather see their subjects stuck in a pre-industrial era. the moment pakistan motions for land reforms and industrialization akin to what happened in iran and turkey these feudals will lose all their might.

What about Pakistani coffee?

sorry but go find some other farm fields to grow first worlder commodities. the third world is more than just a bread basket for western trinkets like coffe or whatever drugged up trash that you people consume
no mention of those feudal oligarchs who would rather see their subjects stuck in a pre-industrial era. the moment pakistan motions for land reforms and industrialization akin to what happened in iran and turkey these feudals will lose all their might.

sorry but go find some other farm fields to grow first worlder commodities. the third world is more than just a bread basket for western trinkets like coffe or whatever drugged up trash that you people consume

That is the problem, isn't it? No one dares touch these illiterate fuedals. It is not only the fuedals. I honestly believe that the society as a whole is to be blamed. It is a collective failure.

Let me start off with some of my own relatives. These fvckers vote for Nawaz Sharif. Their only rationale is that he cares for their street and neighborhood. That is the thinking of these people. They don't think collectively. They like to think individually. All that matters to these people is their surrounding.

I have another relative who served in the PAF as an F-7 pilot. He earned his MBA in the US from a reputable university. He has seen a bit of the world and now permanently lives in Pakistan. He has a decent income whilst doing very little. He votes for Nawaz Sharif. His only rationale, he cares about my surrounding. Literally his words. Selfish. Now imagine if this is the state of educated people. This is not some fuedal thug. This is someone who has been around. A well educated man.

I am not shocked at our current state. We have a very twisted mindset. Educated, fuedal or otherwise.
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He votes for Nawaz Sharif. His only rationale, he cares about my surrounding. Literally his words. Selfish.
Lahore and pretty much of Central Punjab has this twisted mentality. Me me me. What about rest of the country? That's why these areas are stuck with Mian Saanp slavery since 1985
Imagine if Pakistan was a household
Good analogy you make. But don't forget if you have problems inside your household outsiders will take advantage. If your united they won't be able to. Blaming outsiders ignores the problem which is at home.

Also what if the household began to become responsible for all the issues of the village but the village gave nothing in return but the household got used as dumping ground for everybodies problems.

That is Pakistan. Out to look after the entire Muslim world but Muslim world dumping it on Pakistan.
ood analogy you make. But don't forget if you have problems inside your household outsiders will take advantage. If your united they won't be able to. Blaming outsiders ignores the problem which is at home.

Also what if the household began to become responsible for all the issues of the village but the village gave nothing in return but the household got used as dumping ground for everybodies problems.

That is Pakistan. Out to look after the entire Muslim world but Muslim world dumping it on Pakistan.
The Muslim world policeman or Muslim mans burden is an accurate description
The Muslim world policeman or Muslim mans burden is an accurate description
I would have no problem. Shared approach is way to move forward. Blocks are the future. But consider a fact. A Turkish soldier is prepared to spill blood to defend Britain. A Turkish soldier will be ready at moments notice to die for USA. A Turkish soldier will be ready to sacrifice his life for Germany. Surprising? Not really. The American soldier, the British soldier, the German soldier are equally prepared to die defending Turkey. They call that NATO.

A German, a French, a Italian is prepared to share his wealth with a poor Hungarian, a poor Slovakian. In return the poor Hungarian, the poor Slovakian wil give priorty to buying German, Italian, French products. A German can moive to Hungary without restriction. But in return German employers will always choose a Slovak worker over a Indian or Pakistani or Egyptian oir Iraqi. They call that European Union.

In Pakistan's case it get's to be the dumping ground for all the problems of Muslim world. It even gets to share the issues the Muslim world faces. But the oil wealth is only for Arabs. Dishing out jobs the Indians get priorty because they are apparently better. See the problem?

All the hassle but no benefits ....
Cuz Pakistanis suck at "marketing". 90% of the work is in marketing. Marketing sells. Those who don't market their products don't sell their products...

Those who let others market their products let others make most of the profit.....i.e. exporting raw pink salt to India who re-exports it to the West, branding it as Indian/Himalayan Pink salt from India...
I would have no problem. Shared approach is way to move forward. Blocks are the future. But consider a fact. A Turkish soldier is prepared to spill blood to defend Britain. A Turkish soldier will be ready at moments notice to die for USA. A Turkish soldier will be ready to sacrifice his life for Germany. Surprising? Not really. The American soldier, the British soldier, the German soldier are equally prepared to die defending Turkey. They call that NATO.

A German, a French, a Italian is prepared to share his wealth with a poor Hungarian, a poor Slovakian. In return the poor Hungarian, the poor Slovakian wil give priorty to buying German, Italian, French products. A German can moive to Hungary without restriction. But in return German employers will always choose a Slovak worker over a Indian or Pakistani or Egyptian oir Iraqi. They call that European Union.

In Pakistan's case it get's to be the dumping ground for all the problems of Muslim world. It even gets to share the issues the Muslim world faces. But the oil wealth is only for Arabs. Dishing out jobs the Indians get priorty because they are apparently better. See the problem?

All the hassle but no benefits ....

Beautifully put. 100% agree.
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