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Why Muslim countries are quick at condemning defamation – but often ignore rights violations against Muslim minorities

Absolute bullsh!t.

You repeated and tried to legitimize the false hadith which was quoted by your BJP Hindutva fanatics.

Also, you don't understand the word hypocrisy. India is a hypocrite because it claims to be a secular nation.

Ditto so-called secular France which has more holidays based on Christianity than any other European country, and which passes laws exempting and allowing Christian customs while denying others.

Israel is called out, not because it is a Jewish state, which it has every right to be, but because it claims to be a liberal democracy, which it is not.

As Indian trolls go, you are not a very bright one. Maybe it's time you came back with a different ID and tried to not give yourself away so easily.
Now Hadid by ayesha father is false ?
Now Hadid by ayesha father is false ?

Hadiths is not protected by God, only Quran is protected.

Hadith can be wrong since the collection is made around 200 years after the prophet pass away and God never promise to protect Hadith. Quran in other way is collected not long after prophet Muhammad pass away, during Ustman bin Affan Chaliphate ( who live during prophet Muhammad life time as adult )

Anyway, that particular hadith comes from Aishah narrative is not prophet Muhammad words, the hadith narrative comes from Aisyah statement over her marriage.

There are many false hadiths as well and weak hadish

Only Quran is protected by God and it is stated in Quran. God also never say He protect both Taurat (Torah) and Injil (Bible), despite they are both holly books, they are now corrupted as stated by God in Quran (Islam belief system), of course not all of Torah and Injil is corrupted, some are true and some are corrupted as also stated in Quran.

If Torah and Injil can be corrupted, so Hadith which is lower than both holly books can also be corrupted.
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China's abuses of Muslims? Hang on a second. Wasn't the slogan of the Urumqi rioters "Kill the Han, Kill the Hui?" Hui are China's largest Muslim minority. The rioters were Uyghurs. Are the Mulism nations going to condemn them(Uighur) for their long history of violence against Muslims?

Dont talk without proof in this platform. Accusing some one do something bad while in fact it is not the case, in Islam the sin like that is more like killing a person.
In case of china no reaction from muslim nations

Our FM is asking about Uigyur in front of China FM face when she met him in person. There is also Indonesia FM who summon China ambassador about UIgyur issue. Because you never read the news, it doesnt mean it doesnt happen


Foreign Minister Retno Questions Uighur Muslims, China Claims to Guarantee Religious Freedom in Xinjiang
Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi held a bilateral meeting with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi on the sidelines of the 14th Asia Europe Meeting Foreign Minister Meeting (ASEM FMM) in Madrid, Spain, Monday (16/12). On that occasion, Foreign Minister Retno mentioned about Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang.

Denis Riantiza Meilanova - Bisnis.com December 17, 2019 | 10:20 a.m


Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi met Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi on the sidelines of the 14th Asia Europe Meeting Foreign Minister Meeting (ASEM FMM) in Madrid, Spain, Monday (16/12) - RI Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Bisnis.com , JAKARTA - Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi held a bilateral meeting with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi on the sidelines of the 14th Asia Europe Meeting Foreign Minister Meeting (ASEM FMM) in Madrid, Spain, Monday (16/12). ).

On that occasion, Foreign Minister Retno mentioned about Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang. Based on a release from the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs received on Tuesday (17/12/2019), at the end of the meeting, Foreign Minister Retno asked for information regarding the development of the situation in Xinjiang.

In response to this, Foreign Minister Wang Yi emphasized his commitment that the religious freedom of Muslims in Xinjiang is guaranteed by the state.

On the other hand, Retno appreciated the handling of the Chinese government for supporting the repatriation process of 20 Indonesian citizens who had been victims of the order bride scheme since September 2019.

In the future, according to her, cooperation in handling human trafficking needs to be improved. This meeting is the third meeting between the Indonesian Foreign Minister and the Chinese Foreign Minister this year. This indicates the high intensity of cooperation between the two countries. "2020, which is a celebration of 70 years of relations between Indonesia and the People's Republic of China (PRC) is an important momentum for strengthening the Indonesia-China Comprehensive Strategic Partnership," said Retno.

In addition, Indonesia and China also emphasized the importance of regional economic integration. Indonesia hopes that economic integration can result in a win-win cooperation. China is Indonesia's largest trading partner. The total value of Indonesia-China trade in 2018 reached US$72.6 billion. In addition, China is the third largest foreign investor, with a total investment value in 2018 of US$2.3 billion. During this meeting, Foreign Minister Wang Yi also conveyed his plan to visit Indonesia in early 2020. Retno also welcomed the planned visit.

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This is in 2018


China responds to Indonesia’s question about alleged abuse of Xinjiang’s Muslims


Dian Septiari (The Jakarta Post)
Bandung ● Thu, December 20, 2018

China has responded to Indonesia’s question about alleged human rights abuse against Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang, saying that Beijing guaranteed the religious freedom of all of its citizens, including the Uighurs.

A Chinese Embassy spokesman in Jakarta said in a statement on Thursday that “China is a country with multiple ethnic groups and religions". “As prescribed in the Constitution, all Chinese citizens enjoy the freedom of religious belief,” the statement said.

The statement said that the Chinese government was facing the threat of religious extremism in Xinjiang, which is home to about 14 million Muslims. Some Xinjiang residents, it said, had struggled to find jobs because of their poor command of the nation’s official language and lack of skills.

“This has made them vulnerable to the instigation and coercion of terrorism and extremism,” it said. “In light of the situation, Xinjiang has established professional vocational training institutions as the platform, providing courses on China’s common language, legal knowledge, vocational skills, along with de-radicalization education for citizens influenced by extremist ideas.”

Previously, the Foreign Ministry said it had summoned Chinese Ambassador to Indonesia Xiao Qian on Monday to convey the concerns of Indonesian Muslims about the plight of Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang.

“The Foreign Ministry stressed that in accordance with the universal declaration of human rights, religious freedom and belief are human rights and it is the responsibility of all countries to respect it,” ministry spokesperson Arrmanatha Nasir told reporters on the sidelines of the Diplofest event on Wednesday evening.

He said Xiao Qian conveyed China’s commitment to the protection of human rights. In addition, the ambassador said it was very important for the Indonesian public to know the condition of the Uighurs in Xinjiang, an autonomous region.

“Even though it is a domestic issue, the Foreign Ministry noted the embassy’s intention to expand communication with various civil society groups in order to convey information about the condition of the Uighur community.”

The summons of the Chinese ambassador came shortly after Indonesian Islamic groups demanded an explanation on the situation in Xinjiang. Western countries have accused China of persecuting Uighurs through its “re-education centers”, which Beijing insisted were actually vocational and training centers that combat religious extremism.

Now Hadid by ayesha father is false ?
Wrong. Hadith isn't from her dad, but a grand nephew born two years after her passing away. It is the only source thus doubtful. Her reported age conflicts with the fact that she was previously engaged to an enemy of the Prophet named Jubayr Ibn Mutim. His father was an enemy too. We know Aisha's father accepted the Prophet before she was born, thus it is practically impossible to have him engage his daughter to an enemy of the belief in God and His Prophet, who was her father's top priority. It also conflicts with the age of her older sister Asma who died in 695. She was ten years older than Aisha and going by that she was born in 605 making her about 9 years older than her Bukhari age.
Now Hadid by ayesha father is false ?
Wrong. Hadith isn't from her dad, but a grand nephew born two years after her passing away. It is the only source thus doubtful. Her reported age conflicts with the fact that she was previously engaged to an enemy of the Prophet named Jubayr Ibn Mutim. His father was an enemy too. We know Aisha's father accepted the Prophet before she was born, thus it is practically impossible to have him engage his daughter to an enemy of the belief in God and His Prophet, who was her father's top priority. It also conflicts with the age of her older sister Asma who died in 695. She was ten years older than Aisha and going by that she was born in 605 making her about 9 years older than her Bukhari age.
Then why do you guys even allow such people to talk on Islam and there is no out cry when they said the same thing as the nupur sharma.
Maybe for them spiritual life is more important than physical life.
Then why do you guys even allow such people to talk on Islam and there is no out cry when they said the same thing as the nupur sharma.
There is no single central controlling authority in Islam and reading thousands of Hadith is not part of most people's upbringing. Hadith are basically hearsay. Few % of Hadith are considered reliable or mass transmitted, the rest have degrees of doubt. Sunnah is the mass transmitted inherited practise, and in the Sunnah of marriage the girl must give independent permission for her marriage, must be able to manage finances, and run the household. The Quran calls the wives of the Prophet, Mother of the Believers for their leadership role. Can a 9 year old fulfill that role? In Sunnah, a 9 year old does not even have fasting, praying, and giving Zakat alms as religious obligations.
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