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Why most of muslims afraid of discussing their religion? ?

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You are afraid bcz you know , you can't defend it with logic.
So you don't want to discuss. Read the whole thread . People are just giving reasons or want a debate which is suitable for them only.
So far i see your statement is baseless and contain provocative approach. You didn't listen and understand anything and keep asking same question again and again which have bee answered to you by multiple members.
@The BrOkEn HeArT. I find that you don't have enough knowledge of your religion and you called Hinduism your religion which itsself is not religion but consist of group of religion. You failed to give evidence based on your book, so your logic is not acceptable because religion is not based on your ideas but it is based on what is written on scriptures (books). Please read vedic scriptures before say something with authentic approach. May be after year when you are ready for it then we discussed that and remember don't be notorious in nature and try to listen and understand others is the the only key of learning.

@Horus @waz @The Eagle. Please closed this thread and it is base on troll only and the guy is not make it for constructive talk but he is trying to go for provocative approach.

There are different ways to get in to supreme awareness ..Through knowledge,devotion,karma etc .. Different Gods are manifestation of supreme awareness ..You can call it Krishna,shiva or Allah ,all these are names ..A devotee can can do devotion to any manifestation of supreme reality but ultimate truth is one and the same ..Your true self .
where is your references from vedic?. I will not accept your logic with vedic references. Religion is define based on scriptures (holy books), not by someone individual ideas. Your logic is not acceptable until to prove is right according to your books
. .
So far i see your statement is baseless and contain provocative approach. You didn't listen and understand anything and keep asking same question again and again which have bee answered to you by multiple members.
@The BrOkEn HeArT. I find that you don't have enough knowledge of your religion and you called Hinduism your religion which itsself is not religion but consist of group of religion. You failed to give evidence based on your book, so your logic is not acceptable because religion is not based on your ideas but it is based on what is written on scriptures (books). Please read vedic scriptures before say something with authentic approach. May be after year when you are ready for it then we discussed that and remember don't be notorious in nature and try to listen and understand others is the the only key of learning.

@Horus @waz @The Eagle. Please closed this thread and it is base on troll only and the guy is not make it for constructive talk but he is trying to go for provocative approach.

where is your references from vedic?. I will not accept your logic with vedic references. Religion is define based on scriptures (holy books), not by someone individual ideas. Your logic is not acceptable until to prove is right according to your books
Refer Bhagavad-Gita,,all Upanishads are full of it , Vedanta ,ashtavakra samhitha and most of other are full of it ..you can find it in puranas also ..
Can you please provide independent, genuine, irrefutable solid evidence of your claims. Anything wiki is not substantial.
Any bluffing supporting your belief is independent and reliable. If I quote from wiki islam even though it is not reliable. I can just wish you happy wishful thinking.
Any bluffing supporting your belief is independent and reliable. If I quote from wiki islam even though it is not reliable. I can just wish you happy wishful thinking.

Well your kind also vehemently proclaimed that Pakistan would NEVER EVER become a nuclear weapons state with or without Chinese assistance. That it was impossible to do so. We all know how that indianism turned out. Just as then, so is now. Coupled with the fact that indian hindus and sikhs have an itense, obsessive and blood-thirsty hatred of Islam and Muslims make all your conjectures regarding Islam highly dubious and suspect.
Big numbers lol.
Let's see what neutral advanced research institutes say;

As with Christianity, Muslim growth in sub-Saharan Africa primarily is driven by high fertility and the relatively young age profile of the population in the region. Religious switching is expected to play a minor role in future Muslim population trends around the world.


Have you ever tried converting an African Muslim, particular one from West Africa? He/she would rather die.....

Did you take a look at the years mentioned in these articles? Some are over 10 years ago and many of those numbers have been finished off with massive missionary work from Muslim organisations who now have a powerful global reach.

You better read the latest news..........


Both Sarawak and Sabah have large Christian populations and have become a magnet for Islamic missionary groups, known as Dakwah groups.

For the Catholic nun it is as though such groups, with the government's consent, are in a race to reclassify the two Borneo states as Islamic.

"They have become very intent on pushing Islam (in all schools apart from private schools) … starting from kindergarten," she says.
Anybody can argue anything but any ideology which can provide enlightenment , Peace, and prosperity can not sustain. Do you think that millions of people are kiled on the name of an ideology and people will have a faith in it? What people are going to get by following Islam except backward mindset and violence. That is why people in theocratic state like Iran are turning against islam. When oil will shrink in gulf, Islam will also shrink. No artificial measures shall work.
Anybody can argue anything but any ideology which can provide enlightenment , Peace, and prosperity can not sustain. Do you think that millions of people are kiled on the name of an ideology and people will have a faith in it? What people are going to get by following Islam except backward mindset and violence. That is why people in theocratic state like Iran are turning against islam. When oil will shrink in gulf, Islam will also shrink. No artificial measures shall work.

Wait what, millions of people are killed in the name of Islam here and now? Start providing figures please, this is rubbish beyond belief.
Lol Iran? So why haven't most people left their faith? Why don't see huge piles of Hijabs being thrown on the floor, people refusing to fast in their millions and other acts of mass defiance? The state wouldn't be able to stop that. You don't see them because the bulk of people believe and will continue to do so. The few handfuls of Iranian asylum seekers in the West who have left the faith are insignificant.
Gulf money does not drive Islam, in actual fact the huge missionary movements are funded by individual Muslims around the world and the ones you see in Malaysia, Indonesia and Africa are completely made-up and funded by Muslims from those lands. You only need to see the articles I posted which shattered your argument that Muslims are leaving Islam in their droves lol.
Gulf countries have reduced their funding of Muslim movements for years now, bar Saudi who fund certain lines of thought.
So far i see your statement is baseless and contain provocative approach. You didn't listen and understand anything and keep asking same question again and again which have bee answered to you by multiple members.
@The BrOkEn HeArT. I find that you don't have enough knowledge of your religion and you called Hinduism your religion which itsself is not religion but consist of group of religion. You failed to give evidence based on your book, so your logic is not acceptable because religion is not based on your ideas but it is based on what is written on scriptures (books). Please read vedic scriptures before say something with authentic approach. May be after year when you are ready for it then we discussed that and remember don't be notorious in nature and try to listen and understand others is the the only key of learning.

@Horus @waz @The Eagle. Please closed this thread and it is base on troll only and the guy is not make it for constructive talk but he is trying to go for provocative approach.

where is your references from vedic?. I will not accept your logic with vedic references. Religion is define based on scriptures (holy books), not by someone individual ideas. Your logic is not acceptable until to prove is right according to your books
I have given you proof from upnishad but you ignored and ranting uselessly.
And don't ask me to read anything as i have read already.
I proved that Hinduism believe in one God concept. What else you want to know?
N im telling you again Hinduism is not my belief system. Im different kinda specie.
Why most of muslims afraid of discussing their religion? ?

What a ridiculous contradictory question to ask. Well on one hand you blame Muslims to be terrorists who in your deformed imagination would blow up anytime to kill you, and you blame Islam as an extremist ideology that is non conforming to your understanding (or lack of understanding) of current times ....... and here you come up with the most stupid question that violent followers of an extremist ideology (per your imagination and deformed understanding) are afraid?????? Either we are out to kill you or we are afraid ....... make up your mind.

Buddy no offense but your reading Quran three times (that too, deeply) hasn't helped you one bit (Quran has confirmed and already stated about this as well ..... people who pretend dumb, deaf, and people with closed minds will never be able to understand Quran).

If you plan a fourth time reading, try reading to understand and not otherwise it will help, if you need lessons on how to approach Quran, ask me I will try to educate you to the best of my knowledge.

Now coming to your childish questions

Quran itself says " jews and Christians are on wrong path". When following the same .

"[2:62] Surely, those who believe, those who are Jewish, the Christians, and the converts; anyone who (1) believes in GOD, and (2) believes in the Last Day, and (3) leads a righteous life, will receive their recompense from their Lord. They have nothing to fear, nor will they grieve."

The same Quran says this too .........

"[15:45] As for the righteous, they will enjoy gardens and springs."

And as far the fate of pagans the ones who have idols, follow false gods and stuff like that

"God does not forgive shirk (setting up of partners with Him), and He forgives other than that for whomever He wills. Anyone who sets up partners with God has forged a gross sin. 4:48"

You know there is this word in English .... 'intercession'..... look up its meaning, try understanding what intercession means ....... and then remember The Almighty doesn't allow anyone to intercede in the matters of life hereafter.

"All intercession belongs to God. 39:44"

"You (Muhammad) have no say in the matter as to whether He redeems them or He punishes them, for they are transgressors. 3:128"

"It is the day when no self possesses any power to help any other self, and all matters on that day will be decided by God alone. 82:19"

"To God belongs the unseen of the heavens and the earth and to Him all matters are returned. 11:123"

"As for the one who has deserved the decree of punishment, can you (Muhammad) rescue those who are in the fire? 39:19"

You are afraid bcz you know , you can't defend it with logic.
So you don't want to discuss. Read the whole thread . People are just giving reasons or want a debate which is suitable for them only.

To consider yourself logical, you need to understand the subject in its entirety first. Mere choosing bits and speculating in thin air is hardly being logical.

Why God's own revelation is so hard to digest ??Is truth so difficult to understand ?

Buddy stand in front of a mirror and ask this question to yourself looking in your own eyes.

Why most of muslims afraid of discussing their religion? ?

What a ridiculous contradictory question to ask. Well on one hand you blame Muslims to be terrorists who in your deformed imagination would blow up anytime to kill you, and you blame Islam as an extremist ideology that is non conforming to your understanding (or lack of understanding) of current times ....... and here you come up with the most stupid question that violent followers of an extremist ideology (per your imagination and deformed understanding) are afraid?????? Either we are out to kill you or we are afraid ....... make up your mind.

Buddy no offense but your reading Quran three times (that too, deeply) hasn't helped you one bit (Quran has confirmed and already stated about this as well ..... people who pretend dumb, deaf, and people with closed minds will never be able to understand Quran).

If you plan a fourth time reading, try reading to understand and not otherwise it will help, if you need lessons on how to approach Quran, ask me I will try to educate you to the best of my knowledge.

Now coming to your childish questions

"[2:62] Surely, those who believe, those who are Jewish, the Christians, and the converts; anyone who (1) believes in GOD, and (2) believes in the Last Day, and (3) leads a righteous life, will receive their recompense from their Lord. They have nothing to fear, nor will they grieve."

The same Quran says this too .........

"[15:45] As for the righteous, they will enjoy gardens and springs."

And as far the fate of pagans the ones who have idols, follow false gods and stuff like that

"God does not forgive shirk (setting up of partners with Him), and He forgives other than that for whomever He wills. Anyone who sets up partners with God has forged a gross sin. 4:48"

You know there is this word in English .... 'intercession'..... look up its meaning, try understanding what intercession means ....... and then remember The Almighty doesn't allow anyone to intercede in the matters of life hereafter.

"All intercession belongs to God. 39:44"

"You (Muhammad) have no say in the matter as to whether He redeems them or He punishes them, for they are transgressors. 3:128"

"It is the day when no self possesses any power to help any other self, and all matters on that day will be decided by God alone. 82:19"

"To God belongs the unseen of the heavens and the earth and to Him all matters are returned. 11:123"

"As for the one who has deserved the decree of punishment, can you (Muhammad) rescue those who are in the fire? 39:19"

To consider yourself logical, you need to understand the subject in its entirety first. Mere choosing bits and speculating in thin air is hardly being logical.

Buddy stand in front of a mirror and ask this question to yourself looking in your own eyes.
God who punishes for worshipping other than him is not God for me ..That is human nature ,that too bad one because of selfishness involved ..For you it may be too difficult to comprehend what is truth , due to your complications made God too complicated to comprehend ..I asked some questions which are unanswered here ..Though basics but not answered shows there is lack of understanding of ones own God and people here are trying to give lectures on religion to others ..Though I believe religion is personal matter when religion itself ventures out and differentiates between human beings that will not remain personal ..If you believe you are devil then your nature becomes devilish ..It is not because in truth you are devil but you believed it firmly so ..Now you can start to believe whatever you want but it should not interfere with others belief or else confrontation is natural outcome ..
God who punishes for worshipping other than him is not God for me ..That is human nature

Worshiping anything inferior to humans is not human nature ....... being born and appearing like human doesn't qualify one to be a human. That's why today we emotionally make videos and label them "Trust in humanity restored".

The God I worship is beyond anyone's imagination and understanding. HE is not prisoner of time and space like us petty humans. HE was there before anything and HE will be there after everything, HE is not bound by space, HE is everywhere .........

For you it may be too difficult to comprehend what is truth , due to your complications made God too complicated to comprehend

We haven't fully explored HIS creations yet and you want me to comprehend HIM. Through HIS creations we identify HIS existence, for you this universe may all of a sudden came to being, a chance, but for me its a scheme a well planned scheme that cannot happen on its own.

The ones who are looking for truth would find it at every step ........ do they accept? it is all up to them, they can keep speculating in dark ........

Though I believe religion is personal matter when religion itself ventures out and differentiates between human beings that will not remain personal

Islam is Deen and not religion ....... its not a set of practices that keeps on evolving under the influence of foreign interventions and meddling, its a Divine code that is being discovered and being proven the ultimate truth everyday.
Worshiping anything inferior to humans is not human nature ....... being born and appearing like human doesn't qualify one to be a human. That's why today we emotionally make videos and label them "Trust in humanity restored".

The God I worship is beyond anyone's imagination and understanding. HE is not prisoner of time and space like us petty humans. HE was there before anything and HE will be there after everything, HE is not bound by space, HE is everywhere .........

We haven't fully explored HIS creations yet and you want me to comprehend HIM. Through HIS creations we identify HIS existence, for you this universe may all of a sudden came to being, a chance, but for me its a scheme a well planned scheme that cannot happen on its own.

The ones who are looking for truth would find it at every step ........ do they accept? it is all up to them, they can keep speculating in dark ........

Islam is Deen and not religion ....... its not a set of practices that keeps on evolving under the influence of foreign interventions and meddling, its a Divine code that is being discovered and being proven the ultimate truth everyday.

If God is everywhere then where is the question of one worshipping other than God ?
What is inferior to human ?
On one side you say God is everywhere,on the other hand your human nature overtakes you and declares itself above all ..above all which have presence of God !!
As you say Islam is discovered not started ..So it was there before and will remain there for eternal if one is aware of it or not ..right ?? So truth is applicable for everyone and everything if it is aware of it or not then why all these religious,moral high ground ??
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If God is everywhere then where is the question of one worshipping other than God ?

I don't fully understand you, are you trying to tell me that prostrating in front of a clay made idol is okay because God is everywhere?

You may have a very different understanding of worshiping as the one I have. For me striving for the betterment of humanity, coming to rescue for oppressed humans, standing against and fighting the oppressors, striving for freedom of humanity, breaking the shackles that have humans gripped from their necks and made them slaves, striving for equity and justice, caring for the orphans (this doesn't mean fatherless, it includes every poor and helpless in a society) without distinction of their color, creed or race, exploring and searching the creations, being humble but not weak, are worshiping and bowing before one True God of everyone. And to reaffirm my submission where I perform a ritual 5 times a day prostrating and being thankful to that one True God.
I don't fully understand you, are you trying to tell me that prostrating in front of a clay made idol is okay because God is everywhere?

You may have a very different understanding of worshiping as the one I have. For me striving for the betterment of humanity, coming to rescue for oppressed humans, standing against and fighting the oppressors, striving for freedom of humanity, breaking the shackles that have humans gripped from their necks and made them slaves, striving for equity and justice, caring for the orphans (this doesn't mean fatherless, it includes every poor and helpless in a society) without distinction of their color, creed or race, exploring and searching the creations, being humble but not weak, are worshiping and bowing before one True God of everyone. And to reaffirm my submission where I perform a ritual 5 times a day prostrating and being thankful to that one True God.
I gave explanation in previous post for your good understanding ..
So you want a change in God's creation ..Hmm you think it's not perfect and you want to struggle for its perfection ..You want everyone one to worship one true single God because you do so ?? When you are not peaceful internally you won't find peace with any changes ..When you are not blissful in your self you have no chance to find it in outside world ..If outside world is influencing you then you are faraway from truth ..
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I don't fully understand you, are you trying to tell me that prostrating in front of a clay made idol is okay because God is everywhere?

How is that any different from what you do during your annual pilgrimage?

Why do you face in that direction when you pray?

Genuine questions.

Cheers, Doc
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