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Why liberalism is actually the biggest threat which Pakistan faces apart from insurgencies


Dec 21, 2021
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Why liberalism is actually the biggest threat Pakistan faces apart from insurgencies...

(liberals please read and give your opinions down below!)

Many may think that I am an Islamist of sorts, and assume I am writing this thread for fearmongering purposes, but hear me out

To understand why the above statement is true, we must look at the founding ideology of Pakistan, and the basis of its formation:

Two-nation theory is the founding ideology which paved the way for the establishment of Pakistan. In basic terms, it proposed that subcontinent India cannot be considered a single nation but rather two nations – the Muslims and the Hindus. This is due to the polar opposite values, way of life, and ideal societies which both religious groups demanded.

Where Muslims wanted to create a society allowing to prioritise their Islamic values such as modesty, celibacy, condemnation of queer ideology, promotion of the nuclear family structure, etc and were strictly against the idol worshipping of the Hindus. On the other hand, the Hindus wanted to create a polar opposite society which was largely individualistic and open - where they societally normalise premarital companionship, sexual liberation, queer ideology, propagate extreme narratives of feminism as seen today.

India - A copy of western culture with Hindu aesthetic and Indian local cultural touch.

Pakistan - Islamic influenced society with local cultural touch.

The first esssentially encompassing the values of modern day liberalism and standing against everything which the Muslims wanted to be discouraged from society as it goes against their Islamic principles.

This brings me back to my original point – if liberalism continues to spread in mass throughout society till the majority see such concepts of queer ideology, sexual liberation, radical feminism, individuality, anti-celibacy, anti-modesty, anti-nuclear family structure, as acceptable and something that should be normalised, then it negates the very foundation of Pakistan and the two-nation theory. It blurs the societal line which divided Pakistan and India, it removes the purpose of divisions when both societies seek to largely be shaped in the same way.

Some may use ethnicity as an argument to say only a minority of Indian Panjabis have a common ethnicity with Pakistan, hence that is valid enough - but you must remember India itself is incredibly diverse of many ethnicties and states, where many share cultural proximity regardless. Hence the line between India and Pakistan then becomes non-existent and serves no real purpose but rather hinders their overall national power.

There is no difference between Indian society and in the clip seen below:

If this is normalised in society - what really is the conflict with India for, what really is the purpose of forming Pakistan when you want the same thing? What's the difference?

Which brings me to the conclusion that widespread liberalism defeats the purpose of Pakistan.

And it actually promotes ethno-nationalism due to state ideology and national identity/conscious becoming weak – whereas the Indians have a centralised national identity based on cultural proximity as well as historical events!

This is something Pakistan has barely touched upon only briefly using M.A Jinnah and Allama Iqbal but hasn’t fostered a strong powerful centralised independent identity.

Which begs the question - what kind of society or civilisation is Pakistan trying to be? Is it just trying to be another India, which defeats it's purpose, or an actual Islamically influenced civilisation as its founder set it out to be?

@Sayfullah @_NOBODY_ @Rusty2 @epebble @Menace2Society @villageidiot
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Your culture needs to be stronger to stop your people from mimicking Indians.

The rest of the world sees them as dothead street shit*ters so why would anyone want to emulate them?

It's not just conservative and liberal. There are varying degrees. I would not call myself liberal or conservative.

What this girl is doing is not as bad as a person being set on fire in broad daylight in Sialkot. She does not compare to TTP :lol:
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Your culture needs to be stronger to stop your people from mimicking Indians.
Majority of Pakistan shares cultural proximity with India, which is undeniable, but once you become liberalised it leans towards the Indian slutty variant of it which is being promoted.
The rest of the world sees them as dothead street shit*ters so why would anyone want to emulate them?
The woke liberals tend to do that for various reasons. The Indians represent the liberals in our cultural sphere. Hence liberal Pakistani acts like an Indian.

It's not just conservative and liberal. There are varying degrees. I would not call myself liberal or conservative.
A centrist then? Alright you don't have to be liberal to comment on the idea though

What this girl is doing is not as bad as a person being set on fire in broad daylight in Sialkot.
Two different things - what happened in Sialkot is condemnable but it has nothing to do with this.

My point using her example is that liberal Pakistanis, the pronoun types, simply want to turn society the same way as Indias. What is their reason for loyalty to Pakistan when the outcome they seek is India 2.0? Why have a mini India, it makes no sense but the logical consequence becomes joining India as a whole.
Liberalism is a disease

Society at micro level is failing in the west, the family is being destroyed, average marriage is about 7 years, women are being taught to be whores and sleep around and some moron will pick them up in their 30s will all their trauma.

And they want to bring this into Muslim societies and holding out is going to be a WAR

Because the enemy is not external, it's internal with all the people who want to normalise this debauchery

And if Muslims don't make a stand , we will regret it
Can we define what liberalism is?

Jinnah as per my definition was a liberalist. Some of his speeches (Pakistan will not be a theocratic state or you may be of any religion, that is no business of the State).

Remember the ancestors of JUI leaders (Jamate Ulama e Hind of Deobandi sect) were against the idea of Pakistan. They even issued a fatwa for anyone who became a member or vote for the Muslim league.

Just putting it out there.
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Liberalism is a disease

Society at micro level is failing in the west, the family is being destroyed, average marriage is about 7 years, women are being taught to be whores and sleep around and some moron will pick them up in their 30s will all their trauma.

And they want to bring this into Muslim societies and holding out is going to be a WAR

Because the enemy is not external, it's internal with all the people who want to normalise this debauchery

And if Muslims don't make a stand , we will regret it

I do think this has a link with the WEF.
Liberalism has posed as an excellent way to control the masses, and Islam is almost directly the opposite. Instead of it being a tool to control the masses, Islam is a tool to empower the individual and other abrahamic religions tend to do the same. Liberalism seems to me, to be a plot to topple religion and morality specifically.

If the people stand for nothing, they will fight for nothing and can bend whichever way the elites wish them to.
Why liberalism is actually the biggest threat Pakistan faces apart from insurgencies...

(liberals please read and give your opinions down below!)

Many may think that I am an Islamist of sorts, and assume I am writing this thread for fearmongering purposes, but hear me out

To understand why the above statement is true, we must look at the founding ideology of Pakistan, and the basis of its formation:

Two-nation theory is the founding ideology which paved the way for the establishment of Pakistan. In basic terms, it proposed that subcontinent India cannot be considered a single nation but rather two nations – the Muslims and the Hindus. This is due to the polar opposite values, way of life, and ideal societies which both religious groups demanded.

Where Muslims wanted to create a society allowing to prioritise their Islamic values such as modesty, celibacy, condemnation of queer ideology, promotion of the nuclear family structure, etc and were strictly against the idol worshipping of the Hindus. On the other hand, the Hindus wanted to create a polar opposite society which was largely individualistic and open - where they societally normalise premarital companionship, sexual liberation, queer ideology, propagate extreme narratives of feminism as seen today.

India - A copy of western culture with Hindu aesthetic and Indian local cultural touch.

Pakistan - Islamic influenced society with local cultural touch.

The first esssentially encompassing the values of modern day liberalism and standing against everything which the Muslims wanted to be discouraged from society as it goes against their Islamic principles.

This brings me back to my original point – if liberalism continues to spread in mass throughout society till the majority see such concepts of queer ideology, sexual liberation, radical feminism, individuality, anti-celibacy, anti-modesty, anti-nuclear family structure, as acceptable and something that should be normalised, then it negates the very foundation of Pakistan and the two-nation theory. It blurs the societal line which divided Pakistan and India, it removes the purpose of divisions when both societies seek to largely be shaped in the same way.

Some may use ethnicity as an argument to say only a minority of Indian Panjabis have a common ethnicity with Pakistan, hence that is valid enough - but you must remember India itself is incredibly diverse of many ethnicties and states, where many share cultural proximity regardless. Hence the line between India and Pakistan then becomes non-existent and serves no real purpose but rather hinders their overall national power.

There is no difference between Indian society and in the clip seen below:

If this is normalised in society - what really is the conflict with India for, what really is the purpose of forming Pakistan when you want the same thing? What's the difference?

Which brings me to the conclusion that widespread liberalism defeats the purpose of Pakistan.

And it actually promotes ethno-nationalism due to state ideology and national identity/conscious becoming weak – whereas the Indians have a centralised national identity based on cultural proximity as well as historical events!

This is something Pakistan has barely touched upon only briefly using M.A Jinnah and Allama Iqbal but hasn’t fostered a strong powerful centralised independent identity.

Which begs the question - what kind of society or civilisation is Pakistan trying to be? Is it just trying to be another India, which defeats it's purpose, or an actual Islamically influenced civilisation as its founder set it out to be?

@Sayfullah @_NOBODY_ @Rusty2 @epebble @Menace2Society @villageidiot
Id say Quaid e Azam was pretty liberal tbh, though he was a much different type than what most ofusu think. Id argue Pakistan wasnt really created with the concept of Islamic governance, rather as a safe space for people of every culture and religion.

In my opinion it should entirely be your choice who you spend your life with and how you spend it, what you believe in and what you practice, state shouldnt put their nose in your personal life
Which begs the question - what kind of society or civilisation is Pakistan trying to be? Is it just trying to be another India, which defeats it's purpose, or an actual Islamically influenced civilisation as its founder set it out to be?

Which also begs the question that, with your own vote being clear, flying two union jacks, as to why don't you let the Pakistanis decide that question, instead of preaching to them from such a liberal country yourself? Or you could try and move back, so as to influence the society in whichever way you would prefer it go.
Id say Quaid e Azam was pretty liberal tbh, though he was a much different type than what most ofusu think. Id argue Pakistan wasnt really created with the concept of Islamic governance, rather as a safe space for people of every culture and religion.

In my opinion it should entirely be your choice who you spend your life with and how you spend it, what you believe in and what you practice, state shouldnt put their nose in your personal life
I wouldn't focus on the indivial himself but what he preached, what he preached was a semi-secular Muslim state which retains core Islamic principles present in society but isn't extreme in say enforcing hijab on every women, etc

Second paragraph is quite vague
Can we define what liberalism is?

Jinnah as per my definition was a liberalist. Some of his speeches (Pakistan will not be a theocratic state or you may be of any religion, that is no business if the State).

Remember the ancestors of JUI leaders (Jamate Ulama e Hind of Deobandi sect) were against the idea of Pakistan. They even issued a fatwa for anyone who became a member or vote for the Muslim league.

Just putting it out there.
A better word here is degeneracy. and that doesn't change based where you are on the political spectrum.

What about the rich landowning elite and their parties. That's old stuff. Before liberalism was a thing.
Id say Quaid e Azam was pretty liberal tbh, though he was a much different type than what most ofusu think. Id argue Pakistan wasnt really created with the concept of Islamic governance, rather as a safe space for people of every culture and religion.

In my opinion it should entirely be your choice who you spend your life with and how you spend it, what you believe in and what you practice, state shouldnt put their nose in your personal life

We are an islamic Republic,

We are Muslims, our values have been defined through our faith

To an extent how you live your private life behind closed doors is your personal business BUT the spread of open corruption, debauchery, deviancy in society as a whole is deadly and dangerous
If the people stand for nothing, they will fight for nothing and can bend whichever way the elites wish them to.

When your ideology is a human ideology that is man-made, and easily susceptible to change of opinion - you don't really have an ideology of your own.

The ideology you follow is largely influenced by what the elites propogate using a bunch of buzzwords and leveraging moral highgrounds. They suppress other ideologies in covert manners.

You can't really be anti-liberalism in the west because they directly attack your character, attack your conscious, reputation, cancel you in many ways - block you out of society - they indirectly force you to submit if you are to be accepted in society.
Liberalism has destroyed everything it has touched it be it your social fabric or lifestyle everything is up in flames no one seems to be content with life anymore except for the few woke rich libus who have imposed this degenerate idea upon everyone else.

Liberalism is a coin word for another imposing idea which does not respect ones boundaries or culture, a culture less idea born of contemporary times.
Liberalism has destroyed everything it has touched it be it your social fabric or lifestyle everything is up in flames no one seems to be content with life anymore except for the few woke rich libus who have imposed this degenerate idea upon everyone else.

Liberalism is a coin word for another imposing idea which does not respect ones boundaries or culture, a culture less idea born of contemporary times.
China's internet firewall and weibo was the best thing to happen for them - they blocked out globalisation and propaganda
Which also begs the question that, with your own vote being clear, flying two union jacks, as to why don't you let the Pakistanis decide that question, instead of preaching to them from such a liberal country yourself? Or you could try and move back, so as to influence the society in whichever way you would prefer it go.
The average layman has no say in Pakistan it's always the Rich woke Libarandus who control everything just take a look at your education system and you will see all the faults and who has imposed them.

Our society is tribal, rich with culture and heritage it should stay that way and embrace proper education the one that will benefit you not destroy your life fabric.
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