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Why Kiyani was reluctant going in NW


Apr 28, 2014
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United Kingdom
I need you input regarding Gen Kiyani so called 'reluctance' engaging NW.
My points are
1. Army didn't react until TTP came in Swat then swept through S.W. May be it is because engaging internally at time of indian stand up at boundary was not wise until they pose serious threat.
2. Also, new civilan set up and newly formed media groups demonized armed forces so it was lethal to go aginst corrupt politician as it would engage army internally and externally (2009/2010).
3. Then again we got weak and alone in 2011 after abbotabad operation.
4. Salala attack also put resentment and reluctance to pursue all US need.
Otherwise i think Kiyani stood against indian firmly about surgical strikes, sending Pasha to india, at time Fight against US (after abbotabad i think, when china intervened and announced giving 50 jf 17 ) etc
His leadership appeared when he said "we will recover every soldier body even if it took years" Giyari
As US needed Pak mediation now so perhaps it is because we gained support not going against haqqani etc groups in NW

Anyway, I need your insight and input
@Horus @Oscar
i just mention you for inputs and not to freak you out.
During Gen.Kiyani's tenure, for most of the time; the conditions were not suitable for such an Op to be carried out due to non backing of political, religious parties, crippling economy, bad relations with US and also he had to deal with likes of Zardari & Rehman Malik as well. Also most importantly there was no public consensus on WOT as we are seeing it today. At least Gen.Kiyani deserves the credit for ensuring the political setup to take its roots and passed the favorable environment to the next civilian and military leaderships to take bold decisions.
I think the same... plus i think after serving in ISI, he pursued the goals and objective what he might have thought during his tenure during DG ISI...its like Gen Rizwan, if becomes chief will continue his emphasis in Karachi...
There were still too many Taliban sympathizers around at that time. Still this is no excuse in my view for not having done what Raheel Sharif is doing now. The army's primary task is to safeguard the nation, not care about public opinion.
The army's primary task is to safeguard the nation, not care about public opinion.
strategically not wise..many told that enemies want pak army to be engaged with public.. so its easy to invade Pak... ow it might outcome little east pak.. as baluchitan was badly disturbed, also kpk, and many sympathizers in punjab, south punjab and urban sindh...
During Gen.Kiyani's tenure, for most of the time; the conditions were not suitable for such an Op to be carried out due to non backing of political, religious parties, crippling economy, bad relations with US and also he had to deal with likes of Zardari & Rehman Malik as well. Also most importantly there was no public consensus on WOT as we are seeing it today. At least Gen.Kiyani deserves the credit for ensuring the political setup to take its roots and passed the favorable environment to the next civilian and military leaderships to take bold decisions.
Pretty much this. Nice summary of the situation. +1
MY understanding is that gen.kiyani was thinking himself as a head of state.
Still Army needs to do a lot along with civil administration. There must be a land reform in all over Pakistan. So, that Govt. should knows whose land belongs to whom.

Also, just like Pathans are allowed to live in other parts of country. People from all over Pakistan should be allowed to live in KPK and FATA. Able to buy lands.
Well all i can say is that all the operations that you see now under the leadership of Raheel sharif their planning was done in the era of Kyani .... army has worked harder in the era of Kyani and collected lots of information and made various strategies then kyani retired and Raheel worked on that planning . but yup i agree that we were late to operate but you see better late than never
To me Gen Kiyani always struck as some one who is good at following orders not as some one who leads from the front. His role during incidents like Salala, OBL, Parade lane and other incidents, was not as pronounced as it should have been. Gen Raheel on the other hand seems proactive in his approach and is taking Pakistan's security challenges head-on. As for Karachi, lets give the credit where it's due, for nipping MQM (evil) in the bud, its no one, other than the DG Rangers Sindh.
Decision making was relatively easy for Gen Raheel. Now that Americans had left, our establishment was no longer required to do favours to Haqqanis by providing them sanctuaries. Conducting operation in NW comes at no cost as far as Pakistan's leverage (with Haqqanis) is concerned. Gen Kayani did not have this freedom to act. He did as much as he could by fighting the TTP etc in all other places and cornering them in SW/NW.
During Gen.Kiyani's tenure, for most of the time; the conditions were not suitable for such an Op to be carried out due to non backing of political, religious parties, crippling economy, bad relations with US and also he had to deal with likes of Zardari & Rehman Malik as well. Also most importantly there was no public consensus on WOT as we are seeing it today. At least Gen.Kiyani deserves the credit for ensuring the political setup to take its roots and passed the favorable environment to the next civilian and military leaderships to take bold decisions.

Excuses Excuses Excuses.

Zardari plus clan were every thing plus more ,but when i came to army he had no power. So spare us this boo hoo hoo Kiyanis hands were tied.

Public other then terrorist sympathizers, has been asking for action against terrorist for years. Politicians including the governing PML_N were against it. Economy was never going to get better with terrorist attacks. Which Kiyani knew and did absolutely positively nothing ,but cashing his pay cheq and playing golf.

General Raheel Sharif inherited all the mess that you describe Kiyani had to deal with and then some, went to clean from day one he took power. So give credit where its due and not to the ones who watched from the comforts of their offices, 1000s upon 1000 bleed to death and didn't care.

Kiyani will go down in the annals of history as incompetent and a coward, just as Zardari and other corrupt officials.
Excuses Excuses Excuses.

Zardari plus clan were every thing plus more ,but when i came to army he had no power. So spare us this boo hoo hoo Kiyanis hands were tied.

Public other then terrorist sympathizers, has been asking for action against terrorist for years. Politicians including the governing PML_N were against it. Economy was never going to get better with terrorist attacks. Which Kiyani knew and did absolutely positively nothing ,but cashing his pay cheq and playing golf.

General Raheel Sharif inherited all the mess that you describe Kiyani had to deal with and then some, went to clean from day one he took power. So give credit where its due and not to the ones who watched from the comforts of their offices, 1000s upon 1000 bleed to death and didn't care.

Kiyani will go down in the annals of history as incompetent and a coward, just as Zardari and other corrupt officials.
Kiyani era came after a long martial law period where army image was totally tarnished by Musharraf policies. It was kiyani who restored the army image, did Swat operation and laid the planning and strategy for the NW operation. Going into NW without political and public consensus would have been disaster not only for the country but for the army institution as well.
I think the necessary support required for NW operation was missing.
Plus he let public seeing the true face of politician by 'allowing' them continue thr tenure. I believe a lot of files/info, necessary for operations were compiled at that time.
He restored army IMAGE a lot. Army induction from balochistan was raised by rules relaxation.
ow he showed immense resistance to fatal politician moves like brining ISI under federal control, surgical strikes, sending pasha to india, post salala stance etc.. it was necessary as Arrow said for public to see politician in true state so politician cannot play victim card...
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