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Why King Abdullah chose Jews as his bodyguards

Well, Ottomans warent exactly keen to trust some Arab tribes or even some Turkic tribes who were associated with former sultanats and kingdoms, cause of a posibility of rebelion to restore their rule etc...

hell Bosniaks composed tiny procentage of Ottoman ppl.. but number of ours high ranking officials etc thru ottoman history would let you to believe that we were in tens of milions. lol

There were some issues, but they didn't cause the revolt. It was the British who bribed people to start the revolution.
In favour of Britain this man aided in the over throw of the Ottoman Empire. Jordan was given to him by WInston Churchill, as a protectorate, later "Transjordan," which later became Jordan. This man mostly did things in favour of himself and Britain, many Muslims died because of him, there would obviously be a lot of mixed feelings.

Makes sense he wouldn't trust Muslims. This is why Jordan has such great relations with Israel, because Britain would want it that way.

Very true and informative words still arab regimes are controlled by western powers esp USA. Now Iran has also become part of western agenda to destroy Muslim world as awhole not just Shia or Wahabbis.

Point of No Return: Jewish Refugees from Arab Countries

Why Abdullah chose Jews as his bodyguards

The three fierce -looking bodyguards standing behind King Abdullah of Jordan are - believe it or not - Jews. But you thought that asdhimmis, Jews in the Muslim world were not allowed to carry weapons. You would be right - but these young men are from the Habbani tribe in Yemen - and they were among very few Jews not only allowed to carry the Jambiya, but prized for their qualities as warriors. Why did king Abdullah choose Jews to guard him? Because they could be trusted, as their whole tribe would be held hostage to their good behaviour. (With thanks: Torbjorn)

From Wikipedia:

Habbani Jews were described as taller, more muscular, and darker than their Muslim neighbors. The men did not sport peyot like other Yemeni Jews, and, rather than covering their heads, wore an oiled thong through their characteristically long hair. They plucked their mustaches, distinct from other Jews, but similar to neighboring Muslims. They wore a blue prayer shawl over one shoulder, or walked bare chested, smearing their torsos with sesame oil and indigo. A course calico loincloth, died indigo, covered their bottom, and they typically walked barefoot or with sandals. The women wore their hair in tiny braids, and wore loose-fitting embroidered dresses.[38]

Unlike the Jews of northern Yemen, the Habbani Jews wore a Jambiyaor curved knife, Matznaph (turban) and Avne`t (sash). It was very uncommon for Jews in Yemen, outside of Habban, to wear the Jambiya.[39]

Sultans in Arabia employed Habbani Jews as soldiers in their armies or as personal guards.[40] Habbani Jews sometimes served as mercenaries;Abdullah I of Jordan, who preferred Circassians and other non-Arab bodyguards, had a number of Habbani Jewish guardsmen, including Sayeed Sofer, and his brothers Salaah and Saadia. (...)

The Habbani Jews (Hebrew: חַבָּאנִים, Standard: Ḥabbanim) are a Jewish tribal group of Yemenite Jews from the Habban region in easternYemen (in modern Shabwah Governorate). The city of Habban had a Jewish community of 450 in 1947, which was considered to possibly be the remains of a larger community which lived in independently in the region before its decline in the 6th century. The Jewish community of Habban disappeared from the map of the Hadramut, in southeast Yemen, with the emigration of all of its members to Israel in the 1950s.

In 1912 Zionist emissary Shmuel Yavne'eli came into contact with Habbani Jews who ransomed him when he was captured and robbed by eight Bedouin in southern Yemen. Yavnieli wrote about the Jews of Habban describing them in the following way.

The Jews in these parts are held in high esteem by everyone in Yemen and Aden. They are said to be courageous, always with their weapons and wild long hair, and the names of their towns are mentioned by the Jews of Yemen with great admiration.[22]

Yavne'eli further described the community structure by stating that the Zecharyah clan were the first of the Habbani Jewish clans and that they were local merchants of silver, leather pelts, and cobbling. He further noted that meat was only eaten on the Shabbat and even coffee was considered a luxury.[23]

According to Rabbi Yoseph Maghori-Kohen:

The Habbanis were mighty heroes. I heard a lot from elders in my youth about the Habbanis, about their wars, how they would fight ‘according to names’. What does it mean ‘according to names’? –the letters: They would make the shape of the [Hebrew] letters with their hands, and by this they would be victorious. Also the Shar`abim–from the city of Shar`ab–were strong, but not to the same degree as the Habbanis. Once in Yemen there was a wild tribe of murderous Arab warriors that conquered town after town, slaughtering whomever they found. Thus they moved forward from settlement to settlement: killing, destroying–may their names by blotted out–until they approached a city of Jews, 13,000 Jews roughly. Everyone felt hopeless-even the Arabs among them put up their hands, searching for a place to escape. Suddenly ten [Jewish] Habbanis arrived and waged war with them–ten against a thousand–and vanquished all of them. Not even one of those warriors was left alive, and not one of the ten fell.[24]

Yavne'eli indicated that in 1911 there were only 60 Jewish families left in Habban. Bin Ibrahim Habbani, who was born in Habban and emigrated to Israel in 1945, indicated there were 700 Jews in Hadhramaut, 450 of which were in Habban.[25]

Habbani Jews were extremely reluctant to migrate to Israel, citing their good relations with their neighbors.[26] In 1945, a Habbani Jew claimed to be the Messiah, gathering both a Jewish and Muslim following from Hadhramaut and made his way to Beihar. He became known for his pomp and extravagance, decorating his horse's saddle with gold and silver. Following a large battle where the alleged Messiah and his followers were vanquished, tensions between some of the Muslim rulers and the Jewish communities were accentuated.[27]Some Habbani Jews blamed activities and letters by the Jewish Agency for aggravating tensions further.[28]

After 1948, small numbers of Habbani Jews made their way to Aden [then under British administration], sometimes fighting hostile Arab tribes along the way. From there they were airlifted en masse to Israel as part of Operation Flying Carpet.

The vanguard of the Habbani Jews was led by Zecharyah Habbani who kept after the officials in charge of immigration to accelerate the transfer of the Jews from the Hadramaut to the Land of Israel. They are in dere distress," he reported. "They are suffering from hunger and from the edicts of Hussein Abdallah of Habban and his sons. They are also in debt to the Moslems, who charge them exorbiant rates of interest." The Jewish Agency took action, and few families left the Hadramaut.[29] After 1948, small numbers of Habbani Jews made their way to Aden, sometimes fighting hostile Arab tribes along the way. From there they were airlifted en masse to Israel as part of Operation Flying Carpet.

The Sofer family and Yehoshua Sofer, Abir of martial arts

Posted by bataween at Monday, February 08, 2016

Dear Sir,

I have humble request to Mods pls ask Mr Solomon to change his pic of Isr/Pak flags crossing. So far our govt do not recognize Israel. Until and unless bloodshed and atrocities are stopped such gestures should not be encouraged on a responsible forum.
are you kidding me? you must be catholic to become member of swiss guard in vatican

In the Vatican City, yes, and outside during the Pope's/other important officials travels. But the Pope still receives security support, for the outer layers of security, from the host nation and no guarantee they're all Catholic.
Point of No Return: Jewish Refugees from Arab Countries

Why Abdullah chose Jews as his bodyguards

The three fierce -looking bodyguards standing behind King Abdullah of Jordan are - believe it or not - Jews. But you thought that asdhimmis, Jews in the Muslim world were not allowed to carry weapons. You would be right - but these young men are from the Habbani tribe in Yemen - and they were among very few Jews not only allowed to carry the Jambiya, but prized for their qualities as warriors. Why did king Abdullah choose Jews to guard him? Because they could be trusted, as their whole tribe would be held hostage to their good behaviour. (With thanks: Torbjorn)

From Wikipedia:

Habbani Jews were described as taller, more muscular, and darker than their Muslim neighbors. The men did not sport peyot like other Yemeni Jews, and, rather than covering their heads, wore an oiled thong through their characteristically long hair. They plucked their mustaches, distinct from other Jews, but similar to neighboring Muslims. They wore a blue prayer shawl over one shoulder, or walked bare chested, smearing their torsos with sesame oil and indigo. A course calico loincloth, died indigo, covered their bottom, and they typically walked barefoot or with sandals. The women wore their hair in tiny braids, and wore loose-fitting embroidered dresses.[38]

Unlike the Jews of northern Yemen, the Habbani Jews wore a Jambiyaor curved knife, Matznaph (turban) and Avne`t (sash). It was very uncommon for Jews in Yemen, outside of Habban, to wear the Jambiya.[39]

Sultans in Arabia employed Habbani Jews as soldiers in their armies or as personal guards.[40] Habbani Jews sometimes served as mercenaries;Abdullah I of Jordan, who preferred Circassians and other non-Arab bodyguards, had a number of Habbani Jewish guardsmen, including Sayeed Sofer, and his brothers Salaah and Saadia. (...)

The Habbani Jews (Hebrew: חַבָּאנִים, Standard: Ḥabbanim) are a Jewish tribal group of Yemenite Jews from the Habban region in easternYemen (in modern Shabwah Governorate). The city of Habban had a Jewish community of 450 in 1947, which was considered to possibly be the remains of a larger community which lived in independently in the region before its decline in the 6th century. The Jewish community of Habban disappeared from the map of the Hadramut, in southeast Yemen, with the emigration of all of its members to Israel in the 1950s.

In 1912 Zionist emissary Shmuel Yavne'eli came into contact with Habbani Jews who ransomed him when he was captured and robbed by eight Bedouin in southern Yemen. Yavnieli wrote about the Jews of Habban describing them in the following way.

The Jews in these parts are held in high esteem by everyone in Yemen and Aden. They are said to be courageous, always with their weapons and wild long hair, and the names of their towns are mentioned by the Jews of Yemen with great admiration.[22]

Yavne'eli further described the community structure by stating that the Zecharyah clan were the first of the Habbani Jewish clans and that they were local merchants of silver, leather pelts, and cobbling. He further noted that meat was only eaten on the Shabbat and even coffee was considered a luxury.[23]

According to Rabbi Yoseph Maghori-Kohen:

The Habbanis were mighty heroes. I heard a lot from elders in my youth about the Habbanis, about their wars, how they would fight ‘according to names’. What does it mean ‘according to names’? –the letters: They would make the shape of the [Hebrew] letters with their hands, and by this they would be victorious. Also the Shar`abim–from the city of Shar`ab–were strong, but not to the same degree as the Habbanis. Once in Yemen there was a wild tribe of murderous Arab warriors that conquered town after town, slaughtering whomever they found. Thus they moved forward from settlement to settlement: killing, destroying–may their names by blotted out–until they approached a city of Jews, 13,000 Jews roughly. Everyone felt hopeless-even the Arabs among them put up their hands, searching for a place to escape. Suddenly ten [Jewish] Habbanis arrived and waged war with them–ten against a thousand–and vanquished all of them. Not even one of those warriors was left alive, and not one of the ten fell.[24]

Yavne'eli indicated that in 1911 there were only 60 Jewish families left in Habban. Bin Ibrahim Habbani, who was born in Habban and emigrated to Israel in 1945, indicated there were 700 Jews in Hadhramaut, 450 of which were in Habban.[25]

Habbani Jews were extremely reluctant to migrate to Israel, citing their good relations with their neighbors.[26] In 1945, a Habbani Jew claimed to be the Messiah, gathering both a Jewish and Muslim following from Hadhramaut and made his way to Beihar. He became known for his pomp and extravagance, decorating his horse's saddle with gold and silver. Following a large battle where the alleged Messiah and his followers were vanquished, tensions between some of the Muslim rulers and the Jewish communities were accentuated.[27]Some Habbani Jews blamed activities and letters by the Jewish Agency for aggravating tensions further.[28]

After 1948, small numbers of Habbani Jews made their way to Aden [then under British administration], sometimes fighting hostile Arab tribes along the way. From there they were airlifted en masse to Israel as part of Operation Flying Carpet.

The vanguard of the Habbani Jews was led by Zecharyah Habbani who kept after the officials in charge of immigration to accelerate the transfer of the Jews from the Hadramaut to the Land of Israel. They are in dere distress," he reported. "They are suffering from hunger and from the edicts of Hussein Abdallah of Habban and his sons. They are also in debt to the Moslems, who charge them exorbiant rates of interest." The Jewish Agency took action, and few families left the Hadramaut.[29] After 1948, small numbers of Habbani Jews made their way to Aden, sometimes fighting hostile Arab tribes along the way. From there they were airlifted en masse to Israel as part of Operation Flying Carpet.

The Sofer family and Yehoshua Sofer, Abir of martial arts

Posted by bataween at Monday, February 08, 2016

Geo-Politics are "Nationalist" (National/Countries interest , Country comes first) oriented , thus Religious believes in this case are irrelevant , Religious believes or Ideologues are used as a tool for manipulations & accumulation of powers , for the Pakistanis it's Islam , for Israelis its Judaism for the Hindu nationalist Indian its Hinduism , for the the Indian/Pakistani leftists its Democratic Socialism , suppose @ the peak of the cold war what would a C.I.A Jew Agent & a KGB Jew Agent think about each other ,
their common Religion Judaism or their respective countries national interests ?
Answer is Obviously their respective countries National Interest & not their common Religion , so if king Abdullah thought it would be better for him to have Jewish bodyguard's guarding him , then why not
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In the Vatican City, yes, and outside during the Pope's/other important officials travels. But the Pope still receives security support, for the outer layers of security, from the host nation and no guarantee they're all Catholic.

Thats normal, isn´t it? But i guarantee you evryone in vatican is catholic. His inner guard the swiss guard is catholic. The outer guard italian and so also catholic.
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