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Why isn’t the national flag flying at half-mast?

just two days ago, i was sitting with 2 friends, one being from army and another ones a Liar; ops my bad , hes a Lawyer, gave one of them piece of my mind, it is these dumb fake liberals who are putting the entire nation in dilemma and putting their already dead brains in more confusion by writing such pathetic blogs.

No doubt the govt has an aggressive stance against US, but not because they killed the Ameer, but because THEY (the Americans) killed the ameer with a drone strike and that too at the wrong time.

However it should come as no surprise that there are some sick freaks in govt too like Mullah Fazl and JI chief who declared this dead moron as martyr, I mean who are these mullahs to declare him martyr?? it is the same ideology that they use to manipulate people and promise them 72 virgins and the heaven.
I am all at my ears! Please go ahead and explain it to me.

Representative of a big chunk, come off it - 0.917 is the representation of the guy you're making basis of your post. One got to be very careful while stating something like this, over exaggeration leaves one in a state of disappointment.

Pakistanis have punished these Jamati goons for over 67 years, for opposing our struggle for freedom. Jamat i Islami cannot reform, it just can't.
just two days ago, i was sitting with 2 friends, one being from army and another ones a Liar; ops my bad , hes a Lawyer, gave one of them piece of my mind, it is these dumb fake liberals who are putting the entire nation in dilemma and putting their already dead brains in more confusion by writing such pathetic blogs.

No doubt the govt has an aggressive stance against US, but not because they killed the Ameer, but because THEY (the Americans) killed the ameer with a drone strike and that too at the wrong time.

However it should come as no surprise that there are some sick freaks in govt too like Mullah Fazl and JI chief who declared this dead moron as martyr, I mean who are these mullahs to declare him martyr?? it is the same ideology that they use to manipulate people and promise them 72 virgins and the heaven.
Heavens Hoor thing is a in Quran and Sunnah only problem is ALLAH will decide finally who is martyr or not and if Hakeemullah is killed of innocents he would not land in Heaven but problem is when ever we are close to peace USA ruins things we need to take stand against USA and drones really harsh one other wise TTP will keep getting support
PTI allies JI have already declared the scum bag Hakimullah "Shaheed", but Munawwar Hassan can be forgiven, JI is showing their true anti Pakistan colours, what you expect from the party who called the Quaid ‘Kafir Azam’?

In reply to Topic of this thread; Ayaz Amir is correctly asking why isn’t Pakistan flag flying half-mast. If it was PTI ruling in Islamabad, Imran khan would have insisted on it. It is a real pity that a person like Imran Khan can be so blinded by his love for the killers of Pakistanis, that he refused to condemn Taliban after Peshawar blast. Instead he declared ‘TTP are not responsible’; implying that either ISI or US was responsible. It was later proven that TTP Commander Khurasni carried this out and also TTP spokesman said that it was in accordance with the Sharia!

However, when a person on whose head Pakistan Gov’t had put a bounty of Rs 5 crore is killed, Mr Taliban Khan is mad with grief!! Cartoon in the Tweet of Bilawal Bhutto Zardari aptly shows Imran Khan as holding Taliban feet and begging for dialogue. No one is against peace process but on what terms? State should not negotiate from weakness..
But what is the life of innocent Christians when it comes to Imran’s hero Hakimullah? If Imran Khan has any spine, he would have declared 10 days mourning in KPK because that is what Imran truly feels.

Now you can see the national tragedy; one head of political party declares a criminal as Shaheed and the other gives an ultimatum to the Federal Gov't either fight US or we rebel. This for the death of Pakistan’s enemy!

When sons of Pakistan treat the State with such disdain, we are surely doomed.
Heavens Hoor thing is a in Quran and Sunnah only problem is ALLAH will decide finally who is martyr or not and if Hakeemullah is killed of innocents he would not land in Heaven but problem is when ever we are close to peace USA ruins things we need to take stand against USA and drones really harsh one other wise TTP will keep getting support
whether we get to stop the drone strikes or not, i will blame the govt for their failure to contain the terrorists and stop them from brainwashing innocent souls and further killing 1000s in the name of ALLAH....

on the side note, with reference to first part of yoyr post - how can you guarantee that i will go to heaven, whether i die innocent or not?? can you promise me heaven and 72 virgins, if i die of illness or get shot by street thugs?
What a goddamn mess! It's amusing how the politicians are falling over each other in calling this man a 'martyr'!!! This one's turning out to be one big comedy circus! :fie:

If someone can write doesnt mean he has the ability to think and understand, so are some readers
even a janitor can write in english in some countries and read
What a goddamn mess! It's amusing how the politicians are falling over each other in calling this man a 'martyr'!!! This one's turning out to be one big comedy circus! :fie:

There is a race going on within Pakistani political class to prove their allegiance to this terrorist outfit. No one wants to be on the opposite side of TTP. Fear for ones own self.... or new found love for extremists? Either way... not a healthy sign for Pakistan!
The timing of this drone bla bla blah. Its all BS! Our brainless politicians are supporting terrorism and mourning for scums death as usual.
Glad the drone took him out. Great timing better late than never.
There is a race going on within Pakistani political class to prove their allegiance to this terrorist outfit. No one wants to be on the opposite side of TTP. Fear for ones own self.... or new found love for extremists? Either way... not a healthy sign for Pakistan!

Imran Khan said it even before he got elected. Remember his interview with an Indian journalist where he completely avoided taking the name of any terrorist outfit responsible for spreading terrorism in Pakistan?

When pressed harder, he ended up saying he has to live in Pakistan after all.
Heavens Hoor thing is a in Quran and Sunnah only problem is ALLAH will decide finally who is martyr or not and if Hakeemullah is killed of innocents he would not land in Heaven but problem is when ever we are close to peace USA ruins things we need to take stand against USA and drones really harsh one other wise TTP will keep getting support

You still doubt the thing that the people , the Taliban have murdered in Markets/Mosques/Shrines/Schools and where-not were innocents ? Seriously ? :azn:
There is a race going on within Pakistani political class to prove their allegiance to this terrorist outfit. No one wants to be on the opposite side of TTP. Fear for ones own self.... or new found love for extremists? Either way... not a healthy sign for Pakistan!
Simply put, I think the Pakistani Politicians are scared.

TTP has shown time and again, no one is above them. They can kill who ever they want in Pakistan with impunity.

The Pakistani politicians know that TTP will take revenge - they are scared that if they dont sing TTP's praises and condemn USA, the axe of revenge will fall on them.
The author is an idiot, no one has been 'mourning' Hakimullah mehsud. The outrage is at the timing of the attack which has anything but destroyed the peace process with the Taliban.

Actually , a lot many political parties are , my friend , some even going to the extent of calling him a " martyr " and the rest sufficing with " symbol of peace killed " for now . If you saw the media after the death of this " murderer " , they appeared as if in mourning and grief stricken . Now , I do not know whether its fear or some love for extremists but whatever it is , this attitude surely isn't good . Ignoring this new phenomenon of glorifying our killers by the political leadership isn't going to help us .

@Emmie Leave the JI alone for a moment , how many times have the religious parties even won in elections and gained any majority in the Provincial /Central Govt let alone that required to legislate freely and that too without making a coalition with liberal parties and the military itself ? :D

If only, there are (as per reports) political parties like JI which have clearly termed this dead (thankfully) fundoo as a martyr. Other political parties have maintained a very deliberate silence on the matter or refused to provide any comment. This is a fellow who headed an organisation responsible for heinous slaughter, if anything the government should have issued a measured response stating that while it maintains its stand on the drone campaign (however tenuous said stand might be) it also maintains that the ma killed was a terrorist and is to be treated as a terrorist KIA in clear and explicit terms.

The reactions of the powers that be matter, they send a message to the populace. @Secur, I believe has been battling some folks who have indeed labeled the dead fundoo as a martyr.
Surely..did Pakistan take Uncle Sam for such a fool that he wouldn't ' square up' and en cash all the IOU's before he left ? When has he left a region without making it worse than what it was when he came ?

There will always be coincidences but the action was right - both for OBL & now.

Right ?

Its a matter of prospective, everyone has theirs. You wont understand what we are trying to say.
But being a smart@$$ about it, and trying to satisfy your delusion about Pakistan is also not right.
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