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Why is the regime so scared of Cyrus the great


Mar 12, 2017
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
United States
Maybe the regime apologists and their intelligence apparatus on this forum care to express their views. Give us material points of discussion instead of the same BS "propaganda from monarchy and MEK".

Iran Security Forces Blocking Roads To Prevent Cyrus Day Gathering

October 28, 2019


A gathering of an estimated 15,000 people at Pasargadae in 2016, on Cyrus Day. File photo

Security forces in Iran have closed major routes leading to historic Pasargadae, the site of Cyrus the Great’s tomb in anticipation of spontaneous gatherings of people to mark the annual commemoration of the first king of ancient Persian Empire.

In recent years as thousands of people have tried to visit the ancient tomb, security forces have closed roads and established a strong presence to deter people.

In 2016, a large crowd spontaneously congregated around the mausoleum and chanted slogans in support of monarchy and national values versus religious government. In subsequent years authorities tried to prevent a gathering.

In 2016, protesters reportedly chanted, "Iran is our homeland; Cyrus is our father," and “Clerical rule is synonymous with only tyranny, only war,” and “Freedom of thought cannot take place with beards,” an explicit reference to the theocratic rulers currently in power.

Videos published on social media show security forces are closing roads leading to Pasargadae this year also. October 29 is regarded as the day when Cyrus the great conquered Babylon in 539 BC, establishing the Achaemenid Empire and is marked as Cyrus the Great Day.

In 2017, a member of parliament from the region urged authorities to mark the Cyrus Day in official ceremonies, boosting tourism instead of preventing it.

But senior clerics and particularly allies of the Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei oppose paying any homage to Iran’s kings and its pre-Islamic history.

Who's Afraid Of Cyrus The Great?

Who's Afraid Of Cyrus The Great?

By Golnaz Esfandiari

Iranian authorities appear to be taking measures to prevent citizens from gathering at the tomb of Cyrus the Great, the first king of Persia, in celebration of Cyrus Day. The ancient king's big event is to be held on October 29, which many believe is the day he conquered Babylon.

Reports suggest that authorities are erecting a fence and imposing restrictions to limit the number of people who visit the pre-Islamic king's tomb, located in the ancient city of Pasargadae in the central province of Fars.

Last year, thousands of Iranians assembled in the desert at the site of the ancient monument to celebrate the unofficial holiday. Many chanted nationalistic slogans, including "Iran is our country, Cyrus is our father."

Reports say up to 300 people were detained at the peaceful gathering. The New York-based Center for Human Rights In Iran reported that some 70 people were later sentenced to prison terms ranging from three months to eight years.

Earlier this week, Hamshahrionline reported ahead of Cyrus Day that those visiting the tomb would encounter additional restrictions.

"The conditions for visitors at Pasargadae have changed in past days," the news site reported on October 24.

"According to eyewitnesses, traffic cards have been issued for the inhabitants of Pasargadae to prevent cars and non-residents from entering the ancient compound on [October 29]," the report added.


Text Message That People In Iran Have Been Getting Regarding Gathering In Pasargadae

Several Iranians told RFE/RL's Radio Farda that they have received threatening text messages warning them that those attending the "illegal" Cyrus Day gathering could face prosecution.

The Persian Service of the BBC reported that it has received similar reports from its audience.

It wasn't clear who sent the messages.

Earlier this week, a Radio Farda listener recorded a video in Pasargadae in which workers appear to be erecting a fence around Cyrus's Tomb.

The listener said that local people have said that "security bodies" ordered that the fence be erected to prevent people from celebrating Cyrus Day at the location.

LOL, American and their intelligence/media services have worried about Iranian nationalism!

Option one: they want to restore the great Persian empire and connect it's territory to Mediterranean sea again, though this new Iran is already there!

Option two: they are missing the super dependent kings of Iran who wouldn't mind selling their soil (Bahrain).
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Very bad move by the our government which allows the traitors and sellouts, Like these dog sh!ts in the Radiofarda, The media arm of the U.S. congress, Exploit this stupidity to further their agenda. It also worth saying that the lower than pig traitors who work for foreign governments, The likes of Golnaz Esfandiari and other Beverly Hills faggots, Are in no way related or representative of Cyrus the Great or any of this matter, So they better shut up.
Are Persian people not proud of their preislamic history ? Why are they allowing their regime to disregard their pre-islamic history this way ?
what diff does it make you still be slave whether king, dictatorship or facade democrazy etc.
Pathetic leading question serving no purpose on this thread. Why are Indians not proud of their Mughal era?


What's leading here ? I am going by what is written in the article.

Most Indians take pride in Mughal history except for the violent invasions. We have the Taj Mahal, Red fort etc. which we proudly own, we have roads named after the great Mughal emperors in Delhi.
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