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Why is Pak media not reporting what is happening at the LOC?

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Same question. Neither is indian media
Indian media was not invited at the handover of Abhi.
Any sensible person could have smell rat with such suspicious behavior and could have told Donkey King to take a U turn.
yes confirmed news.india also fired 3 to 4 short range missiles and 2 hit the civilians.more people are dead on our side.
Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'oon. They will be avenged with interest In Sha Allah. We weren't expected this level of aggression from Indian forces hence more causalities on our side. They are cowards, target civilians.
Next 2 days are going to hard but not to worry those moments in life of any nation make them a nation.Pray and please everyone got his own responsibility too.Not to spread panic and info which can harm our troops operations
They don’t need to tell media because people start sharing and giving away vital info that can compromise positions. Let the dust settle then info will come out.
sir indian army is targeting civilians with missiles.this is what happens when you pray for peace and return a pilot lol.

It's time state start preparing people for worst situation possible.
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