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Why is My Hijab Your Problem?

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Safriz:*OMG a strand of hair, must act normal, must try to hide boner*


Save your childish Sarcasm for somewhere else my dear boy...

Its a runaway train...You inspire women for opening hair..then a bit skimpy tight dress wont hurt,and then of course a low cut Cleavage revealing dress wont hurt either...
(Now don't say cleavage doesn't give you a boner or i will have doubts about your manhood)

It is indeed applied equally to all communities, if a Christian wears Burkha in France she will also be fined.
No it isnt..
The law does not apply to Nuns,and they are allowed to wear their head scarfs which covers all the hair exactly as Islamic hair scarf does.
So the weird Frenchies have devised a law aimed at Islam only.
The hijab is a personal choice, I have no problem with it.

But i'm against these mullah or ayatollah in iran who imposed it ..
The hijab is a personal choice, I have no problem with it.

But i'm against these mullah or ayatollah in iran who imposed it ..

So are you ok with parents who impose it?
That is what your kind can not comprehend. The whole concept of Hai'ah is unethical and out right insane. My freedom and my civil liberties is not anyone's purpose.

They have no right to enforce their beliefs and their way of lives on me. No right to tell me what to do and what not to do. If me and my friends wanted to play music in the park they have no right to stop us.

You see, the concept is very simple, a concept their kind have worked so hard to obliterate from your comprehension ability, the concept is "Civil Liberty". Pure ans Simple. They and their ilk can create colonies to live in like the Amish do.

Mosa, you know that I'm not religious. However, I would have never expected this coming from you. We have made everything clear to you, but you still insist to bash your own culture and religion. There is no religious police in Jordan, and you know well that Jordan is more liberal than any other Arab country, however, Jordanian spy agency would never allow Satanists and gays for instance to have their activities in Jordan, and I know they were arrested and forbidden even to come out. Is this the kind of freedom you are looking for? I know that your country has been bashed for so long because you people still adhere to Islam, but you are not making it better by this. People who love Saudis, love them for one single thing which is their adherence to Islam and those who hate them, hate them for the same reason. I urge you not to ruin that. I amn't saying that Saudis are perfect which have nothing to do with Islam BTW, but what you are saying here is too much.
Save your childish Sarcasm for somewhere else my dear boy...

Its a runaway train...You inspire women for opening hair..then a bit skimpy tight dress wont hurt,and then of course a low cut Cleavage revealing dress wont hurt either...
(Now don't say cleavage doesn't give you a boner or i will have doubts about your manhood)

Why do you hate boobs? :cry:

No it isnt..
The law does not apply to Nuns,and they are allowed to wear their head scarfs which covers all the hair exactly as Islamic hair scarf does.
So the weird Frenchies have devised a law aimed at Islam only.

Maybe the nuns outfit will be banned too after some terrorist dresses up as them and blows himself up.
So parents should be banned from having any interference in child's upbringing..Apart from cleaning their poop and feeding them?

Well your parents can advise you, imposing is different.
Maybe the nuns outfit will be banned too after some terrorist dresses up as them and blows himself up.

Its same as banning Tattoos because all Gangsters wear tattoos...
A dress does not instigate violence...These are lame excuses to cover many Governments' hate against Islam.
But we had been warned in Quran about this long ago..so no surprise here really.
Well your parents can advise you, imposing is different.

Most parental interference is bad for the child anyway. Children with strict parents become timid and anti social. I mean humans are programmed to learn, and a lot of learning is gained from mistakes and experimantation.
The best patents have been those who aim to develop skills in the Child from an early age.

My personal opinion: If your parents are poor, they will pass on the same advice to you that made them financially unuccessful in the first place.
exactly what is happening in london.. previously south asians lived in the same area irrespective of their religion.
now south asian of non-muslim background are slowly moving out due to harassment of their women by muslim men...

What a lie you naughty boy,Never such incident happened where a practicing Muslim man ever harassed a Non Muslim lady,In fact we strictly follow ''Lower your graze'' order both when we are in Muslim majority area & Non Muslim,You lot surely want to degrade Islamic sharia laws.

I can understand why you all are so concerned,Its not a myth anymore,Islam is spreading really fast in Europe,I doubt in next 100 years Muslim will be a minority in GB :)
Its same as banning Tattoos because all Gangsters wear tattoos...
A dress does not instigate violence...These are lame excuses to cover many Governments' hate against Islam.

Yeah, security is a lame excuse. Your analogy is wrong again.....tattoo's dont really make you unrecognizable.....

But we had been warned in Quran about this long ago..so no surprise here really.

Iconic....were you also warned about women wearing jeans and the pitfalls it brings like you complained about in another dress thread? 21st century calling, anyone home?
I assure you that all (males, females and shemales) members like boobs, but let's just not derail the thread. It's about hijab. :coffee:

Yeah, right.....i aint never seen so many puritans in such a small place.....
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