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Why Is Holocaust Important?

The holocaust was a terrible event in history, our brothers in monotheism perished at the hand of a godless people.

Such a thing must never be allowed to happen again, unfortunately there are some who have used the holocaust in order to propagate a devilish agenda, thus trivializing the holocaust to nothing more than a queen on the chessboard of life.
Nazi Germans were not Godless or atheists; they were as much Christians as were the British or the French or the Americans. If you read the history, you'll know that it was Salah uddin Ayubi who allowed several hundred of the Jewish families to settle in the Jerusalem; before him, the Christian rulers never allowed more than a few dozens of the families to settle in Jerusalem. The history of confrontation between the Jews and the Christians is far bitterer than it is between the Jews and the Muslims. Jews prospered under the Islamic rule whereas they suffered under the Christians.

The present alliance that you see between the Jews and the Christians is a political alliance. As the Jews don’t believe in Muhammad, they also do not recognize Jesus as a prophet of God. Similarly the Christians especially the extreme right wing evangelicals (Christian Taliban if you will) do not support Jews just for the good of their heart, but because of the prophecy. The prophecy that tells that Jesus will not descend back on earth until all the Jews are gathered in the holy land. The prophecy does not end here, and many Christians don’t want to talk about the remaining part of the prophecy, which is about the killing of all the non-Christians including Jews and that all of them will rot in the hell.

Uri Avnery, is the leader of Gush Shalom, an Israeli peace group. He was discussing the theology of many Fundamentalist and other Evangelical Christians in a 2002-JUN essay, and wrote: "According to its theological beliefs, the Jews must congregate in Palestine and establish a Jewish state on all its territory so as to make the Second Coming of Jesus Christ possible...the evangelists don't like to dwell openly on what comes next: before the coming [of the Messiah], the Jews must convert to Christianity. Those who don't will perish in a gigantic holocaust in the battle of Armageddon. This is basically an anti-Semitic teaching...". This teaching implies that Jews who remain true to God's covenants in the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) will be all exterminated in a massive genocide that may be more numerous than the Nazi Holocaust.
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I highly recommend this book, by shaykh Imran Hoesin:


Jerusalem in the Qur'an.

PS: you can still be godless despite claiming to believe in God. Like the Taliban for example - these people are not of God.
Thanks for recommending the book; I'll read whenever I'll get some time. However, what I have written above is present in more than one book and historical events also support my notion in full.
The holocaust happened because the west was so scared about the implications of the Russian revolution that it overlooked the anti Semitic policies of Hitler. Hitler in the early 30s openly talked about crossing the Urals to overcome the Jewish Bolsheviks. France and Britian hoped that a powerful fascist Germany would be a bulwark against soviet Russia. Hence the policy of appeasement and the Munich pact. Of course Hitler surprised them all after signing a secret treaty with Stalin. By that time it was too late.

It is important because it is a reminder of the consequences of selfish short term national interest over the larger interests of humanity. Sadly, this lesson is lost on almost all nations.
Oops. I thought this was a general "World Affairs" forum. Is there a place where I can post this anywhere on this website? If not, due to objections, I will delete my article.

Decolonization of all non-white countries after World War II is important for many countries; including the birth of Pakistan. However, I am not here to cause controversy.

It is a general world affairs section. Having a world affairs section only for pakistan news doesnt make sense. ignore him.
The holocaust was a terrible act indeed.

But what i am concerned about is that you are only concerned about EU and Americas or in other words WEST.

Why don't you condemn the acts of your own forces , the killing of 150 thousand and more innocent civilians in Iraq in the name of Thermonuclear weapons? where are they let me ask you!

How about Afghanistan ? Kashmir and Palestine , Kosovo , Chachnia , Bosnia ????

The Holocaust is happening everywhere and it is pathetic that you guys cannot see it as its you or one of yours who are doing it !!

Just remember my friend , every action has a reaction and what goes around comes back around.
Pogroms against religious or racial communities are not new in Europe and Holocaust was in continuity of that. If we study such happenings of such incidents in Europe over last thousand years, we may find numerous examples: Conquisita in Spain (extermination of Jews and Moors in 1400-1600), expulsion of jews and Gepsies (Roma) from various European cities and states over centuries. Efforts to sterlise Roma during last century.

I think reason for such barberic acts is that Europe is very culturally homogenious unlike Asian countries where racial, cultural and religious diversity is much more acceptable.

Attitudes against foreigners, immigrants and minorities is continuity of same mindset.
The holocaust was a terrible act indeed.

But what i am concerned about is that you are only concerned about EU and Americas or in other words WEST.

Why don't you condemn the acts of your own forces , the killing of 150 thousand and more innocent civilians in Iraq in the name of Thermonuclear weapons? where are they let me ask you!

How about Afghanistan ? Kashmir and Palestine , Kosovo , Chachnia , Bosnia ????

The Holocaust is happening everywhere and it is pathetic that you guys cannot see it as its you or one of yours who are doing it !!

Just remember my friend , every action has a reaction and what goes around comes back around.

This question is asked many times. It is a fair question. You won't find many articles or forum posts by Americans criticizing the United States. Firstly, the country is at war in Iraq and Afghanistan. Thousands of American soldiers have died and they are still dying daily. It is disrespectful to dishonor their sacrifice by criticizing the country during wartime.

Secondly, contrary to popular belief, most Americans love their country and they are patriots. On July 4th, virtually every American street is filled with American flags on the front doors, car windows, or car radio antennae. Even during peacetime, most Americans still quietly love their country.

Thirdly, what if I ask you the same question. How many articles have you written to criticize your own country? See, we are alike after all.

"How about Afghanistan ? Kashmir and Palestine , Kosovo , Chachnia , Bosnia ????"

I will provide quick responses for each country that you mentioned. Afghanistan was used as a base by Al-Qaeda with the support of the former Taliban government. Prior to 9/11, Americans could not find Afghanistan on a map. After 9/11, America has a right to self-defense and attempt to destroy Al-Qaeda and the Taliban.

Kashmir is a Pakistani and Indian issue. America lacks the leverage to pressure two large-population (i.e. over 100 million or 1 billion) countries to settle a 50 year dispute. If America had the leverage, the dispute would have been solved decades ago.

Palestine is in Israel's backyard. Israel is the unsinkable American aircraft carrier in the Middle East. No matter what an American president wishes to do, good luck trying to pass anti-Israel policy or legislation through the heavily Jewish-influenced/controlled U.S. Congress or media.

I will post my article in the upcoming weeks on Kosovo. I try to avoid flooding a forum with my articles/opinions.

Chechnya is in Russia's backyard. Russia is still a nuclear superpower with thousands of warheads. Despite U.S. and NATO protests and rhetoric, they meekly acquiesced to Russia's annexation of Georgia's territory (as recognized by the U.N.) in Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Chechnya is part of Russia and not a member of the United Nations. The truth is that the Russians can do basically whatever they want in Chechnya.

In Bosnia, the United States tried to prevent ethnic cleansing. U.S. peacekeepers were in Bosnia from 1996 to 2004. Responsibility of Bosnia has been transferred to the European Union.

On Iraq, wouldn't you say that removing the brutal dictator Sadaam Hussein, who gassed thousands of his own people (i.e. the Iraqi Kurds), was a good deed?
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A moral upright western civilization is an oxymoron .
Too much crap is written to gloat over wests contribution in the advancement of rest of world in the name of white man's burden.

History shows west has commited such atrocities in native indigious ppl of America,Africa and Austrlia that would put many Chengaz Khan to shame,not to mention Holocust or Nuclear Bombing of Japanise Asians that happen in WWII.

Bishop Desmond Tutu had said: "when the missionaries came(to Africa) we had the land and they had the Bib1e. Then they asked us to close our eyes and pray. When we opened our eyes, we had the Bib1e of they had the land!!

so its nothing surprising that Nazis gassed milions of jews and educated,rich scientically advanced Germans cheered Hitler on for it.It was a purely racial thing.Hitler dreamt of an Europe of super Aryan white race which has no place people of other races be it jews, gipsies or Roma (basically ppl from sindh/punjab ) who were livig there for centuries . And noone in Europe cared and all admired Hitlers for his administrative abilities.Even after he conquered France,he had enough french supporters to help round up jewish ppl from all over France.
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A moral upright western civilization is an oxymoron .
Too much crap is written to gloat over wests contribution in the advancement of rest of world in the name of white man's burden.

History shows west has commited such atrocities in native indigious ppl of America,Africa and Austrlia that would put many Chengaz Khan to shame,not to mention Holocust or Nuclear Bombing of Japanise Asians that happen in WWII.

Bishop Desmond Tutu had said: "when the missionaries came(to Africa) we had the land and they had the Bib1e. Then they asked us to close our eyes and pray. When we opened our eyes, we had the Bib1e of they had the land!!

so its nothing surprising that Nazis gassed milions of jews and educated,rich scientically advanced Germans cheered Hitler on for it.It was a purely racial thing.Hitler dreamt of an Europe of super Aryan white race which has no place people of other races be it jews, gipsies or Roma (basically ppl from sindh/punjab ) who were livig there for centuries . And noone in Europe cared and all admired Hitlers for his administrative abilities.Even after he conquered France,he had enough french supporters to help round up jewish ppl from all over France.

I have even greater respect now for Bishop Desmond Tutu. The West awarded a Nobel Peace Prize to him.

Desmond Tutu - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Desmond Mpilo Tutu (born 7 October 1931) is a South African cleric and activist who rose to worldwide fame during the 1980s as an opponent of apartheid. In 1984, Tutu became the second South African to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize."

Despite the accolade and risking the anger of the West, Bishop Desmond Tutu spoke from his heart regarding Bibles, Europeans, and the theft of African lands. Bishop Desmond Tutu is a true African patriot.
How about the present holocaust that taking place in Palestine by zionist who crying about the act of hitler century ago. If hitler has killed them than why are they killing muslims who has nothing to do with Holocaust.

If German deprived jews than why not give them part of German or other part from europe to make up Hitler deed.
Why are Imperialist and zionist taking the land from muslims who actually sheltered deprive jews when they were getting killed by Romans?
How about the present holocaust that taking place in Palestine by zionist who crying about the act of hitler century ago. If hitler has killed them than why are they killing muslims who has nothing to do with Holocaust.

If German deprived jews than why not give them part of German or other part from europe to make up Hitler deed.
Why are Imperialist and zionist taking the land from muslims
who actually sheltered deprive jews when they were getting killed by Romans?

Unfortunately for Muslims, President Roosevelt died in office. If he had lived, President Roosevelt would most likely not have created an Israeli state in Palestine.

Three World Wars for Israel

"2. In 1944 Henry Wallace was Franklin Roosevelt's Vice President. He was far left in his politics. Roosevelt was growing weak and tired physically and the Democrats did not want to chance Wallace becoming president beyond 1945. They chose Harry Truman as Roosevelt's running mate and both were elected in November 1944. They took office January 20, 1945. Roosevelt died on April 12, 1945 and Truman became president. As a side note, Hitler died April 30, 1945 by suicide. Both Roosevelt and Hitler took office in the same year, 1933, and died in the same year, the same month, 1945. In 1945 the war ended with the use of the atomic bomb. The inventor was a Jewish man by the name of Robert Oppenheimer.

3. The Lord was preparing things to reestablish Israel as a nation, and the United States was to be the primary instrument that He would use to make this happen. Approximately two weeks after Truman became President, the State Department sent a memo to Truman to tell him that Roosevelt had met with King Ibn Saud of Saudi Arabia and had "promised the King that as regards Palestine he would make no move hostile to the Arab people and would not assist the Jews as against the Arabs." The State Department was absolutely opposed to the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine. If Roosevelt and Wallace had been in office they would have probably listened to the State Department and not helped Israel."
How about the present holocaust that taking place in Palestine by zionist
Nothing of the sort is happening. The million-plus Arabs of Palestine have one of the highest population growth rates in the world. The six million Jews of Europe, by contrast, were essentially wiped out in four years.

If hitler has killed them than why are they killing muslims who has nothing to do with Holocaust.
Here's why:

If German deprived jews than why not give them part of German or other part from europe to make up Hitler deed.
The Jews were promised a homeland in Palestine after WWI, not after WWII, not only to fulfill the yearning of Jews to return to The Land but as part of the breakup of the Ottoman, Russian, and German empires and the migration of their peoples into separate nation-states. After Jews removed from their lands in Transjordan, the British dallied (to put it mildly) at securing their safety in Palestine. But WWII catalyzed European thinking, adding a new justification and urgency:
...After the war, Churchill felt that the most fitting response to the Holocaust would be to punish those guilty of the most horrific crimes against the Jews and to fulfill the promise of a Jewish homeland that he and Britain had made almost 30 years earlier. When Ernest Bevin, Britain's Labour Party foreign minister, hesitated to recognize Israel nine months after its founding, for fear of inflaming Arab opinion, Churchill swung back hard: "Whether the Right Honorable Gentleman likes it or not, the coming into being of a Jewish State in Palestine is an event in world history to be viewed in the perspective, not of a generation or a century, but in the perspective of a thousand, two thousand, or even three thousand years." Israel was just recompense, Churchill felt, not only for what the Jews of Europe had lost but for what they had given to civilization over the centuries.

Why are Imperialist and zionist taking the land from muslims who actually sheltered deprive jews when they were getting killed by Romans?
I'll let this one pass.
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Nothing of the sort is happening. The million-plus Arabs of Palestine have one of the highest population growth rates in the world. The six million Jews of Europe, by contrast, were essentially wiped out in four years.

Here's why:

The Jews were promised a homeland in Palestine after WWI, not after WWII, not only to fulfill the yearning of Jews to return to The Land but as part of the breakup of the Ottoman, Russian, and German empires and the migration of their peoples into separate nation-states. After Jews removed from their lands in Transjordan, the British dallied (to put it mildly) at securing their safety in Palestine. But WWII catalyzed European thinking, adding a new justification and urgency:

I'll let this one pass.

I didn't know that "Jews were promised a homeland in Palestine after WWI, not after WWII." I will have to conduct more research to educate myself on the facts. If what you say is true then a Jewish state in Palestine might have been inevitable. I hope people don't get mad if I use this opportunity to exercise my teeny knowledge of Jewish culture: Shalom.
I will never understand why west came so late to stop Holocaust , they had men behind enemy lines and intelligence.
About twenty years ago I attended a lecture by a CIA man at my synagogue. Yes indeed, from both human intelligence and the aerial photographs he showed us the U.S. and Britain had learned about the death camps during the war.

Plans were made to bomb the camps and the railways leading to them to disrupt their deadly activities. These plans were never carried out. The most favorable interpretation of Allied leaders' reasoning seems to have been that they felt the bombs and lives of the Allies could best be spent by defeating Nazi Germany; that way, liberation of the camps would be all the speedier. Otherwise, disrupting the process of killing hundreds of thousands of Jews wasn't worth a single bomb or the life of a single Allied airman.

Yet as a bomb-free zone it was natural for the dying Nazi regime to concentrate its activities on the camps (just as Saddam's retreating troopers burned Kuwait's oil wells) and in the last few months of the war the slaughter was greatly increased. That's when my grandparents were killed.

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