I cant think of two other global phenomenon that would so pervasively prevent people from making out as effectively.
Maybe the cell phone.
Really, have you read the recent news and stats of AIDS patient in India;. It has among the highest rate in entire world and rate of patients of AIDS has increased tremendously. How do you think this AIDS infected population has increased, by syringes or blood transfusion, nope, these two factors are not the major causes but HIV from intercourse and mother-to-child transfer.
If you have any interest in epidemiology or understand its basic factors, there is a term called Reproductive Number. If its greater than one, the disease is epidemic and if its less than one its endemic. In case of AIDS, this reproductive number is directly proportional to number of partners involved, frequency of intercourse etc. In case of India and other contries where AIDS is epidemic, you can see its because of the major reason I mentioned above. Now you draw your conclusion. BTW AIDS don't spread by just making out.
On Internet people are angry because you can keep tabs on growth of your friends, acquaintances, strangers etc. Most of the people gets frustrated when they see their connection earning more, getting more respected, visiting exotic places, having great time, marrying beautiful woman which wasn't possible as there was no facebook, orkut etc.
Now anyone can see or get informed about their crush, lost love, living condition of rival countries, their defense, their infrastructure, their technology etc. which increases this frustration. Internet is making people angry, so the people are getting angry on internet.
Look at this forum, people gets angry at their govt. when other nation's govt gets new defense equipment, their economic growth and what not. It also increases the communication between posters of two rival country which mostly results in word war, profanity, anger etc. When they log off, some of them are still angry and when they are online, their are angry again.