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Why is China behaving like a bully?

..............can you reformat your post otherwise i do not know where did my quote start and your comment began...........

but i can't wait so i will try to reformat for you....

Almost every bit of your China bully idea or your idea of what China should do or not with their territory and geopolitics.

So my knowledge is nonsense because of your knowledge?

How do you know i know less about China than you??

Your idea of China is perfectly in lines with those ignorant and half-known westerners I met in London for 10 years

lol, it is again is a statment, not an agrument, i can say you are the same arrongant Chinese i met in US and Australia, what can you say about that? You don't know those people i am talking about.

How come call you half chinese blooded is an insualt? Are you saying calling you Chinese is an insualt? Because I noticed that you intentionally mentioned many times in your replies that you are Chinese with aims to convince others with your idiodic statement about China…but I said before and here again, you are half-chinese doesn't mean you know China, in reality its quite opposite

Insult is insinuating i am half Chinese SO i don't know anything about China, which is a point you are saying still. There are no problem calling me Half Chinese, and no problem tell me i don't know nothing about China. But there is a problem when you combine the two.

I like Jam, and i like Beef, that does not translate to i like Jam in Beef............

So you are a shool brat now? saying your China ‘theory’ BS is an insualt again? Please grow up and be a man, at least you joined the ‘super army’

saying anyone's comment is BS (BullShit) is an insult, that's quite obivious ain't it?
You may not agree with my point but you are not my professor nor my academic higher, how can you rate my stuff BS, even if my professor in University rate my stuff BS, i still have the right to stick it up his arse.

So tell me, telling someone else's word are BS is or is not an insult??

Unless BS mean other thing, then i apologise for treating it as an insult.

Yes you got this part right, and your first 3 sentence was a mood point

First, it's MOOT point not mood point, MOOT is a legal term for Mootness, which is a proceeding to have no effect. Mood point is what you said when you are in mood. MEaning it say stuff according to your mood.......

Secondly, how was my point a moot point did you just said all the chinese bully stuff was brought from "Brainwashed" western media??

Guess most of my ‘brainwashed’ Chinese mates agreed with that point

If China is as bad as the West, the East Asia wont be the ones we known today, at least some clownish countries wont be exist anymore

it goes both way, and you just have admitted that you know nothing about us

lol what you think is not what i can comment, unless i can control someone else's mind i cannot comment on how people think.

You can think China is a strong and capable country, all they do is to show power and take everything they think it's them back.

That does not mean Vietnamese can think China is a big bully and the SCS is belong to them and Chinese is just invading.

I would think Katherine Heigl should have married me does that mean she have to think like this too??

Ever heard of independent thinking?? You can most probably influence poeple around you what to think, to influence your own country is possible if you are on an important position, but to influence someone else's country and their citizens is IMPOSSIBLE. you can think you are good and big, other can think you are sneaky and bully. SO what is your point??

By the way, you did not catch my drift did you?
If i say i don't know anything about Chinese so i will shut up, then you will say you don't know me at all so you will shut up, but since if you don't know me at all, how do you know i know nothing about China?? I could be lying to have you shut up :)
How do you know i know less about China than you??
it is not your fault being idiot about China ,for you are not Chinese.but it is your fault showing your idiot everywhere.
our culture is just too hard for you to learn.even if you can speak some Chinese or recite some Tang Poems,you cann't get what behind the words.
here a Song Peom for you.learn it before you open your reversed mouth again.
怒发冲冠,凭栏处、潇潇雨歇。抬望眼,仰天长啸,壮怀激烈。 三十功名尘与土,八千里路云和月。莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切!
靖康耻,犹未雪;臣子恨,何时灭。驾长车(俥jū),踏破贺兰山缺。 壮志饥餐胡虏肉,笑谈渴饮匈奴血。待从头,收拾旧山河。朝天阙
it is not your fault being idiot about China ,for you are not Chinese.but it is your fault showing your idiot everywhere.
our culture is just too hard for you to learn.even if you can speak some Chinese or recite some Tang Poems,you cann't get what behind the words.
here a Song Peom for you.learn it before you open your reversed mouth again.
怒发冲冠,凭栏处、潇潇雨歇。抬望眼,仰天长啸,壮怀激烈。 三十功名尘与土,八千里路云和月。莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切!
靖康耻,犹未雪;臣子恨,何时灭。驾长车(俥jū),踏破贺兰山缺。 壮志饥餐胡虏肉,笑谈渴饮匈奴血。待从头,收拾旧山河。朝天阙

. . .
it is not your fault being idiot about China ,for you are not Chinese.but it is your fault showing your idiot everywhere.
our culture is just too hard for you to learn.even if you can speak some Chinese or recite some Tang Poems,you cann't get what behind the words.
here a Song Peom for you.learn it before you open your reversed mouth again.
怒发冲冠,凭栏处、潇潇雨歇。抬望眼,仰天长啸,壮怀激烈。 三十功名尘与土,八千里路云和月。莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切!
靖康耻,犹未雪;臣子恨,何时灭。驾长车(俥jū),踏破贺兰山缺。 壮志饥餐胡虏肉,笑谈渴饮匈奴血。待从头,收拾旧山河。朝天阙

dude, i learn this in High School in Hong Kong, Chinese language and culture. 中國語文及文化枓.

you can swear your revenge even after 30 year or 8000 mile, all the mountain and wind in your face, but what good is there be if you only have an instant of revenging. Especially one men, one village, one country only can do so much in the world. 岳飛 (I don't know the English name for him), is a typical soldier of the time, even after 4 campaign into North, losing men after men, for him, he do not know his limit. Bear in mind how he died, not in the far away battlefield fighting for Song Dynasty, but was excuted by a dude that betray behind his back. He is an amazing fighter, but fighting skill in a grandier scale DOES NOT work. especially when you talking about politics.

IF you really want to learn something for China, you should go for 莊子 - 庖丁解牛






There are "Too much knowledge" for one to go after, the important thing is you know the term "Enough is Enough" More of everything will only do you harm more than good, this extend to other things, no matter is it knowledge, skill, or vengence.

One should first learn how to deal with themselve, then how to deal with their home and their village or society, then try to deal with your own coutnry, and finally try to fix the world, the act is going with that direction, not the other way around

孔子- 大學 古之欲明明德於天下者,先治其國。欲治其國者,先齊其家。欲齊其家者,先修其身。欲修其身者,先正其心 the following is for reference 欲脩其身者,先正其心;欲正其心者,先誠其意;欲誠其意者,先致其知;致知在格物。物格而後知至,知至而後意誠,意誠而後心正,心正而後身脩,身脩而後家齊,家齊而後國治,國治而後天下平。

in the case anyone do not understand Chinese. this is an old script on Chinese History (4 books and 5 scripts), it loosely translated to "He who are people of the world, first he need to well manage their own country, he who want to manage their own country should first manage their family, he who want to manage their family should first manage themselve.Then mind, then their knowledge, then their own thing, once he can achieve that, he could make peace with him and the world"

any more acient poem or acient script, we can discuss Chinese history and literature here

You chinese say westerner never understand Chinese and should learn CHinese way first before commenting, the same can be said to Chinese, Chinese know nothing how the west works, you shold laern how the west work before you comment on their policy, this, have been seen by great scholar 孔子 2500 years ago.


lol, try me, i understand more Chiense than more Chinese do. any particular era poem, literature??
Dude, if you are not familize about the American Indian issue please do not say anything. American Indian Conservation have their own land, except for taxation purpose, Federal US government CANNOT enforce its law on their own reservation. exccept of course serious and federal crime.

And dude, why would you need to say sorry to occupy Germany when they freaking LOSE A WAR? The whole Germany were occupied as per Allied demilitarisation plan, as far as i know GErmany lose the war twice, and Germany never re-annex Alsace-Lorraine after WW1. France own Alsace-Lorraine, if Germany Defeat France again, then they can talk.

As much as I am impressed with your ability to invent words out of thin air (that's a great one btw, familize, AWESOME!)., I can't help but admire your logic that Native Americans got a good deal because the Feds let them keep some exemptions and their land and allow them to build casinos after stealing their lands and killing their people.

I would like to apply this same logic to, say, California. I say if China has the might, then China should occupy California and kill half your family, then kill off the other half in periodic racial cullings (gotta reduce the red/white man population ya know), treat them with extreme prejudice then herd the surviving people of California into remote camps in the california desert. But HEY! all will be well because we will allow the people of California to build casinos in death valley and grant them some exemptions!

As for what the justification of it might be.. well the Answer is in your second paragraph. "And dude, why would you need to say sorry to occupy Germany when they freaking LOSE A WAR?" What awesome logic. I truly admire such simplicity in thinking. In essence, might makes right? So if we have the might to take the islands by force, that makes China right? If the other nations want the lands back, they should win a war against China first? Hey, China won't even have to say sorry! I mean, " why would you need to say sorry to occupy Germany when they freaking LOSE A WAR?"

Bravo sir, impeccable logic. Thank you for your thoughts. Please come back again soon.
As much as I am impressed with your ability to invent words out of thin air (that's a great one btw, familize, AWESOME!)., I can't help but admire your logic that Native Americans got a good deal because the Feds let them keep some exemptions and their land and allow them to build casinos after stealing their lands and killing their people.

I would like to apply this same logic to, say, California. I say if China has the might, then China should occupy California and kill half your family, then kill off the other half in periodic racial cullings (gotta reduce the red/white man population ya know), treat them with extreme prejudice then herd the surviving people of California into remote camps in the california desert. But HEY! all will be well because we will allow the people of California to build casinos in death valley and grant them some exemptions!

As for what the justification of it might be.. well the Answer is in your second paragraph. "And dude, why would you need to say sorry to occupy Germany when they freaking LOSE A WAR?" What awesome logic. I truly admire such simplicity in thinking. In essence, might makes right? So if we have the might to take the islands by force, that makes China right? If the other nations want the lands back, they should win a war against China first? Hey, China won't even have to say sorry! I mean, " why would you need to say sorry to occupy Germany when they freaking LOSE A WAR?"

Bravo sir, impeccable logic. Thank you for supporting China. Please come back again soon.

lol i was typing that 4 am in the morning, there bound to be some typo...

You can come to california and try to kill half the population, IF YOU CAN DO IT.

Do you even know the meaning of sovereignty??

Under the UN PUblic Law Forum, law of sovereignty is said to be a country with a population and a functioning government. The term "Government" does not suitable to use by tribal ruling, American indian is a tribe so we are "Legally" grabbing the land of America. So what you said is NOT POSSIBLE as California already have State Government and a Federal Government with a population to govern. You can try and come to California and kill half of the californian,, if you can. Seriously i don't very much like California anyway. IF you want to try, then come try

Oh wait, you would say, yeah the west twisted the law so they make ntheir claim legal. The problem is you know China say yes to law of sovereignty, you know why? If they don't agree, they have to give back the northern part of China to indigenous personnel.
Are you familiar with the people in tibet and the people in Mongol??

So yes, China is as much bad as the west in this issue.

About war loser and apologise, did Chinese apologise to the Vietnamese when they took Paracel from them in 1974? Did China returned the Island yet??

Oh yes, CHinese are gonna say Vietnam is the part of China, well, tell that to the vietnamese, or Paracel were Chinese to start with or whatever, but truth be told, China took Paracel from Vietnamese in 1974 it was vietnamese administration BEFORE CHINA TOOK Paracel. Set aside all the claim, should China return the island to Vietnam before claiming the legal right of the Island.

Then what about AC? Did you return and apologise to Indian yet??

Well, Chinese Government don;t just think what i said was right, but also doing what i said. So are you actually Chinese?? How the heck you don't know they have beendoing what i was saying??

Or you said When Chinese use the word i say is ok, but when the west do it, they need to apologise, is it what you mean??
lol i was typing that 4 am in the morning, there bound to be some typo...

You can come to california and try to kill half the population, IF YOU CAN DO IT.

Do you even know the meaning of sovereignty??

Under the UN PUblic Law Forum, law of sovereignty is said to be a country with a population and a functioning government. The term "Government" does not suitable to use by tribal ruling, American indian is a tribe so we are "Legally" grabbing the land of America. So what you said is NOT POSSIBLE as California already have State Government and a Federal Government with a population to govern. You can try and come to California and kill half of the californian,, if you can. Seriously i don't very much like California anyway. IF you want to try, then come try

Oh wait, you would say, yeah the west twisted the law so they make ntheir claim legal. The problem is you know China say yes to law of sovereignty, you know why? If they don't agree, they have to give back the northern part of China to indigenous personnel.
Are you familiar with the people in tibet and the people in Mongol??

So yes, China is as much bad as the west in this issue.

About war loser and apologise, did Chinese apologise to the Vietnamese when they took Paracel from them in 1974? Did China returned the Island yet??

Oh yes, CHinese are gonna say Vietnam is the part of China, well, tell that to the vietnamese, or Paracel were Chinese to start with or whatever, but truth be told, China took Paracel from Vietnamese in 1974 it was vietnamese administration BEFORE CHINA TOOK Paracel. Set aside all the claim, should China return the island to Vietnam before claiming the legal right of the Island.

Then what about AC? Did you return and apologise to Indian yet??

Well, Chinese Government don;t just think what i said was right, but also doing what i said. So are you actually Chinese?? How the heck you don't know they have beendoing what i was saying??

Or you said When Chinese use the word i say is ok, but when the west do it, they need to apologise, is it what you mean??

lol, so angry. No keep to get angry on an internet forum. Sounds like someone needs a hug!

No, I don't want to kill half of California. (OK, Maybe some of the actors in LA deserve a good beating, but I'm good with most Californians!) I'm just pointing out how weak and stupid your argument sounds.

I mean, Native Americans are good because they have their own indian reservations? LOL?

China isn't perfect either, but compared to some of the atrocities committed by the US in recent history, China's practically saintly. The most brutal acts China has committed has been against its own people, unfortunately.

And no, Vietnam isn't a part of China. Nor do we want it to be. But you have to acknowledge the fact that Nations often have disagreements, and you cannot just take a side and call the other side wrong because it suits your purposes. This is exactly what the Western Media has done. This is wrong.

All interference will do is harm all party involved. It's not even in Vietnam's or Philippines interest to have the US intervene. All the US will do is egg the participants on and have the stupid people in Vietnam and Philippines do the dirty work for them. Why should America spend a dime or risk a life when Vietnamese and Filipinos will die for them to contain China?

In that respect, the Indians and the Koreans are actually much smarter about the situation than Vietnam and Filipinos. They know to get the most advantage out of the situation they must remain neutral. The world is changing, and their strategy changed to adapt.

All I'm saying it's brilliant strategy on the US front on a short term basis. It's Win to the US to foment Asian conflict IN THE SHORT TERM and if you look at the world as a zero sum game. It's just too bad that Asia has to loses for the US to win in this scenario.

Long term though, that strategy is a loser. China will inevitably rise just as the US will inevitably decline. When the time comes, the US will realize how foolish it was to have tried to contain a Rising China using other Asian nations. why? because in doing so, they are throwing away the biggest leverage they have to balance China: the goodwill of the Chinese people.
This article looks to me like a biased opinion post with getting quite a few facts wrong.
lol, so angry. No keep to get angry on an internet forum. Sounds like someone needs a hug!

All interference will do is harm all party involved. It's not even in Vietnam's or Philippines interest to have the US intervene. All the US will do is egg the participants on and have the stupid people in Vietnam and Philippines do the dirty work for them. Why should America spend a dime or risk a life when Vietnamese and Filipinos will die for them to contain China?

In that respect, the Indians and the Koreans are actually much smarter about the situation than Vietnam and Filipinos. They know to get the most advantage out of the situation they must remain neutral. The world is changing, and their strategy changed to adapt.

All I'm saying it's brilliant strategy on the US front on a short term basis. It's Win to the US to foment Asian conflict IN THE SHORT TERM and if you look at the world as a zero sum game. It's just too bad that Asia has to loses for the US to win in this scenario.

Long term though, that strategy is a loser. China will inevitably rise just as the US will inevitably decline. When the time comes, the US will realize how foolish it was to have tried to contain a Rising China using other Asian nations. why? because in doing so, they are throwing away the biggest leverage they have to balance China: the goodwill of the Chinese people.

LOL let me guess, you were educated in a CCP youth school, right?
The sentences you wrote are more or less copied texts from Global Times. :rofl:
So sad why China change its course? instead of becoming a peace-police in the region, China becomes the reason of uncertainties, disturbances and troubles in the region. :tdown:
So sad why China change its course? instead of becoming a peace-police in the region, China becomes the reason of uncertainties, disturbances and troubles in the region. :tdown:

Somali pirates have the same complaint with you.
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