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Why India will never go to war with Pakistan

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Your second rate or rather third rate airforce has always come off second best against PAF. As for glaciers, it was no man land and rumours are your weak troops are coming back sterile as they cannot cope with the high altitude.:lol::lol::lol:
So what is stopping you in Kargil to HIDE.With your first rate PAF with super duper pilot riding on it.
Cannot give cover fire to your NLI soldiers at peaks,while IAF has bomb them day and night.

If you are so sure we are coming back from glaciers,then mard e mommin your soldiers are very brave to occupy empty post,rite
HAHAHAHA I guess your third rate army which was absolutely gutted, humiliated and degraded by the Chinese somehow launched invisible surgical strikes in 67, I guess absence of evidence does not mean evidence of absence:lol::lol: you guys are becoming an embarrassment , some frank and friendly advice....Log off.
:yahoo:Now I know where this invisible hanuman surgical strike came from, even back in 67
So what is stopping you in Kargil to HIDE.With your first rate PAF with super duper pilot riding on it.
Cannot give cover fire to your NLI soldiers at peaks,while IAF has bomb them day and night.

If you are so sure we are coming back from glaciers,then mard e mommin your soldiers are very brave to occupy empty post,rite
Plausible deniability.....statecraft though I doubt these terms mean anything to you Ravi, do me a favour your drivel has become boring, go find another playmate to pester.
What 67, entire world does not know what u are talking about, I guess it's your invisible Hanuman army again:cheesy:
Nathu La and Cho La incidents - Wikipedia
I doubt you being chinese,still source for you.

HAHAHAHA I guess your third rate army which was absolutely gutted, humiliated and degraded by the Chinese somehow launched invisible surgical strikes in 67, I guess absence of evidence does not mean evidence of absence:lol::lol: you guys are becoming an embarrassment , some frank and friendly advice....Log off.
Source for you.
Nathu La and Cho La incidents - Wikipedia
Enjoy,However why are you hiding behind chinese.
What about Pakistan? What does Pakistan have ?

Yield from thermonuclear device, which was stepped down from 200 kilotonnes to 60 Kt, to prevent damage to nearby villages, gave a yield of 56 Kts.

In 1998 itself, India had 200 Kilotonnes thermonuclear weapons. Now India is producing weapons over megaton yield, mostly China specific.

Where has Pakistan neither succeeded or not even tested a thermonuclear device.

The fact that Indian is much larger than Pakistan and has a population 6 times that of Pakistan.

Pakistan would need 6 times the yield available with India, to cause equivalent damage to India.
Pakistan nuclear devices have 250 kt yield down to tactical yield..and H-bomb on demand, maybe already tested if it is chinese design or supercomputer tested if it is purely Pakistani..tests are for mecanisms and small scale detonations demonstration and confirmation of the soundness of the design,,
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Why would we want to go to war with no objectives? What would fighting Pakistan give us? There is nothing to gain from it. So I guess the OP starter is right. With no clear objectives fighting a war is just redundant and puts strain on economy.
1. Nuclear Weapons

Pakistan has over 130 nuclear warheads capable of targeting every inch of India, there isn't a single place that is safe. These nuclear warheads can be launched by air or land, and make no mistake, India cannot stop them. India's nuclear defences are primitive, in small supply as well as untested. Not to mention if they actually worked India would have invaded Pakistan by now. If you want to know how much damage a single nuclear warhead can do:


Keep in mind, those bombs were manufactured way back in WW2, imagine how much more potent they would be now, and that instead of 2 warheads being used, it would be well over 100. More than enough to destroy India's largest cities.

If these typical nukes aren't scary enough, Pakistan also has tactical nukes that they can and will deploy on the battlefield, giving them the potential to wipe out entire divisions. Not only does it act as a significant force multiplier for Pakistan, but it also shows that Pakistan is very willing to take some dangerous decisions, this alone can be enough of a deterrent.

It's also important to note that unlike India, Pakistan doesn't have a no first use policy, and that Pakistan also has a second strike capability so forget trying to nuke the place first.

True. You forgot to mention Pakistan will be annihilated retaliatory strikes within minutes.

2. Development

India is currently going through some heavy development, and things seem to be improving for the nation. If India were to go to war with Pakistan, expect this development to shatter, and for India to instead to regress as a country. Pakistan is more than capable of destroying India's largest cities that are key to its development. No country would ever want to risk shattering their potential for centuries to come.

You are right. What India will gain by capturing Pakistan? No resources that can compensate for war loses.

3. CM-400AKG BrahMos is often touted as another potent weapon to add to India's arsenal, but everyone seems to forget Pakistan's CM-400AKG. The CM-400AKG is the export variant of the Chinese YJ-12, an air launched anti ship cruise missile. It has an operational range of up to 240km and can travel as fast as Mach 5. This bad boy is effectively a hypersonic carrier killer! It entered service in 2012, and can be launched via Pakistan's JF-17's which themselves have a combat radius of over 1,350km, meaning that the missile can be launched from almost 1,600km away.

Of course, sinking a carrier isn't easy, but it is possible and as the the JF-17 gets better, the odds of it actually happening in a war increase significantly.

The actual impact it would have to sink an aircraft carrier would be major, it would throw billions of dollars India spent on the thing down the toilet as well as act as a major psychological blow to lower Indian morale during a war. The mere existence of the CM-400AKG itself could impact Indian morale in a war.

CM-400AKG itself is a very primitive version of a cruise missile, with no see skimming capabilities it can be countered effectively. This had been discussed to length by senior members of this forum previously.

Brahmos is as State of Art Hypersonic cruise missile as it gets. Even though we all know its just a matter of time before it is declared that Brahmos has double the range than its officially taughted range. If lauched from Kashmir, even range of 290 km is enough to cover entire Pakistan.

4. India's military

The Indian military, whilst large and powerful with many dangerous tools, have many issues. Many, MANY issues. India's military has a large number of obsolete tanks, armored vehicles, and artillery pieces, not to mention critical shortages of ammunition and air-defense assets, raising serious questions whether India can undertake large-scale military operations at all, let alone whether ongoing defense modernization really is sharply shifting the conventional balance in its favor. Although Indian defense spending has significantly boosted, much of that money has been spent merely replacing obsolete weapons and equipment.

One example of the Indian military's many troubles is its Air Force, the IAF. The IAF has the highest crash rate among Air Forces worldwide. Whilst these crashes can be contributed to technical limitations, it's obvious the lack of skill among IAF pilots also plays a part, since 6 Su-30MKI's have crashed from 2009 to 2015. If technology was the only problem, then the Su-30MKI shouldn't be crashing on an annual basis as it's a new and advanced fighter.

Atleast before posting, study a bit. Out of 6 Mki crashes only 1 had been contributed by pilot error. Spare me the hypocrisy about IAF pilots being not upto the mark.

5. Little incentive

Even if you ignore the above reasons, what pain-staking reason must India invade Pakistan for? There is only one reason and even then it's a shoddy one: to combat anti Indian insurgents. But even then, going to war with Pakistan won't stop that, Pakistan will just start doing it even more in an act of retaliation. So going to war with Pakistan would solve nothing, it would only create lots and lots of problems, some of which I have mentioned in this post.

Agreed. India have nothing to gain from Invading Pakistan. The proxy war will continue, Pakistan is suffering way more from in house terrorism than India.
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Nathu La and Cho La incidents - Wikipedia
I doubt you being chinese,still source for you.

Source for you.
Nathu La and Cho La incidents - Wikipedia
Enjoy,However why are you hiding behind chinese.
Bullshit wiki page created by Indians and with all Indian sources media

India media claimed USA hand unsc seat to them but Nehru refused and gave it to China
India media claimed they a superpower by 2012
India media claimed an invisible hanuman surgical strike etc...

I would rather believe the sun rise from the west tomorrow
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Yet more questionable at best and at worst downright crooked Indian Wikipedia sources, do your self a favour and log off you have become so monotonous and boring, I bid you farewell Ravi.
Then why dont you google yourself to find it out,There are many other source then you will be force to believe.
And yes calling my name,i believe you started losing argument.Bye Bye sleep well,We are not attacking you.
Current situation is just a border skirmishes by RS for one more extension or coup is on the way.
i certainly understand tough time ahead for Pakistan,Quetta terrorist attack,Dharna,sacking of Information minister,defenece minister run to Dubai,coup on the way etc etc,,,,,,
Then why dont you google yourself to find it out,There are many other source then you will be force to believe.
And yes calling my name,i believe you started losing argument.Bye Bye sleep well,We are not attacking you.
Current situation is just a border skirmishes by RS for one more extension or coup is on the way.
i certainly understand tough time ahead for Pakistan,Quetta terrorist attack,Dharna,sacking of Information minister,defenece minister run to Dubai,coup on the way etc etc,,,,,,
blah, blah......blah:hitwall:
Bullshit wiki page created by Indians and with all Indian sources media

India media claimed USA hand unsc seat to them but Nehru refused and gave it to China
India media claimed they a superpower by 2012
India media claimed an invisible hanuman surgical strike etc...

I would rather believe the sun rise from the west tomorrow

GO back to your commie propaganda...cant debate with people who have no access to neutral sources.
he is the most terrible power
not doubt, everyone is fairly certain that India does not have thermo capability. Why don't you pick a remote place and denote a 3 Mt H-bomb like every P5 country did? instead boasting on a 43 kt bomb?

There is no remote place in India, where a 3 Mega tonne bomb can be tested, without displacing huge number of people.

India was conducting tests under watchful eyes of United States and its satellites.

Already 2 years ago US had found out about possible Indian nuclear test in 1996 and arm twisted the then congress government to stops the tests.

This time under BJP government, It was much more important to conduct the tests itself, than worry about building a new test site.

Only one of the bomb to be tested was, high enough yield to cause damage to the nearby villages, so its yield was lessened.

If you understand nuclear physics, then you wouldn't been posing the questions.

Once you able to start a thermonuclear reaction, that the yield itslef is just variable of how much fissionable material in the bomb itself.

A theoritical yield from few Kilo tonnes to hundreds of megatones is possible.
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