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Why India will disappoint both the United States and China.

Ḥashshāshīn;3403697 said:
Unless it benefits you then you start kissing their feet :lol:

Do not confuse us with some Random African country. :)
How the hell does China got dragged into the title. Indian government's foreign policy is to serve India's interests not US or anyone, otherwise its own legitimacy is in question. Also doing other countries bidding in international politics would only degrade oneself. UK and France are the fine examples of each.
India's policy has forever remained constant - India first always & every time.

In so doing if it fits in anthers game plan - good .

True and has worked like a charm till date, though there are times when I thought we should have taken sides in some matters to Russia and Israel but that is an individual thought and you are free to disagree. In terms of China I strongly agree.
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