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Why India media also join the lying chorus on Tibet riots?

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Mar 24, 2007
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Quoting CCTV interview clip, India medium Rediff blatantly distorted the interview’s original statements, lying to the English-speaking public.

Rediff video clip titled “Tibetans vent their fury”. Vent their fury against whom? If you know only English, by reading Rediff’s translation, you will naturally get the impression that the fury is vented against the peacekeepers, not the mobs.

What the Tibetan lady spoke in Chinese:”我的心情是非常沉重的, 这些少数分裂分子他们搞的破坏活动, 这我们都是见证, 好日子不过, 小孩上学的也不让上, 正常的上班也不能上班, 破坏了我们的好日子..."

The English translation should be like:” My heart is extremely saddened. Those handful separatists did destructive activities. We can all testify that. (They) don’t let us enjoy good time, child schoolings are interrupted, we can’t go work as usual, our good days are destroyed…”

What Rediff translated the lady’s speech:” All the Tibetan people have gathered together yesterday on the street and the military men come and fired some tear gas, some poisonous one, to us in the afternoon at 3 or 4PM and arrested about 10 or 20 people.”

Sham on you liar Rediff!

Rediff original video: rediff.com: Tibetans vent their fury

Rediff lying snapshot:

because twisting things in China is the most popular way to show their mainstream position. Rediff may think it's even superior to CNN.
Its the fact. Indian media sells lies. We Pakistanis know that already, it doesn't surprise us.
Its the fact. Indian media sells lies. We Pakistanis know that already, it doesn't surprise us.

A very natural reaction!

That is the opinion of adversarial nations.

They feel the other lies!
Rediff lying snapshot:

I watched the interview at least 3 times, beside the lady, there were other tibetan people expressing same indignations (both in tibetan and chinese) at those mobs.
A very natural reaction!

That is the opinion of adversarial nations.

They feel the other lies!

If you feel the other lies........Please do go ahead and give us your translation.........
Well I dont know chinese and hence I rely on your Translation . and if your are right then this is unethical from Rediff to do this .
However COurtesy CCTV on the top also signifies the frustration and inability of world media to go and find the truth ..
We dont know if this lady's comments are true or she is just a dummy witness presented by Chinese Media .
When you are right you dont have to fear anything . let the world media go and find the truth .
Every body is a lier in the world, besides pakistan and china. Because come to think about this i have saw in this forum lots of discussion about this tibet, and every countries media in the world has lied. Out of all these media not even one told the truth. Right. That must mean Pakistan and Chinese media is the right one given this situation.:crazy:
I hope one saw the Olympic Flame Ceremony held today.

There was strict security so much so that no foreign TV were allowed there and these foreign TVs had to rely upon the Greek govt uplink.

There were just a hand full of dignitaries.

As the President of the Chinese Olympic Committee was giving the speech, one chap ran in and unfurled the Tibet Flag!

The Greek security ran in and pulled the man away.

Has the CCTV show this?

Or was this also a lie?
Every body is a lier in the world, besides pakistan and china. Because come to think about this i have saw in this forum lots of discussion about this tibet, and every countries media in the world has lied. Out of all these media not even one told the truth. Right. That must mean Pakistan and Chinese media is the right one given this situation.:crazy:

Yea Yea only Indian media is telling the truth, chinese and Pakistani media only lies...I cant stop laughing myself......shame on you rediff:guns:
ok,ok only indian media not may be telling the truth, but what about the world. Notice i said all of the world is a lieng regarding tibet. right.:hitwall:
Tibet protesters disrupt Olympic flame ceremony

Tibet protest at Olympia

Pro-Tibetan protesters today disturbed a high security ceremony to light the Olympic flame in Greece.

International dignitaries were gathered at Olympia, the site of the ancient Olympics, when three members of the Paris-based Reporters Without Borders ran onto the field to disrupt a speech by Liu Qi, president of the Beijing organising committee and Beijing Communist party secretary.

The demonstrator who got nearest to Liu Qi was carrying a banner showing the Olympic Rings as handcuffs but failed to unfurl it before being arrested.

Police detained the men along with a Tibetan campaigner and a Greek photographer travelling with him in the nearby village of Olympia, just outside the site of the ancient Games.

Lhadon Tethong, director of Students for a Free Tibet, said the men were taken to the local police station. "One of our colleagues saw them being dragged by about 20 police through town," he said.

"If the Olympic flame is sacred, human rights are even more so," Reporters Without Borders said in a statement. "We cannot let the Chinese government seize the Olympic flame, a symbol of peace, without denouncing the dramatic situation of human rights in the country."

When the incident took place, Chinese state TV cut away to a pre-recorded scene, preventing Chinese viewers from seeing the protest. TV commentators on Chinese TV did not mention the incident.

After the arrest of the men the ceremony went ahead smoothly. Actor Maria Nafpliotou, dressed as a high priestess, used a convex mirror to catch the sun's rays and light the Olympic flame.

International Olympic committee president Jacques Rogge attended the ceremony and said afterwards: "It's always sad when there are protests. But they were not violent and I think that's the important thing."

Once lit, Nafpliotou handed the torch to Alexandros Nikolaidis, who won a silver medal in taekwondo at the 2004 Athens Games but the progress of the flame was hindered by protestors along its route.

Several pro-Tibet demonstrators, including a Tibetan woman whose body had been painted red, lay down on the road in the athelete's path.

A total 645 torchbearers will carry the flame for a week over 950 miles through Greece. It will make a stopover at the Acropolis before being handed over to Chinese officials at the Athens stadium where the first modern Olympics were held in 1896.

The flame will travel 85,000 miles across five continents to reach the Olympic stadium in Beijing on August 8.

Demonstrations continued today in countries neighbouring Tibet. In northeast India, police stopped nearly 500 Tibetan exiles from marching to the Chinese border to demand a halt to China's crackdown on protesters in Tibet.

Police blocked their entry into the state of Sikkim that borders China, said an officer, Sonam Bhutia. The protesters carried Tibetan flags and chanted slogans demanding they be allowed to go to Tibet.

"We have barricaded the road and we shall not allow the Tibetans to continue the march," Bhutia told the Associated Press.

The Tibetans living in India's northeast began their march on Thursday from the state of West Bengal and planned to enter China using the Nathu La pass in Sikkim.

"The goal of the marchers is to fight shoulder to shoulder with Tibetans inside Tibet," said Ugyen Tsewang, general secretary of the Northeast Tibetan Youth Congress, which organized the march.

"We haven't given up our effort yet. We are persuading the state authorities to allow us continue our march," Tsewang said by phone from Rongpo, a town in West Bengal state.

"We will start a hunger strike if the state authorities don't accept our demand," he said.

"We want to confront the Chinese police and not the Indian police."
Protests started on March 10 in the Tibetan capital of Lhasa on the 49th anniversary of a failed uprising against Chinese rule.

They turned violent four days later, touching off demonstrations among Tibetans in three neighbouring Chinese provinces.

Beijing's official death toll from the protests is 22, but the Tibetan government-in-exile in India has said 99 Tibetans have been killed.

India has generally allowed the Tibetan exiles to protest peacefully, but earlier this month detained several dozen protesters who had planned a separate march from northern India to Tibet to coincide with the opening of the Beijing Olympics, saying India would not tolerate actions that embarrassed China.

I was seeing the Ceremony Live.

I saw the incident!

The Chinese media is so "truthful" that they blanked out the scene. This was also reported by the journalist covering the Ceremony as seen in China!

While anything in Tibet can be given a slant by the Chinese to suit their convenience or hide, but what has happened at the Ceremony in Greece has been seen by the world and the Chinese cannot hide it!

Of course, their people would not know since the Chinese govt blanked out the scene and so when someone will tell them of it, they will howl that it is western bias and lies!!

But this incident and the handling in China of the incident is adequate to indicate who lies to their people!!
:hitwall::hitwall:ok, ok, my bad i should have known that india's media is a lier, but i was talking about the all of worlds media, they are also a liers too, right
Media lying, is not improbable. Your surprise is a surprise it self.
Their is no denial that by enlarge, today media is used as a propaganda tool.
Media lying, is not improbable. Your surprise is a surprise it self.
Their is no denial that by enlarge, today media is used as a propaganda tool.

Yea, so you are saying the all of the world's media playing a propaganda for tibet situtation. Come On, be sensible.:rolleyes:
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