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Why India Can't Win 21st Century WAR

As for the 65 war, I have no opinion because it is hard to find reliable scholarship on the subject. As with subjects that are still a matter of pride, there is very little that is dispassionately written.

But I will give a general impression of Indo-Pakistani wars. India won many tactical victories but usually squandered them or failed to translate them into political victories. (usually due to poor civilian leadership lacking a vision of what they want to achieve)

That is my impression of the 65 war too but it does not apply to the 71 or Kargil conflict.

Apart from leadership issues another major factor was the interference from the cold war powers preventing India from converting the tactical ascendancy on the ground into tangible political gains.

You give me too much credit

And you discredit me too much by saying that! :P
indian hubris is most welcome, it is a fact india lost the first war, when Pakistan captured 40% of J&K and liberated it. 65' war we defended our country and captured indian territory. Was a stalemate but we defended our country against great odd's.

Now with our nuclear weapons programme our defence is even more strong.
indian hubris is most welcome, it is a fact india lost the first war, when Pakistan captured 40% of J&K and liberated it. 65' war we defended our country and captured indian territory. Was a stalemate but we defended our country against great odd's.

Now with our nuclear weapons programme our defence is even more strong.

Gibberish. Pakistan lost in '65 - and that is what neutral sources say. Pakistanis are free to believe whatever they want. Their govt. loves taking them for a ride. I've even heard Pakistanis claim (in all seriousness) that angels descended from the heavens and helped Pakistani Army in 1965.

yeah lossing 118-139 IAFs etc thts y u celebrate 8th sep.
indian hubris is most welcome, it is a fact india lost the first war, when Pakistan captured 40% of J&K and liberated it. 65' war we defended our country and captured indian territory. Was a stalemate but we defended our country against great odd's.

Now with our nuclear weapons programme our defence is even more strong.

But as in life , it's not where you started but where you ended up.

And I'm baffled at this Nuke stance many throw around like its some war game played on a computer. Is it not a fact that as much of deterrent it has proved for Pakistan; it's also a concern where the US has a contingency plan to take it over because of your security situation? should you not be advocating building your economic prowl over number of Nukes? after all, in this global economy the best deterrent is economic viability and trade with the nations of the world.
I never knew India controls only 43% of Kashmir, but then again nationalists are same everywhere! :lol:
And seems Pakistan also captured Aksai Chin 48's war which actually is in the east part of Kashmir! Persian influence at it's best! :lol:
And seems Pakistan also captured Aksai Chin 48's war which actually is in the east part of Kashmir! Persian influence at it's best! :lol:

Yep, Pakistan captured Srinagar too in 48.

They just fly the Indian flag everyday to confuse us... lol.
The conqueror of Zoji La, Major(R) Mohammed Khan Jarral(Deceased) got commission on 28th March 1942 from Indian Military academy (IMA), Dehra Doon. During 2nd World War, he served with the 2nd Jammu & Kashmir Rifles and went to Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Lebonan and Palestine. On partition he was appointed Adjutant Gilgit Scouts, on 8th August 1947 at Gilgit.
Zoji La was captured by Major Mohammed Khan Jarral on July 7, 1948. When the Liberation War of the Northern Areas started in 1947-48, he joined hands with the Muslim feedom fighters against Maharaja Hari Singh's rule.He was given the command of a combined force consisting of "A" and "B" wings of the Gilgit Scouts with the task of capturing Zoji La and then if possible to advance towards Sonamarg and Srinagar. Major Jarral during the early outset of the Kashmir Liberation War captured Bunji in the last week of October, 1947 and liberated Astore area down to Gurez by the middle of November, 1947. He attacked the Sakardu Fort during the night of 11/12 Feburary, 1948. He ambushed and defeated the first Indian Relief Column lead by Brigadier Faqir Singh at Thorgopari, 15 miles south of Sakardu- Srinagar Road, on 17th March, 1948. The action of Thorgopari paved the way for Captain Jarral's subsequent successes in Baltistan area. He again ambushed and dislodged and humiliated the 2nd Indian Relief Column known as Indian Z-Brigade lead by Brigader Sanporan Singh at Parkuta.
The enemy now knew that he was up against the determined men of Major Jarral's Force. Two Indian Generals, Thimayya and Srinagesh, were personally present with Brigader Atal during planning and mounting of an attack at Zoji La. It shows the great importance the Indians gave to it. Captain Jarral had built up the defences well and the credit goes to his ingenuity in organising his positions in such a manner that the enemy could not capture even the outlying bunkers and trenches. On June 12,1948 Major Jarral lead an attack on the two forward Indian companies at Khoru and Gumri. On June 22, Jarral's men made a surprise dawn attack on the pickets. The enemy called in aircrafts to bomb and strafe the area. A hand-to hand fight started. The enemy was forced to withdraw after suffering heavy casualties. A few other pickets were similarly attacked and captured. Simultaneously, Major Jarral was working his way up along the main axis and when the Patiala's realized that their rear was threatened, they withdrew in a disorder. The battle lasted for twenty days and Zoji La was captured on July 7,1948 by Captain Mohammed Khan Jarral. The enemy lost about 400 men and large quantities of ammunition and other stores fell into the hands of Jarral's Force.
It is also very interesting to put on record that Major Jarral defeated General Srinagesh who was his former company commander at IMA Dehra Doon from where he got King's Commission. Major Jarral's courage and bravery against all the odds completely changed the whole scenario of the Liberation War of Northern Areas in 1947-48.
Major(R) Mohammed Khan Jarral passed away in October 2008 in Mirpur (AK) at the age of 90 and is buriied at Chitar Pari, Mirpur (AK).

An Unsung Hero of Pakistan's Military History
indian hubris is most welcome, it is a fact india lost the first war, when Pakistan captured 40% of J&K and liberated it. 65' war we defended our country and captured indian territory. Was a stalemate but we defended our country against great odd's.

Now with our nuclear weapons programme our defence is even more strong.

from whom did pakistan capture 40% of kashmir?Wasnt it from maharaja's weak forces?How much area of kashmir did pakistan gain after india joined the war?
And seems Pakistan also captured Aksai Chin 48's war which actually is in the east part of Kashmir! Persian influence at it's best! :lol:

Aint tht funny? looks like ur stuck in time with tht cheap half smoked cig. so wake up and smell the coffee.
from whom did pakistan capture 40% of kashmir?Wasnt it from maharaja's weak forces?How much area of kashmir did pakistan gain after india joined the war?

We captured Kashmir and made it "Azad" by defeating indian forces, in one of the engagements a British Officer liberated a town, with Gilgit Scouts. :pakistan:
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