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Why Imran bhai got banned

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i too would like to know the reason...he is one the best Pakistani members here...it was a huge shock when i saw his name in pink..
when infractions add up, bans ensue.

i mean sh*t -- i lost track how many times i've been banned from here

for every ban, you come back stronger :D Look forward to seeing my main man Imran khan again with the mothafuggin plan
Imran khan must have p1ssed off the mods by his real bad english. :D
wt type of post are not acceptable ?
wt are those laws

Hurling personal abuse
Insulting soldiers fallen in the line of duty(of any nationality)
posting something that is banned
Religious attacks
I am not happy with you.

I am telling you, bro. We have to follow policy. That's all. Mind you I have been here three years. Remember you were looong ban due to your confrontations with mods but take it easy and chill. You don't want to make same mistake like last time hai na.

He will be back, no worry. :laugh:
I think moderators should start a thread where they post why a person is banned or given infraction so clarity in process. set permission of this thread to read only for normal user.

We ban over 50 people a day. If we started giving justifications (even if its read only people won't stop questioning)... That's all we would be doing. It's a pandora's box that we don't like to open. Most people however are banned through the automated system when they collect enough infraction points for reasons like (but not limited to) "inappropriate language", "posting offtopic comments", "flamebaiting", "insulting a race or a member directly". Repeating a the same violation in a quick succession would earn you more points.

Regardless, it is up to the discretion of the moderator (a person who has been vetted, has been trained, has demonstrated the ability to judge and execute mod privileges to maintain discipline and guide discussions) to use the infraction points system or ban straight away.

PS. Also such threads are not welcome here, as explained earlier we don't entertain debate on our decisions. There is an established procedure of complaints. Please email to complaints@defence.pk or one of the admins directly to register your feedback. You may also use the PM system.
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