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Why everyone hates this concrete building


Jan 6, 2016
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Why everyone hates this concrete building

When you look at college campuses across the US, you’ll see massive concrete buildings everywhere. Many of these are designed in a style of architecture called "brutalism," and it's as divisive as it is distinctive.

Brutalist buildings strive for honesty and transparency in their form and materials. This often means using simple materials like raw untreated concrete as well as using bold geometry.

Its origins can be traced back to the architect Le Corbusier, who pioneered many of the concepts that would become popular amongst brutalist architects.

Brutalism found its way onto college campuses in the wake of World War II. With veterans returning from the war and a baby boom in the US, campuses expanded their facilities to accommodate the growing enrollment. And they wanted to convey their ambition and progressiveness by utilizing these modernist styles.

But as is explored in the video above, these buildings weren't always popular with the public. And they became less so as time went on. We look at Evans Hall at UC Berkeley, which some people view as the ugliest building on campus and whose future hangs in the balance of shifting tastes in architecture. So what does the future hold for these buildings?
So what does the future hold for these buildings?

Compare the craftsmanship and aesthetics of this:

Vs this:

I'm not a fan of post WW2 architecture in the UK. Even in the 30's they had Art deco and tried to have some style in buildings. That all went out of the window. A part of it was cost, but with that I think long term you lose the skillset. Where the the modern version of classic British designs?

I was in Marrakesh a few years ago and their train station, was brand new, but included so much of the traditional style of design. It looked great. Same was true of the airport. The UK has just glass or concrete boxes now. Very unfortunate.

Train station




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I like Soviet Brutalism. I know it sounds weird,but I like it.

But then again,I also like Art Deco. What I don't like,is weird modern "art" buildings that are completely irrelevant to the cityscape of some Western european cities.
I honestly am not a big fan of modern architecture, more on medieval architecture (castle and stuff).
I'm not a fan of post WW2 architecture in the UK. Even in the 30's they had Art deco and tried to have some style in buildings. That all went out of the window. A part of it was cost, but with that I think long term you lose the skillset. Where the the modern version of classic British designs?
Modern-day brutalism is the modern-day Art Deco and it is absolutely hideous. Brutalist structures can only look bearable if they blend well with their surroundings. Even then, there are much better architectural styles available.
I like Soviet Brutalism. I know it sounds weird,but I like it.

But then again,I also like Art Deco. What I don't like,is weird modern "art" buildings that are completely irrelevant to the cityscape of some Western european cities.
Brutalism = 💩
I completely agree with you on this one. Following are links of brutalist buildings in India vs one example of Modern architecture.

Modern exposed brick or concrete architecture looks so beautiful vs brutalist building looks like prison and also depressing to look at.


Brutalist Architecture: The Boston City Hall Also Known As Boston's Ugliest Building​

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