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Why Europe should help shoulder the refugee crisis with Turkey


Mar 2, 2018
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The war in Syria has been waging on for nine years, while millions have become refugees in neighbouring countries. Turkey, with the largest number of Syrian refugees, has extended a welcome hand, but Europe has often reneged on its promises.


The Syrian war has been going on for nine years. For the past several months, Bashar al Assad’s regime forces have continued their assault on Idlib with the support of Russia. The war has turned many Syrian civilians into refugees –– more than 5.5 million people at last count by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

These refugees are spread out among Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq and Egypt. Turkey has the biggest population of Syrian refugees, with more than 3.5 million within its borders.

What’s more alarming is that in recent weeks, because of the regime’s increased attacks on Idlib, tens of thousands of Syrians have been displaced, trying to find a safe haven for their families. They are stuck between the Turkish border and Idlib as they try to weather the cold and severe living conditions.

Meanwhile in Europe, EU countries have all but forgotten about the Syrian refugee crisis. The rise of right wing political parties in the continent has translated into less sympathy to the plight of the refugees just as there is not much hospitality to speak of.

Most recently, residents of the Greek islands of Chios and Lesbos have protested against the construction of closed refugee facilities, Anadolu Agency reported.

“There is an urgent need for de-escalation. We firmly believe that more dialogue is needed between local government and central government for a sustainable solution,” Nikolas Panagiotopoulos area manager of the International Rescue Committee told the Guardian. “It is clear the north-east Aegean islands cannot shoulder this responsibility. The EU needs to step up in solidarity because Greece cannot cope on its own.”

To put it in perspective, there are more than 43,000 refugees stranded on the Greek islands of Lesbos, Samos, Chios, Leros and Kos, with at least 20,000 of them in Lesbos. Turkey has close to a hundred fold of these numbers and the help it is receiving from the EU is not sufficient.

In March 2016, the EU and Turkey made a deal: Turkey would host refugees and prevent them from seeking shelter in Europe in exchange for more than $6.5 billion (six billion euros) to help with the refugees in Turkey. Yet the funds never materialised fully, and Turkey has had to rely on its own coffers to support the influx of refugees from Syria.


Turkey’s Red Crescent has donated shoes and clothes to 6,500 families in Kilis among whom were Syrians. (Izzet Mazi / AA)

Turkey has hosted refugees on its own dime, while striving to keep them in good living conditions and providing services such as healthcare and education.

The most recent figures say the amount of funds Turkey has spent on refugees is $40 billion. Sinan Ulgen, writing for Foreign Policy says “A humanitarian crisis of this scale should have already galvanized the international community to launch a coordinated campaign to end this suffering,” adding “But, so far, regional and global politics have stymied such efforts.”

In a paper published by Republic of Turkey Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Center for Strategic Research (SAM), associate professor Basak Kale writes “The lack of commitment for burden sharing puts refugee-receiving countries under immense financial, political and social pressures, which have direct consequences on the humanitarian assistance that refugees can receive.”

Kale goes on to say: “In the last couple of years, Turkey has been acting as a provider of public good without any significant contribution from the EU or elsewhere. So far, financial and physical burden-sharing offered by the international community or by the EU has been quite limited,” adding that “A more equitable, effective and efficient refugee burden-sharing is absolutely necessary and critical not only to safeguard international stability and security but also to provide an effective and efficient refugee protection.”

Source: TRT World
Its ironic how arabs mostly blame and hate Turkey but when it comes to their own arab brothers, its only Turkey that is helping the refugees while the rich arabs close borders.
They are the purest of the stock so why would they?
What Russia, China and Europe need to do is prosecute Britain, France and America in the International Criminal Court of Justice for funding terrorists in Libya, conducting illegal military air-strikes in Libya, invading countries like Mali and Chad with military presence in those countries.

Russia, Europe and China must hold these three zionist-states (america, britain & france) to account for their barbaric attacks on Libya. Who gave them the authority to wrought war upon a Libya? Who made america, britain and france, God? It is because america, britain and France destroyed Libya that today Europe faces an existential refugee crisis in the continent.

Europe ought send all the refugees to france and britain, then seal off the borders with those countries. All rehabilitation and repatriation costs should be borne by those three zionist-states.
if turkey can afford to invade Syria and Libya, they can more than affford to take in all the refugees that they caused and then some without any outside help
What Russia, China and Europe need to do is prosecute Britain, France and America in the International Criminal Court of Justice for funding terrorists in Libya, conducting illegal military air-strikes in Libya, invading countries like Mali and Chad with military presence in those countries.

Russia, Europe and China must hold these three zionist-states (america, britain & france) to account for their barbaric attacks on Libya. Who gave them the authority to wrought war upon a Libya? Who made america, britain and france, God? It is because america, britain and France destroyed Libya that today Europe faces an existential refugee crisis in the continent.

Europe ought send all the refugees to france and britain, then seal off the borders with those countries. All rehabilitation and repatriation costs should be borne by those three zionist-states.

It must be really annoying to You when the rapist and mass-murderer Ghadaffi got killed by his own people.
What other dictators do You mourn?
Western countries support dictators and cause revolutions in these countries

so they are responsible to take the people

live with it

more refugees in Europe the better
Western countries support dictators and cause revolutions in these countries

so they are responsible to take the people

live with it

more refugees in Europe the better

No the Syrian refugees are mostly selfmade by Turkey... first they supported Desch now they fight in Syria... their war their refugees... hopefully they keeped the boarders to Turkey shuut till the refugees go back to Istambul/Ankara and make trouble there...from there the trouble started
No the Syrian refugees are mostly selfmade by Turkey... first they supported Desch now they fight in Syria... their war their refugees... hopefully they keeped the boarders to Turkey shuut till the refugees go back to Istambul/Ankara and make trouble there...from there the trouble started

you need to take another 1 million Syrians and also provide full government support
Europe is too soft on the turks. They should nuke one turkish city every hour until turkey accepts responsibility for all refugees and take them all in no matter the cost
Europe is too soft on the turks. They should nuke one turkish city every hour until turkey accepts responsibility for all refugees and take them all in no matter the cost

What about the Libyan refugees that come over the Mediterranean? That wasn’t Turkey that got rid of Gaddafi and left the country in chaos since 2011 - it was France & The UK who did that.
What about the Libyan refugees that come over the Mediterranean? That wasn’t Turkey that got rid of Gaddafi and left the country in chaos since 2011 - it was France & The UK who did that.
Nope. Libya would be at peace not if turkey hadn’t shipped jihadist from Syria to help the GNA established the Islamic state. turkey was part of the coalition that helped overthrow Gaddafi too and the turkish diaspora in Europe most likely influenced western governments to act and help established terrorist government in Libya.
Nope. Libya would be at peace not if turkey hadn’t shipped jihadist from Syria to help the GNA established the Islamic state. turkey was part of the coalition that helped overthrow Gaddafi too and the turkish diaspora in Europe most likely influenced western governments to act and help established terrorist government in Libya.

Complete nonsense and whitewashing of France & UK meddling which toppled Gaddafi and then left the country in a mess. If they are so concerned about the Libyan equation of refugees they should have had the foresight in 2011 and not overthrown him.


‘And now that the refugee influx has intensified, Italy can no longer count on a key ally who helped stem the flow in the past: Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi, who died in 2011 after being ousted by a NATO-backed revolution.’
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