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Why dont India play China's own game. Give missiles and sophisticated arms to taiwan.

Don't know about your history lesson all, I know is that in 2008 we seem to have decided to 'respect China's claim on Taiwan' as a part of a deal. There mst be diplomatic nuances between what we did before and what we did now.

Show me any official statement that India didn't before 2008.

Let me help you with that.
"India recognised the People's Republic of China on April 1, 1950 and was supportive of its stand that it was the only state that could be recognised as "China" and that the island of Taiwan was a part of Chinese territory. India was one of the supporters of the People's Republic of China's bid to join the United Nations and replace the Republic of China to fill the seat for China in the U.N. Security Council.[2] Despite the ups and downs in its relations with the People's Republic of China, including the border war of 1962, India has not changed its "One China" policy."
India–Republic of China relations
Show me any official statement that India didn't before 2008.

Let me help you with that.
"India recognised the People's Republic of China on April 1, 1950 and was supportive of its stand that it was the only state that could be recognised as "China" and that the island of Taiwan was a part of Chinese territory. India was one of the supporters of the People's Republic of China's bid to join the United Nations and replace the Republic of China to fill the seat for China in the U.N. Security Council.[2] Despite the ups and downs in its relations with the People's Republic of China, including the border war of 1962, India has not changed its "One China" policy."
India–Republic of China relations
Its the same thing with the United States ,it hasnt officialt changed One China policy but in reality.......All we r saying is that the same applies for India too.So its better to officially as well as unofficially declare support for the One china policy.Yur president wouldnt have decided to trade with India if he didnt see any benefit did he!!!
Don't know about your history lesson all, I know is that in 2008 we seem to have decided to 'respect China's claim on Taiwan' as a part of a deal. There must be diplomatic nuances between what we did before and what we did now.

Read carefully
Nope cultural center but the area is same like embassies,TERRITORY of the GOVERNMENT OF TAIWAN.Indian laws dont apply on its staff and within its area.

You are wrong again here. Being in the same area as other embassies doesn't give its privileges as real embassy.

"However, TECROs do not enjoy many diplomatic privileges such as extraterritoriality, can only provide limited consular protection and their staffs do not have any diplomatic immunity.[citation needed] Offices from other countries, such as the American Institute in Taiwan, Canadian Trade Office in Taipei and Interchange Association, Japan, are similarly established in Taiwan."
Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office
Its the same thing with the United States ,it hasnt officialt changed One China policy but in reality.......All we r saying is that the same applies for India too.So its better to officially as well as unofficially declare support for the One china policy.Yur president wouldnt have decided to trade with India if he didnt see any benefit did he!!!

So are you saying China is trading something officially for something that is unofficial from India? Do you really think that is how dipomacy works in the real world? Don't be naive here. Supporting India's UNSC's bidding is a right thing and logical thing for China to do, as back in 1972 India supported PRC to replace ROC's seat in UN and PM of UNSC. Itself has nothing to do with Taiwan.
Why is this thread still active?

We"ve reached a conclusion in posts #81 and #107

I wonder why this thread is still continuing.
the chinese gov and people know that many outside of taiwan think of it as a separate country. the action of many countries prove that what they say is not what they mean. all we want as of now is de jure interantional recognition of taiwan as part of china so that when we are powerful enough to solve the issue, it would be legal at least on the level governmental documents.
Why do you want to donate weapons/nukes to Taiwan anyways?
Dont you know that many top brass of taiwan licks chinese a$$$?
Soon Indias own weapons will be in chinese hands after 5 years.
If you want to be philantropic then do the same to SK.Give them some nuclear warheads under the cover along with come long range BM blue prints.

China will certainly stop using NK/PAK card in the world of peace for gods sake.

Chinese are just enemies of mankind.They are just some blood thirsty warmongers occupying foreign lands.
1) Very wrong example....Can you please elaborate what happens to this same culture, similar language when Taiwan take help from US??? This one reason does not hold ground...If India can provide credible defence to Taiwan there is no reason they will not take it from us....Just look at India and Pakistan...Same culture ...same language and yet so much rivalry because of political difference

I don't think so, friend. As I said the American help Taipei gets is distinctly due to its political rivalry with Beijing. I don't think there's been any war across the Strait for the last half a century.

bout you and Pakistan, I think there's more than just "same culture". Pakistanis pride themselves as related to Turks and Persians while culturally your country India is totally different. Despite a common history, you don't have a similar culture. I'd like to discuss with you more on this, but I am very familiar with both your countries now.

2) However that warming of ties did not stop taiwan from going ahead with a $6.4 billion arms deal with US..right??? This news is just a month old

China urges US to end arms sales to Taiwan

In fact so much lobbying has been done by China against this deal

US arms sales to Taiwan on hold - People's Daily Online

So yes warming up is going on...but that does not mean Taiwan will stop arming herself...

You are comparing self-defense of Taiwan with downright aggressive stance from New Delhi. Agreed that Taiwan would want to be careful with its self-defense. But China doesn't seem to be worried about you cutting ties with them when it comes to your India-Pakistan-China triangle. Is that the same with you? Neither your government nor any of your officials has made any such statements while China has a clear policy of beijing OR taipei.

3) Yes...However how will it hurt if India can provide them something which can add more teeth to her defence capabilities??

China's "Us or Them" policy will. Countries having full diplomatic ties with Taipei don't have ties with the People's Republic.

4) Buddy this trade is both ways....You are making it sound as if $60 trade loss is pea nuts for China but a huge loss for GOI... b/w you know that there is a huge trade deficit in China's favor as far this $60 billion is concerned...right???

And Ironically you are still not able to exercise this deficit as a card in your diplomacy with regards to your other rival. You see, this is where it all matters: who is able to pull out more cards and win the game rather than who has how many cards in total. What use are the cards if they don't have substance?

5) Yes you are right...However you are again making it sound as if its only GOI's loss...It is a two way street my dear friend...Any potential agression b/w two giants is going to harm both and west will cash in the most...

But your government has no clear stance whereas China has a clear stand:

1) Tibet region is an integral part of People's Republic
2) Any ties with Taipei means no ties with Beijing

Do you have anything of this sort with respect to Pakistan in this case?

6) What?? I am sorry what exactly are you doing in our strategic backyard??? Secondly yes we are very much capable however our current priority is to take care of IOC...As of now we are doing great...We can't go to South China sea in anger and you cannot come to IOC in anger...We are happy with it....

I think you are mistaken. I am not Chinese either racially or nationally but a Swiss. You have a lot of unsettled issues in the region while China has solved a lot of them. There's no point of patting your own back and being smug. Economically you are doing good but strategically you are not. The sooner you accept Chinese lead is faster over yours, the better it will be.
Don't know about your history lesson all, I know is that in 2008 we seem to have decided to 'respect China's claim on Taiwan' as a part of a deal. There mst be diplomatic nuances between what we did before and what we did now.

Read carefully

Are those naunces bigger than 62's war?

Anyways, it is actually quite simple to prove. Just find the transcript of the meeting between Singh and Wen on news paper or TV. As I said before both words of "India will respect China's claim or Taiwan" and "China will support India's bidding for UNSC" might have been exchanged in the meeting, but that is just memorandum of understanding between the two governments. It is definitely not a trade agreement. I am sure that Singh will never say something like "In order for India to respect China's claim on Taiwan, China has to support India's bidding for UNSC" or vice versa. If he indeed choose not to respect China's claim on Taiwan, then it can only mean that India is ready to break off all its diplomatic ties with China. That seems too much bigger a trade for UNSC bidding, isn't it? It is just somehow the journalist of that article who doesn't know squat about diplomacy somehow twisted story, and made it sounded like a trade between the two governments. That is why it is unprofessional on so many levels by anyone's standard.
Guys we all know how China is playing a proxy war with India , by arming Pakistan , despite our constant objections.
I fail to understand why not India also does the same , and give china a dose of their own medicine.
I am sure a couple of brahmos to Taiwan would fix their senses at once.
Lets have some discussion about this.

And US is playing proxy war with india by provining her Civil Nuclear Technology.
And US is playing proxy war with india by provining her Civil Nuclear Technology.
The nuclear deal is all beneficial for us. Recently there's a 10,000 MW reactor planned which would power almost 3-4 states in the northeast including my home-state. With surplus electricity, there'd be economic development and betterment of people.

How is a commercial deal related to proxy war? USA doesn't provide us weapons to be directly used against Chinese unlike you buying weapons from China directly targeted against us.
The nuclear deal is all beneficial for us. Recently there's a 10,000 MW reactor planned which would power almost 3-4 states in the northeast including my home-state. With surplus electricity, there'd be economic development and betterment of people.

How is a commercial deal related to proxy war? USA doesn't provide us weapons to be directly used against Chinese unlike you buying weapons from China directly targeted against us.

Then why is India buying soo much weapons recently??? China is not providing us weapons in a platter to go attack India. Such delusions are creation of limited Indian political mentality. We are doing joint R/D and buying them with hard cash. Similary India is also engaged in accquiring boat load of weapons, air crafts and carrier. Should we say they are aimed towards China too?? Because who else India is going to fight? eat less :chilli: :chilli: :chilli:
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