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Why Donald Trump never could be elected in China.

The election of Trump is absolutely incredible when you think about it deeply.

The American elites did everything in their power to stop Trump. They went scorched earth on him to destroy him and he still won.

Mainstream media was against him.
Think Tanks were against him.
Universities were against him.
Hollywood was against him.
Music industry was against him.
Wall Street was against him.
Foreign leaders were against him.
Intelligence agencies were against him.
Past presidents were against him.
The current president was against him.
The globalists were against him.
Big banks were against him.
Big multinationals were against him.
Most political operatives were against him.
Democrat party was against him.
Even the Republican establishment was against him.

Heck even the Electoral map was against him with having to win toss up states AND win democrat states. Had to thread a needle.

Practically the whole world was against him and he won.

These powerful American institutions have buried entire countries into the dustbin of history using their power and influence. Trump was the only entity on earth that took them all on by himself and won.

It reminded me of Harry Potter who was the boy that survived the powers of Lord Voldemort.

Whether you like him or hate him, you gotta respect what he achieved.

Most people still have no idea what just happened. This was a political revolution in the United States. Not an ordinary election cycle. American elites are still in a state of shock.
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Most people still have no idea what just happened.
Wrong. The fact that Trump won mean most people knew exactly what they were doing and what happened.

For economy reasons but not political reasons ,otherwise India would be much more convenient. And now more and more students are coming back to China which is unheard of a decade ago.The clear sign that China is rising and US is declining
Wrong. Your argument that the US is 'declining' is valid only if Americans are leaving the US for China, even if just for economic reasons. Instead, every yr more and more Chinese are coming to the US even if just for economic reasons. How many Americans decides to stay in China for good vs how many Chinese decided to stay in America for good ? Care to find out ?

Because US had two parties instead of one?
Why that cannot be a contributing factor for politically minded Chinese ?

They came for higher salaries, superior education facilities and cheaper cost of luxuries.
Hey...If your China cannot offer the same...:rolleyes:

Why did Mexicans and Indians immigtate to the US like the Chinese do?
Is it because they don't have a democratic government?
For the same variety of reasons that so many Chinese immigrate to the US.
Why that cannot be a contributing factor for politically minded Chinese ?

Hey...If your China cannot offer the same...:rolleyes:

For the same variety of reasons that so many Chinese immigrate to the US.

No one is denying the advantages for living in the US.
The point I'm arguing is the political factor's contribution for Chinese people to migrate to US is so little it's negligible.
People came to the US for all the same reasons, "escaping from a dictatorial regime" if I dramatically put, is not a common one.
Wrong. The fact that Trump won mean most people knew exactly what they were doing and what happened.

Of course people that voted for Trump knew exactly what happened. Even most people that didn't vote for him knew what happened.

But people outside the US still have no idea what Trump had to overcome in order to win.
Of course people that voted for Trump knew exactly what happened. Even most people that didn't vote for him knew what happened.

But people outside the US still have no idea what Trump had to overcome in order to win.
YOU might care what non-US people think. We do not care. Why is it that so many non-US people expects Americans to care what they think ? You insists that what you do is none of our business and you do whatever you want anyway. So why do you expect Americans to give even a small dingleberry of turds on what non-US people think ?
Waiting for members of a particular country to Insult you and call you names
Also, for this post many people of a certain country are going to abuse India a lot

All I see is Indian jumping in, going completely off topic and bringing Pakistan and India into Topic that has absolutely nothing to do with either Countries. At the same time blaming others for doing exactly what he just did himself
No one is denying the advantages for living in the US.
The point I'm arguing is the political factor's contribution for Chinese people to migrate to US is so little it's negligible.
People came to the US for all the same reasons, "escaping from a dictatorial regime" if I dramatically put, is not a common one.
Tell that to the Cubans who risked their lives on homemade floats trying to make it to the US. We do not see the same for Taiwanese trying to float to mainland China, do we ?

Granted, the more favorable a government, even an authoritarian one, in the eyes of its citizens, the less ideologies and politics matter in the decision to leave. I will concede that point. But you cannot casually dismiss those same ideologies and political factors, even if they are in the back of the mental cabinet.

Just because I am a US citizen, that does not guarantee me wealth or even a chicken in a pot every night. I still have to work for a living. But then why do so many Chinese chose to have their children borned in the US if the differences in citizenship do not matter ? What is wrong with Chinese citizenship ? Or maybe we should ask more accurately: What is so inferior with Chinese citizenship ?

On January 18, 1944, one month and one day after the new law went into effect, Edward Bing Kan swore the Oath of Renunciation and Allegiance in the U.S. District Court at Chicago, becoming the first Chinese-American to naturalize after repeal of Chinese Exclusion.
Here is a Chinese who toiled for the US for yrs under a racist law, and yet when possible, he became a US citizen. Then hundreds of thousands of Chinese followed him since then.

I am former USAF, so I will list a few Chinese-American military members...

Airman 1st Class Xing Zheng traveled more than 7,964 miles from his hometown of Fuzhou, China, to be an American citizen. After spending the first 20 years of his entire life in the capital of one of the largest cities in the Fujian province in China, Zheng, with his father and sister, left the life he knew and started a new chapter in New York City.
Hazel Ying Lee, the first Chinese-American woman aviator, was also the first Chinese-American woman to fly for the United States military. She joined the Women Airforce Service Pilots and was trained to ferry aircraft. She delivered transport aircraft, but she also flew more powerful fighters, such as the P-63 Kingcobra, to their destinations. Hazel and her husband were the embodiment of the relationship that the United States shared with our allies, especially during World War II. He was an officer in the Chinese Air Force.
I have no problems finding many more fine examples.

Show me anything comparable in your China.
Tell that to the Cubans who risked their lives on homemade floats trying to make it to the US. We do not see the same for Taiwanese trying to float to mainland China, do we ?

Granted, the more favorable a government, even an authoritarian one, in the eyes of its citizens, the less ideologies and politics matter in the decision to leave. I will concede that point. But you cannot casually dismiss those same ideologies and political factors, even if they are in the back of the mental cabinet.

Just because I am a US citizen, that does not guarantee me wealth or even a chicken in a pot every night. I still have to work for a living. But then why do so many Chinese chose to have their children borned in the US if the differences in citizenship do not matter ? What is wrong with Chinese citizenship ? Or maybe we should ask more accurately: What is so inferior with Chinese citizenship ?


Here is a Chinese who toiled for the US for yrs under a racist law, and yet when possible, he became a US citizen. Then hundreds of thousands of Chinese followed him since then.

I am former USAF, so I will list a few Chinese-American military members...



I have no problems finding many more fine examples.

Show me anything comparable in your China.
As I said they came for the same reason as others.
Hoping for a better life.
Not for a democratic government.

No Taiwanese try to illegally enter China because:
There's a legal way and it's easy. No one is stopping them.
Lots of Taiwanese come to be mainland for jobs, business opportunities and more.
They aren't holding back just because China is not democratic. (Though I might doubt that now since they are fed with anti-China propaganda in TV all day, many who actually came to China knows these were BS)

If all the Cuban immigrants wanted is democracy, most countries in southern America is democratic, but these countries are less than ideal, aren't they?

Why would I "show anything comparable" as I'm not trying to argue Chinese military allows non-Chinese personnels in service, Nor am I trying to argue China is more attractive to foreigners compared to US. Surely you have mistaken me for someone else?

This is not a "My China" vs "Your US" arguement.
China is still a developing country, there's no comparison.

What I'm trying to say is:
Even if US is not democratic, it would still attract immigrants from everywhere. Because it's the economical, technological and academical centre of the world. People would come here for better lifes and better education, no matter what the political system is.
Why don't you try explaining what is happening on that video?? For someone who doesn;t know politics they would assume some thugs are blocking this person to get to an independent candidate. If you explain to them what your govt. has achieved does not cut ice because their is fine line between freedom and rebellion and for others this is undue interference from the govt.

What's there to explain. Foreign media should be barred from interfering in the Chinese election.
YOU might care what non-US people think. We do not care. Why is it that so many non-US people expects Americans to care what they think ? You insists that what you do is none of our business and you do whatever you want anyway. So why do you expect Americans to give even a small dingleberry of turds on what non-US people think ?

Who did you vote for?
Cuz they are too sensible to ever even take someone, who says - "Grab them by the p*ssy" - seriously. smh
True that. If they actually allowed independent third party member to run for office (and not bar them from the elections), they would not end up with these pre-selected elites (both parties are part of the elite oligarchy).
Some people think Democracy is a "Must Have" just like iPhone, but for others Android phones work just fine. Don't judge a country by its name.
Just because I am a US citizen, that does not guarantee me wealth or even a chicken in a pot every night. I still have to work for a living. But then why do so many Chinese chose to have their children borned in the US if the differences in citizenship do not matter ? What is wrong with Chinese citizenship ? Or maybe we should ask more accurately: What is so inferior with Chinese citizenship ?

Seriously, you are reading too much into the fact that some Chinese move to US. If you are still working in "professional" capacity, you may seriously misguide your boss, just like the recent election polls from MSM.

First of all, not too many Chinese are moving to the US if you take their population into consideration. Those who moved are not necessarily giving up their Chinese citizenship. Many of them actually treat US as their 2nd home.

Secondly, people who choose to have their babies born in US mainly because it is lot of easier to get to good universities in the US then from China. Some of them are actually mistress of rich people, and a home in the US servers as a contingency plan.

Thirdly, Chinese citizenship is THE most difficult one to get, so the "inferior" part is BS.

Finally, people may have many personal reasons to move here and there because they are free to do so and they have money, like less competition, less crowed, cleaner air, easier access to good universities, etc. but Democracy is not one of them. Hey, Chinese people move everywhere, there are a couple million Chinese in Africa now.

Curb your hatred to China, and you will be a better "Professional". :partay:
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