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Why does the US have 800 military bases around the world?

To better police the world and control the situation. As much as most Asians do not appreciate their presence, there has been some semblance of controlled chaos under the Americans for a long time. That controlled chaos is better than uncontrolled chaos, where every country has to constantly look behind in terms of safety every time instead of focusing on trade and innovation.

The US is just the incumbent, but having some form of world police or a set of world police countries is required to maintain an acceptable level of orderliness. Also, that being said, every US needs to have a Russia to keep them in check.

Without this form of controlled chaos, the world will return back to the old age of empires when everyday kings and chieftains would be focused on warring and plundering each other while the people lived in poverty and without much difference in their quality of life.
Yes, the evil speaks and the devil act.

To keep y’all clowns in check
To keep US imperialism in grip and maintain Uncle Satan control over globe. Any freedom fighter countries stand up this imperialism will be enemies of US.
It costs taxpayers billions to keep US bases around the globe running. Why are they there in the first place?

Basically gunboat diplomacy, except with military bases. Those bases are visible symbols of American power, and thus their mere existence creates pressure.

Also, many corporations in the US are making massive profits from it.
Yes, the evil speaks and the devil act.

No one said they are clean. There is always an element of aggression that is not legal. But do you think that if there were too many powers in the world, that the world would be a better place? Rewind back to WW1. That is exactly what happened.

Having US only as the sole superpower and having no overarching world police, both are equally dangerous. We don't want to repeat the madness that was normal during the age of kingdoms and empires where wars were fought every other day.
The higher you rise, the harder the fall... Lets hope that fall does not come in my lifetime, because US has turned the world into a giant Ship, with America been the captain and this captain is not going down with the ship but if captain goes down the ship goes with it.

Long Live the Captain.
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