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Why does the U.S not have a "Muslim problem". Inviting your opinion


Dec 11, 2014
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United States
United Kingdom
This is a subject and a question that I've been curious about and have not found any real answers to.

We are seeing the rise of Salafists, Sharia patrols and No go muslim zones in Europe. Deep seated antagonism between Muslim citizenry and the locals. We are seeing Europeans really struggle with a rise of right wing groups as a challenge to their so called " Muslim problem". I'm afraid there is going to be all out war in the streets soon .

YET- How come we don't see this play out in the U.S.?
Sure, we have some isolated issues here and there but our Muslim communities are well integrated and peaceful by many miles. What is the reason for the two diametrically opposite storylines, yet both happening within a Western culture?

@Oscar @Horus @FaujHistorian [USER=2]@WebMaster @waz[/USER]
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It also depends upon the quality of immigrants among other things
Most Muslim immigration to Europe was of unskilled workers hence they are low on the socio-economic ladder
The U.S has same issues that Europe faces with Mexican immigration
the difference there is its more of a drug/gang problem
It also depends upon the quality of immigrants among other things
Most Muslim immigration to Europe was of unskilled workers hence they are low on the socio-economic ladder
The U.S has same issues that Europe faces with Mexican immigration
the difference there is its more of a drug/gang problem
Spot on!

Most going to USA are professionals...While those seeping into Europe (many as illegals across borders) are literally not some who will be missed by their land...if you can do such things (illegal immigration and what not - some escaping prosecution from their own land thanks to their mischievous attitudes) you can easily do other crap and def be influenced by idiots from all around...

Another thing is that all in America are foreigners from different parts of the world hence when they see something different sure they voice it out but dont over react nor do they hide it and let it grow (Europe has an apologetic attitude towards foreigners mostly because many of them are asylum seekers, others are illegals (not all are accounted) others managed to get in coz of colonial systems and managed to get citizenship in UK, France, Italy- just to mention a few....and then seep elsewhere....

While going to America....a totally separate continent away from all these ease of access criteria....was tougher and hence majority going there usually didnt end up on the streets or alienated as going that far they usually had enough to start off...if not work it out!
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Whether we like to admit it or not, in United States people have a better chance of going up the ladder than europe , europe is a bit .. well , not so good in this regard

I once visited the US and a colleague re-marked that the part of US you are currently in is mostly white , not very multi cultural and such like things , the little that I looked around I thought that my colleague has probably never been to most parts if europe , if he had he wouldn't have said that , as I could see a lot more people of colour in the part that he was saying is mostly white than most european countries that claim to be multi-culti , UK might be the exception in this regard.

Europe is a not that accepting of people from outside. and in this regard , with all the cribbing , the US is better than Europe and that is perhaps simply because there are more opportunities in the US (?).
US is a melting pot, Europe is not. In the US you can be who you are and still be accepted while in Europe you either have to fit in or you don't belong. Quality of migrants etc is also a valid argument, however the US is very much like the hay day of the Ottoman Empire. Inclusive, egalitarian and progressive.
It also depends upon the quality of immigrants among other things
Most Muslim immigration to Europe was of unskilled workers hence they are low on the socio-economic ladder
The U.S has same issues that Europe faces with Mexican immigration
the difference there is its more of a drug/gang problem

Spot on!

Most going to USA are professionals...While those seeping into Europe (many as illegals across borders) are literally not some who will be missed by their land...if you can do such things (illegal immigration and what not - some escaping prosecution from their own land thanks to their mischievous attitudes) you can easily do other crap and def be influenced by idiots from all around...

Another thing is that all in America are foreigners from different parts of the world hence when they see something different sure they voice it out but dont over react nor do they hide it and let it grow (Europe has an apologetic attitude towards foreigners mostly because many of them are asylum seekers, others are illegals (not all are accounted) others managed to get in coz of colonial systems and managed to get citizenship in UK, France, Italy- just to mention a few....and then seep elsewhere....

While going to America....a totally separate continent away from all these ease of access criteria....was tougher and hence majority going there usually didnt end up on the streets or alienated as going that far they usually had enough to start off...if not work it out!

US is a melting pot, Europe is not. In the US you can be who you are and still be accepted while in Europe you either have to fit in or you don't belong. Quality of migrants etc is also a valid argument, however the US is very much like the hay day of the Ottoman Empire. Inclusive, egalitarian and progressive.

Thanks for your input.

If the 1st generation of immigrants to Europe were of a lower socioeconomic strata- Then why do we see the same with the 2nd/3rd generations, where they too have similar problems within Europe.

I would think the children of 1st generation would have access to better education and a chance to melt within the culture.
UK,France, and Sweden are in for a load of trouble if immigrants are unwilling to assimilate.
U.S and Canada is a special case. We don't have many Muslims I think it's around 1% in the U.S.

I can't imagine if the scenario was reversed and you had white western Christians immigrating to let's say Saudi Arabia or Egypt and was unwilling to assimilate or even try to conform to there norms.

secularism and respect for ones customs is the best.
Thanks for your input.

If the 1st generation of immigrants to Europe were of a lower socioeconomic strata- Then why do we see the same with the 2nd/3rd generations, where they too have similar problems within Europe.

I would think the children of 1st generation would have access to better education and a chance to melt within the culture.
The same can be said about the black or even the hispanic community in the U.S
They too are in a cycle of poverty
I'm not sure socio economic differences are the explanation for this. In Britain many of those who have run away to join ISIS are the sons of doctors who went to top private schools.
Thanks for your input.

If the 1st generation of immigrants to Europe were of a lower socioeconomic strata- Then why do we see the same with the 2nd/3rd generations, where they too have similar problems within Europe.

I would think the children of 1st generation would have access to better education and a chance to melt within the culture.
Like I said in my 1st post about colonial rule and also about how America is made of different people....While Europe is "almost" uniform...

Hence when "new people" started coming in they faced a lot of racism....With a lot of slurs, attacks ...Hence the 1st generation didnt actually allow their children to "melt in" instead the fear alienated them to form their own communities on which they relied and lived in...their own world....with the "locals" only guessing what the "new people" ...curiosity and speculation is not a good mixture!

Worse part was these small group eventually became "established" in their own fields....business (sweets shop/ restaurants/ car garages), taxi drivers and so on.....eventually made their kids do the same...Many didnt send their kids to school or some just dropped out coz they couldnt tolerate the racism....Govt did nothing back then to curb it...and now its doing too much to brush everything under the rug!

THEN these people start sponsoring their nieces, nephews and marrying their kids to relatives in Pakistan to bring in more forces for their "businesses" or in the same line of work...Coz no references were built....

And then comes the welfare system....and its loop holes! I dont know much about it but seriously it needs to be amended to patch those loop holes...Apparently once upon a time in Wales kids hitting 18 were almost guaranteed an apartment of some kind...spoiling kids that young ended up with more demands...Then collage loans dont need to be paid if you earn lower than a certain wage bracket so why on earth would anyone wanna get highly educated and spend ages in paying loans when you can be a cashier and keep all your pay?!

These kind of loop holes were found and abused to cause a even larger lazy not very educated class of its own!

AND THEN comes the crazy wacko dudes.... some backstreet Mullah for god knows which slap he received as a kid goes around and preaches crap!

NOT MANY broke these stereotypes! I met an "aunty" in the plane who was boasting they have been in UK for 30 yrs yet she doesnt know English! That was my first shock as we never really mingled much with the desis in UK...

However ,we do have the "next few immigrants" that came in as professionals.....this wave is a working class which doesnt have time to worry about problems, usually living in mixed neighborhoods where "problems" are rare to non existing....Many dont get "interviewed" or the little things they do dont hit major news in media....and everyone is painted by the same brush that is cherry picked by media (lower income families or literally that "1st generation which didnt settle well and their descendants")

I'm not sure socio economic differences are the explanation for this. In Britain many of those who have run away to join ISIS are the sons of doctors who went to top private schools.
I dont think that accounts for many...MANY mostly were spoilt kids who were sucking from everywhere from parents to the system....There were also many from just normal families apparently the recruiter was some really good fanatic who managed to tap in every class!

Maybe if people did a better job of being a parent instead of making big cash....Maybe Europe needs to bring back disciplining kids! Although abuse should not be tolerated though:

Discipline in Tudor schools was savage. The teacher often had a stick with birch twigs attached to it. Boys were hit with the birch twigs on their bare buttocks.


UK,France, and Sweden are in for a load of trouble if immigrants are unwilling to assimilate.
U.S and Canada is a special case. We don't have many Muslims I think it's around 1% in the U.S.

I can't imagine if the scenario was reversed and you had white western Christians immigrating to let's say Saudi Arabia or Egypt and was unwilling to assimilate or even try to conform to there norms.

secularism and respect for ones customs is the best.
THAT should also be applied to the Muslims immigrating to Europe...Respect is a 2 -way street you cant demand it without showing some in return...Sadly many Muslims think it can be demanded out by force as their grandparents saw when they first arrived (skinheads style)
I'm not sure socio economic differences are the explanation for this. In Britain many of those who have run away to join ISIS are the sons of doctors who went to top private schools.

Steve this is true; this is one explanation or triggering factor among many others. However the actual evil hides in the ideology itself which can lure anyone.
1)Geographically USA is a isolated continent away from Asia and Europe without any land connection.Asia and Africa is where the main Islamic Population resides and to get into USA illegally, you take the Mexico route which is guarded,there is only one avenue of getting illegally into USA from the mexican side rest i dont know about the Canadian border i guess its very guarded an you dont have illegal immigrant problem there as in case of mexican border ,other two sides you have a vast ocean protecting you, you cannot go on foot ,car,boat or drop in a plane without alerting the coastal guard etc.
2)There is a strict immigration policy in USA who allows only educated people,professionals to immigrate when compared to EU.
3)The percentage of population of Muslims is very low compared to EU, when it increases in future you can expect many things happening and new demands like halaal food etc.
Right now your nation USA can be compared to Japan which has more or less very small percentage of Muslims and don't face any such problems.
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