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Why do people in subcontinent marry cousins?

No I do not want you to respect me; I earn my respect from my peers, my seniors, and my graduate students who understand and appreciated Science.

Well, I too understand and appreciate science but my forte isn't biology, it's physics, math and computer science.

I wish you also read the critique of the paper you cited and looked up statistical evidence regarding closed gene pool mating.
Khalid bin Waleed Bhai, please do not repost what you have already posted. You are talking about what is visible on the surface, and I am talking about which is underneath that surface. Neither you are wrong nor am I.

The thing with evolution bro is that, we don't have a single set of ancestors. It's not like only ONE human managed to evolve. According to the theory of evolution, we cannot have one single common male ancestor. And woman wasn't created from man.

According to the theory of creationalism, you have a specific male homosapien and a female specimen derived from him.

They just don't together. It would be interesting again if you can cite some papers that discuss the possibility of evolution and creationalism going together.

Now this is what I call Tasawuf!
I know that Adam was not the first one!
According to my theory which is little bit different..
I think that Adam was among other people who were sent to Earth at the same time.
It will be really interesting to talk to you in person someday!

I will like to discuss the role of Satan with you also.
Satan ka inkar bhi Allah ki marzi thi...

I can further prove but not in this world!
There will another living being after we all (human beings) go where we are coming from..

I am in charge of few things
^^ Now this might sound crazy...

Praise be to Allaah.

It is important for us to understand, firstly, that the words “Tasawwuf” and “Sufism” are modern terms which refer to something that is not automatically approved of in sharee’ah as the words eemaan (faith), Islam and ihsaan are. Neither is it automatically condemned like the words kufr, fusooq (immorality) and ‘asyaan (disobedience, sin).

In such cases, we need to find out more about what is meant by such words before we can pass comment. Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: “The words al-faqr and al-tasawwuf (i.e., Sufism) may include some things that are loved by Allaah and His Messenger, and these are things that are enjoined even if they are called faqr or tasawwuf, because the Qur’aan and Sunnah indicate that they are mustahabb and that is not altered if they called by other names. That also includes actions of the heart such as repentance and patience. And it may include things that are hated by Allaah and His Messenger, such as some kinds of belief in incarnation and pantheism, or monasticism that has been innovated in Islam, or things that go against sharee’ah and have been innovated, and so on. These things are forbidden no matter what names they are given… And it may include limiting oneself to a certain style of clothing or certain customs, ways of speaking and behaving, in such a way that anyone who goes beyond it is regarded as an outsider, although this is not something that has been stipulated in the Qur’aan or Sunnah; rather it may be something that is permissible or it may be something that is makrooh, and this is a bid’ah that is forbidden. This is not the way of the friends of Allaah (awliya’ Allaah); such things are innovations and misguidance that exists among those who claim to follow the Sufi path. Similarly, among those who claim to be servants of knowledge there are innovations that involve beliefs and words that go against the Qur’aan and Sunnah, using phrases and terminology that have no basis in sharee’ah. Many such things happen among those people.

The wise believer agrees with all people in that in which they are in accordance with the Qur’aan and Sunnah and obey Allaah and His Messenger, but he does not agree with that in which they go against the Qur’aan and Sunnah and disobey Allaah and His Messenger. He accepts from every group that which was taught by the Messenger… when a person seeks the truth and justice, based on knowledge, he is one of the successful friends of Allaah and His victorious party…

Al-Fataawa, 11/280-290.

But what Shaykh al-Islam said about the view of Sufis depending on their situation is almost too theoretical for our times, when the objectionable matters that he referred to have become part of the path of those who call themselves Sufis nowadays, in addition to the different occasions they celebrate such as the Mawlid, and their exaggeration about their living shaykhs, and their attachment to shrines and graves, where they pray and circumambulate the graves and make vows to them, and other well-known practices of theirs. Because of these matters, the correct approach now is to warn against them with no reservations. This is what was agreed upon by the Standing Committee in their answer to a question about the ruling on the Sufi tareeqahs that exist nowadays. They said:

Usually those that are called Sufis nowadays follow bid’ahs (innovations) that constitute shirk, as well as other kinds of bid’ah, such as when some of them say “Madad ya sayyid (Help, O Master)”, and call upon the qutubs (“holy men”), and recite dhikr in unison using names by Allaah has not called Himself, like saying “Huw, Huw (He, He)” and “Ah, Ah (a contraction of the word ‘Allaah’)”. Whoever reads their books will be aware of many of their innovations that constitute shirk, and other evils.
It would be interesting again if you can cite some papers that discuss the possibility of evolution and creationalism going together.

Evolution is not my area, but I have touched it through my study of various religions and philosophy.
All Allah had to do was to take his spirit (rooh) out of them, and a spiritless human being would act just like monkeys. The only quality that distinguishes a human being from rest of the animals is his sense of differentiating between good and evil and this is because of the 'rooh'.

Yes it is one of the opinion regarding that verse. Some says there faces were changed while other says like you......

There is a little catch here, fire (of hell) does not harm fire (Iblees is made-up of fire).

Subhan'Allah i can remember one story that i read couple of years ago and will try to find it again for you (if you want) and the moral of the story is........ Shaitaan will get hurt after in Fire just like we humans do get hurt after being slapped by another human (both of us are made of clay right)?.

Anyway thats off topic so bye bye :D

Btw there are different kind of evolutions some of them were agreed but the human evolution is so far not agreed by any muslim scholar. All of them had a consensus (as far as i know) that its not Islamic
Yes, if you believe that nothing happens without the permission of Allah, than what Iblees did was also from Allah. The soofia do not consider Iblees as a cursed species, but a true lover (aashiq saadiq) of Allah who refused to bow to anyone else, but Allah.

Praise be to Allaah.
It is important for us to understand, firstly, that the words “Tasawwuf” and “Sufism” are modern terms which refer to something that is not automatically approved of in sharee’ah as the words eemaan (faith), Islam and ihsaan are. Neither is it automatically condemned like the words kufr, fusooq (immorality) and ‘asyaan (disobedience, sin).

In such cases, we need to find out more about what is meant by such words before we can pass comment. Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: “The words al-faqr and al-tasawwuf (i.e., Sufism) may include some things that are loved by Allaah and His Messenger, and these are things that are enjoined even if they are called faqr or tasawwuf, because the Qur’aan and Sunnah indicate that they are mustahabb and that is not altered if they called by other names. That also includes actions of the heart such as repentance and patience. And it may include things that are hated by Allaah and His Messenger, such as some kinds of belief in incarnation and pantheism, or monasticism that has been innovated in Islam, or things that go against sharee’ah and have been innovated, and so on. These things are forbidden no matter what names they are given… And it may include limiting oneself to a certain style of clothing or certain customs, ways of speaking and behaving, in such a way that anyone who goes beyond it is regarded as an outsider, although this is not something that has been stipulated in the Qur’aan or Sunnah; rather it may be something that is permissible or it may be something that is makrooh, and this is a bid’ah that is forbidden. This is not the way of the friends of Allaah (awliya’ Allaah); such things are innovations and misguidance that exists among those who claim to follow the Sufi path. Similarly, among those who claim to be servants of knowledge there are innovations that involve beliefs and words that go against the Qur’aan and Sunnah, using phrases and terminology that have no basis in sharee’ah. Many such things happen among those people.

The wise believer agrees with all people in that in which they are in accordance with the Qur’aan and Sunnah and obey Allaah and His Messenger, but he does not agree with that in which they go against the Qur’aan and Sunnah and disobey Allaah and His Messenger. He accepts from every group that which was taught by the Messenger… when a person seeks the truth and justice, based on knowledge, he is one of the successful friends of Allaah and His victorious party…

Al-Fataawa, 11/280-290.

But what Shaykh al-Islam said about the view of Sufis depending on their situation is almost too theoretical for our times, when the objectionable matters that he referred to have become part of the path of those who call themselves Sufis nowadays, in addition to the different occasions they celebrate such as the Mawlid, and their exaggeration about their living shaykhs, and their attachment to shrines and graves, where they pray and circumambulate the graves and make vows to them, and other well-known practices of theirs. Because of these matters, the correct approach now is to warn against them with no reservations. This is what was agreed upon by the Standing Committee in their answer to a question about the ruling on the Sufi tareeqahs that exist nowadays. They said:

Usually those that are called Sufis nowadays follow bid’ahs (innovations) that constitute shirk, as well as other kinds of bid’ah, such as when some of them say “Madad ya sayyid (Help, O Master)”, and call upon the qutubs (“holy men”), and recite dhikr in unison using names by Allaah has not called Himself, like saying “Huw, Huw (He, He)” and “Ah, Ah (a contraction of the word ‘Allaah’)”. Whoever reads their books will be aware of many of their innovations that constitute shirk, and other evils.
Khalid Ibn Walid

There are all kind of sufis.

The ones who are the right ones..

The ones who pretend to be the right ones!

Keh do jo bhi kuch hota hai wo Us Raheem o Kareem ki marzi say hota hai.
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please dont sidetrack the thread. its about marriage among cousins and not about authenticity of evolution or whether quran supports it or not
and let me guess ur the right one.please read what i have posted before.

I have read your post sir.

I am not saying that I am the right one or the wrong one.

It is upto the people to choose...

I mean hum pehlay bhi akelay thay aur abb bhi akelay hain...

So if someone does not believe than I am fine...

Mien kisi ki shaadi ya lottery nikalnay kay paisay nahi leta aur na hi kabhi koshish ki hai...
Usually those that are called Sufis nowadays follow bid’ahs (innovations) that constitute shirk, as well as other kinds of bid’ah, such as when some of them say “Madad ya sayyid (Help, O Master)”, and call upon the qutubs (“holy men”), and recite dhikr in unison using names by Allaah has not called Himself, like saying “Huw, Huw (He, He)” and “Ah, Ah (a contraction of the word ‘Allaah’)”. Whoever reads their books will be aware of many of their innovations that constitute shirk, and other evils.
Absolutely true but because of the bad professionals, professions are not banned.
I just remember someone saying

Beta sab jhuktay hain hindu, sikh, isai (Christians) jhuknay mien azmat hai!
leikin woh kiss ke samnei johkte hain. azmat ALLAH ke samne johkne mai hai azmat.
And if you are saying that Faqir or Soofya bow to anyone else other than Allah than you have not read about them. A Faqir only bows to Allah and the ultimate goal of tareeqat or tassawwuf is to get united with Allah.
And if you are saying that Faqir or Soofya bow to anyone else other than Allah than you have not read about them. A Faqir only bows to Allah and the ultimate goal of tareeqat or tassawwuf is to get united with Allah.

i know that they bow to ALLAH ONLY. i wasn't talking about soofya i was replying to what the other person had posted because he had included Hindus and Sikhs.
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