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Why do more Jews than Muslims win Nobel Prizes? Education

Brother, the Quran provides one of the ways to set up a socio-economic welfare society. For other things Elon Musk had to gain modern knowledge about rocketry, avionics, wearable fabric design etc.

It is stated in the Holy Qur'an, in Surah Al-Kahf, that the "slow consciousness" just before death arrives, the veil is lifted and one witnesses the very fabric of creation, in that moment, the realization sets in, that what you had done in your life (other than not devoting your time, energy and your very being to discover Allah) was absolutely meaningless.

When you embark upon your life with the Holy Qur'an (understood and revealed) in your heart. Then things like rocketry, avionics and other things unravel. Obviously, I am stating that yes getting an education on things as such is important, but if done with the state of being immersed with the Holy Qur'an, something to be experienced to know what it actually feels like.

I invite you, dear brother, to at least try it, I mean genuinely give it a go. You have, as a Muslim, everything to gain and nothing to lose.
It is not the result of IQ, rather it is the result of the environment they are living in, the priorities to study or work is a result of social condition where one is living in. Presently Muslims are not paying due attention to higher studies, as they should, they have to go for work with less or with no education at all, so the result can not be PhDs,
for many Muslims saving lives is more important than acquiring education, for they are living in war zone perpetrated by others in the name of terrorism,
The Muslims are too complacent for worldly gains, as they think that the real world is coming after death, so what is the need of spending time not beneficial in the hereafter, I think this perception is not letting them devote their lives to studies, especially worldly beneficial studies and technologies. This think is against quranic teaching but who is studying it to understand?
the result is, what we are witnessing now the Muslims are left far behind in most important fields, We really need to revisit our needs and priorities and readjust those accordingly. Due importance has to be given worldly education besides religious, otherwise, we have to go through more humiliation in the hands of others.and our sufferings may not coming to an end near future.
The Muslims are too complacent for worldly gains, as they think that the real world is coming after death, so what is the need of spending time not beneficial in the hereafter

Good point. The 'Akhirat' thing is overdone.
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