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Why do more Jews than Muslims win Nobel Prizes? Education


Jul 10, 2017
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Why do more Jews than Muslims win Nobel Prizes? Education

Professor Ahmed Hassan Zewail of Caltech died unexpectedly on Aug.7 in Pasadena.

Born in Damanhur, Egypt, educated at Alexandria University and the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, he received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1999. Although Muslims constitute more than 23 percent of the world’s population, as of 2015, only 12 Nobel laureates have been Muslims, whereas 193 (22 percent) of the total 855 laureates have been Jewish, although Jews comprise less than 0.2 percent of the world’s population.

The reason for this disparity is primarily cultural rather than genetic. Jewish youths are encouraged to learn to read in order to study Torah. A Muslim website (https://realdeen.wordpress/2006/09/01/nobel-p) states, “Let’s try to learn only 1% from Jews and we will be ‘heaps better’ than what we Muslims are today! WE SHOULD STOP BLAMING JEWS and must look at ourselves!”

At a time when Donald Trump and others of his ilk are excoriating Muslims, Mr. Zewail’s example and emphasis on education may provide the impetus on education for adherents of the youngest of the three Abrahamic religions to reinstate their former Golden Islamic Age (8th century to 13th century).

Dr. George B. Kauffman, professor of chemistry, California State University, Fresno
The main reason is that Jews immigrated to Europe and North America way before Muslims and hence they had more time to reach top levels of science and technology, taking into account that the world order after the 15th century has been based in Western societies only. Nowadays, the number of Muslim students in top universities is not that different from Jewish students and even nowadays this disparity is completely changing in science and technology.
Lol attributing it to studying the Torah is so silly. Millions of Muslims have memorised the Quran back to front, so that's likely not the reason.

The fact of the matter is that much of the Islamic world is going through a very odd dynamic where much of it is in ruins and the prosperous regions are generally OK with being mediocre/wholly relying upon others whilst continuously meddling in the affairs of these suffering countries (thus keeping them locked within this poverty cycle). Foreign interventions/sanctions also do not help and nor does globalisation which promotes a massive brain drain of our lands (thus reducing the potency of our intelligentsia).

Beyond that, Ashkenazis have a very high IQ and yes whether you like it or not, IQ is largely (albeit not entirely) inherited. This is why different ethnic groups tend to have differing IQs despite living under the same conditions. So it is incorrect to lump all Muslims together when we are not a singular ethnic group. Iran, Pakistan and Turkey have many more modern intellectual achievements to boast of than, say, the UAE.

There are also many more indicators that can be utilised than just the number of Nobel Prize winners.
There was a thread about spying posted by @The SC which had a section about a female Muslim scientist from Egypt who in the 1950s was about to work on setting up nuclear reactions using the cheaper material copper instead of I suppose plutonium. This woman died in a "road accident" before she could finish her work. [ Edit : If the Taliban would have ruled Egypt then, this woman wouldn't even have gotten basic education ]

One must certainly ask, why despite 50+ Muslim majority countries there is not a Muslim space station, then medical machinery ( there was a recent thread about a Israeli company which has developed a cheaper X-Ray machine ), then the two fundamental elements in computing ( OS and microprocessor ), and other things.

What happened to the Islamic Golden Age which directly contributed to later European advancements and understandings ? One certainty is the mullahs interfering. Another is lack of ambition in Muslim researchers.
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Beyond that, Ashkenazis have a very high IQ and yes whether you like it or not, IQ is largely (albeit not entirely) inherited.

There is also the Israeli / Jew sentiment of "Never again" which encourages them to be militarily and technologically dominant. Or in other words, never again to be militarily and technologically weaker.
Because most of muslims are busy in surviving. Fighting western funded terrorism, fighting poverty, fighting hunger, fighting water scarcity, fighting for their existence and then some moron comes and taunts muslims for not winning enough nobel prizes???
@Indos, off-topic, I can see which members are viewing this thread. On-topic, what do you think about my previous two posts ?
Because most of muslims are busy in surviving. Fighting western funded terrorism

That is one of the things. Are Jews fighting each other, some parties being progressive and other parties being regressive and supported by Western governments ?
Musalmaan .... immerse yourself in the Holy Qur'an, it would give you knowledge no other source can. Reading the Holy Qur'an strengthens your Imaan, expands your intellect and endows you with power unmatched in this world.

Why whine about some retarded "Noble Prize" as if it is some unreachable status? When you have the word of Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah before you to not only read, but to extrapolate true knowledge from.

With the Holy Qur'an, a Musalmaan can and will conquer not just this mortal world, but also the unseen one.
With the Holy Qur'an, a Musalmaan can and will conquer not just this mortal world, but also the unseen one.

Brother, the Quran provides one of the ways to set up a socio-economic welfare society. For other things Elon Musk had to gain modern knowledge about rocketry, avionics, wearable fabric design etc.
There was a thread about spying posted by @The SC which had a section about a female Muslim scientist from Egypt who in the 1950s was about to work on setting up nuclear reactions using the cheaper material copper instead of I suppose plutonium. This woman died in a "road accident" before she could finish her work.

One must certainly ask, why despite 50+ Muslim majority countries there is not a Muslim space station, then medical machinery ( there was a recent thread about a Israeli company which has developed a cheaper X-Ray machine ), then the two fundamental elements in computing ( OS and microprocessor ), and other things.

What happened to the Islamic Golden Age which directly contributed to later European advancements and understandings ? One certainty is the mullahs interfering. Another is lack of ambition in Muslim researchers.

1. It is because Muslim nations were just liberated from colonization and Western nations dont provide education for the people they colonized, although in some level British did give some amount of education to many Muslim countries that they colonized. While Jews were part of western civilization since the start.

2. Muslim nations economy is still in developing stage and their ultimate goal is more on spreading the basic education to the people than spending huge amount of money for research and development. Some rich Muslim countries like Saudi, for example, have shown remarkable progress on the amount of patent that they produce.

3. The committee of Noble prize is all Western Christian. They have bias toward Muslim. There are many example that prove their bias. I will give several examples: 1. They dont give noble to Egyptian Muslim who is one of the founder of semi conductor technology, 2. They also dont give noble prize to Habibie from Indonesia who make airplane much safer with Habibie factor and Habibie theorem, 3. they dont give nobel prize to Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and VP, Yusuf Kalla, who make peace deal with Aceh rebel and ended 30 years civil war etc.

4. I think Muslim need to pay more attention on entrepreneurship to make our economy grow bigger and with the bigger economy hopefully there will be more government budget for R&D and better salary for researcher, more companies that can produce high tech product and set up their own R&D department.
Musalmaan .... immerse yourself in the Holy Qur'an, it would give you knowledge no other source can. Reading the Holy Qur'an strengthens your Imaan, expands your intellect and endows you with power unmatched in this world.

Why whine about some retarded "Noble Prize" as if it is some unreachable status? When you have the word of Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah before you to not only read, but to extrapolate true knowledge from.

With the Holy Qur'an, a Musalmaan can and will conquer not just this mortal world, but also the unseen one.
This post is a good example of why we don't excel at very much anything except reading the Qur'an.
Simply put..... every dog has its day. It is merely an instance in history. Shine while it lasts.

This post is a good example of why we don't excel at very much anything except reading the Qur'an.

You make it sound like Qur'an is whats holding Muslims back while the same book emphasizes observation and contemplation of one's surrounding and whats in the heaven and earth. It actually encourages the pursuit of knowledge and research. Why blame something wonderful for the personal shortcomings of today's Muslims.
1. It is because Muslim nations were just liberated from colonization and Western nations dont provide education for the people they colonized, although in some level British did give some amount of education to many Muslim countries that they colonized.

Yes, the Britishers did provide education in their colonies.

But three countries - Turkey, Pakistan, Iran - they changed or became independent many decades ago. Yet no space station.

Some rich Muslim countries like Saudi, for example, have shown remarkable progress on the amount of patent that they produce.

The UAE recently had the launch of its Mars photographic mission. Yet neither the launch rocket nor the satellite were designed or constructed in UAE, as far as I know.

So, just having money does not count much.

1. They dont give noble to Egyptian Muslim who is one of the founder of semi conductor technology

Who was / is it ?

2. They also dont give noble prize to Habibie from Indonesia who make airplane much safer with Habibie factor and Habibie theorem

Hmm, I didn't know about him.

3. they dont give nobel prize to Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and VP, Yusuf Kalla, who make peace deal with Aceh rebel and ended 30 years civil war etc.

Hmm. Just like that, they didn't give Nobel Peace Prize to the Colombian FARC rebels but gave it to the right-wing Colombian president.

Similarly, they gave it to Obama in 2009 who went on to initiate wars against Libya and Syria in 2011. Comedy.

Though they have given the Peace Prize to Malala and Muhammad Yunus.

4. I think Muslim need to pay more attention on entrepreneurship to make our economy grow bigger and with the bigger economy hopefully there will be more government budget for R&D and better salary for researcher, more companies that can produce high tech product and set up their own R&D department.

Well, I will say that Muslims need to become more ambitious and creative. For example, the QNX Neutrino operating system is certainly one of the best three OS'. Its two designers are Canadian. The first version came out in the 1980s and the two men set up a small office supported by the earnings of the wife of one of them.

Muslims need to become ambitious and less ordinary.

You make it sound like Qur'an is whats holding Muslims back while the same book emphasizes observation and contemplation of one's surrounding and whats in the heaven and earth. It actually encourages the pursuit of knowledge and research. Why blame something wonderful for the personal shortcomings of today's Muslims.

And yet we have the Taliban.
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