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Why did France allow the tabloid to provoke Muslims?

translation, please... of your point and his point.
Gabriel said only 15% muslims of France identifie themselves as french while the rest of them (mainly from ghettos) gonna insult you ("nique ta mère"). I told him that's not true, around 70-80% identifie themselves as french.
Tu as tout à fais le droit d'avoir ton opinion, mais sauf que la réalité est bien différente, je fréquente très souvent les jeunes de la cité je n'es jamais entendu ce genre de propos "nique ta mère". Peut etre que les opinions varie selon les cités.

Sans doutes.
I often wonder, if you are offended by a newspaper/magazine/youtube/tv channel/ then why dont you just stop watching it.
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Tu participe au rassemblement, ce dimanche?

Puisque cette marche n'est pour moi,pas une sorte d'hommage aux victimes de cet attentat,mais une simple manœuvre politique,ce qui est triste.
Et toi ?
just saying we wouldn't lose our head and go on religious inspired killing spree
I've seen countless videos online of Muslims destroying churches/bibles and persecuting Christian minorities yet you hardly hear a lick of it, and no retaliation either.

and it's not Charlie hates Muslim they only do it cause Muslims get so p offed about it.
You skip all the destructions of mosques in Iraq and Afghanistan or the Palestinians occupied territories in the hundreds and thousands with millions of Muslim lives lost to, should one say Christian America, Judeo-christian America - Usrael - Europe!?
We just say the US or Usrael or the name as England or France for instance, not Christianity or Judaism (called Zionism now a days for some reason...) which are the real culprits since the old crusades. but when someone from a Muslim country, or affiliated to Islam does something "wrong", than it Islam and Muslims that are blamed even if the assassins like in the late French case are mainly born and raised French citizens!!!
I am not for any form or shape of extremism but I can see it from all sides, it is not a Muslim monopole, far from it, the Muslims are the real victims of the extremism we are witnessing today, and they are awakening to this fact.
Take this example of the two brothers in this French killing spray, why would they be screaming their allegiance to Al Qaeda in Yemen? Dropping their ID cards in the car and killing a Muslim Policeman, with four Jews killed today in a Jewish supermarket in Paris in a related incident? And France just announced a day or two before that it was sending an aircraft carrier to the middle east to join the Americans in their fight against terrorism!
It sounds fishy... to say the least. We are getting accustomed to false flag operations here and there aiming singularly at blaming Muslims if not Islam as a whole. But when one takes a closer look at what is going on, he/she can see clearly that the Muslims are being framed (and killed wholesale) to justify... some "intervention" or another.
Islam is a religion of peace between humans, but when the peace principle is breached in its essence, it is very difficult to enforce any form of peace, It is thus clear that some people do not want peace between humans for some reasons that reason itself ignores.
I'll ask anyone on this forum or at least on this thread to answer a simple question, with no regard to religion at all. If someone, anyone, imposes a fight on you in a street, by hitting you and hurting you badly, your natural (even beyond your reason ) reaction will be to defend yourself, in doing so, he and his friends start calling you a terrorist and gang up on you and beat you more. use some empathy and say what would you feel and what would be the reaction if members of your family or friends try to reason the gang... before an all out fight takes place.
This is exactly what has been going on with the Muslim world in colonizations and afterwards.
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nice. getting personal now. :) Too be honest i´m pretty sure that i get hot girls...who are not children...something you can only dream about

We can make fun about anything. Thats the law here. suck it up. And i don´t care if you mock jesus and i´m christian.
But don't you think it's deliberate provocation, knowing it was going to make some hotheads really angry, possibly to the point of even seeking revenge? Notice the two fanatics shouted out they had avenged the Prophet. Since it is okay to mock Muslims according to you, is it okay to call black people the N word, Chinese the C word, etc, etc. in magazines and other major publications?
Puisque cette marche n'est pour moi,pas une sorte d'hommage aux victimes de cet attentat,mais une simple manœuvre politique,ce qui est triste.
Et toi ?
Je suis d'accord avec toi que c'est plus une manoeuvre politique, mais je pense qu'il faut participer a cette manifestation pour montrer notre Unité National, cette manifestation va envoyer un message fort à ce qui sont contre la république. J'espère que Marine le-Pen va y participer,en tout je coise les doigts croisée.
Je suis en train de préparer un groupe d'une centaine de personnes, pour le moment je suis a 67 participants su^r.
So you are pretty similar to the Wahabi extremists. You want to destroy all Muslim countries who probably aren't even involved in terrorism. All extremists belong in sewers.
No, I don't actually. I want Moslem countries to be stable, prosperous countries and legitimate members of the world community. But the fact is extremism breeds extremism. Hate breeds hate.
Why would I?
You are the one acting tough here and calling muslims cowards and lazy.

Sarcasm is clearly lost on you for your making such a ridiculous statement. And I'm not acting tough at all. I'm calling a spade a spade. What I have written is perfectly clear to the whole world. Why are so many Moslem countries so backward, lawless, and underdeveloped? It is because the people of these countries haven't got what it takes to develop and make progress: they are lazy, incompetent, corrupt, and unproductive. If you want people to respect your religion and people, do something constructive like developing your countries. The people of these countries ought to stop being lazy, incompetent, corrupt, and unproductive then they will earn the respect of others. Before you start attacking and criticising other countries, get your own house in order. And anyway, many Moslems insult us calling Westerners all sorts of names. If you don't want to be attacked and insulted, don't start it.
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Sarcasm is clearly lost on you for your making a ridiculous statement. And I'm not acting tough at all. I'm calling a spade a spade. What I have written is perfectly clear to the whole world. Why are so many Moslem countries so backward, lawless, and underdeveloped? It is because the people of these countries haven't got what it takes to develop and make progress. Before you start attacking and criticising other countries, get your own house in order. And anyway, many Moslems insult us calling Westerners all sorts of names. If you don't want to be attacked and insulted, don't start it.

we will of course ignore the regime-changes the western governments arranged in socialist ( progressed ) muslim nations since decades.
we will of course ignore the regime-changes the western governments arranged in socialist ( progressed ) muslim nations since decades.

All you are doing here is trying to shift blame onto the West for the shortcomings and failures of the people of these countries to develop and make progress. Not good enough! You'll have to do better than that.
Why are so many Moslem countries so backward, lawless, and underdeveloped?

The world is much larger than Australia thief. Instead of spending your money on becoming an alcoholic, why don't you at least travel to the Muslim countries. Qatar is not backward, actually its bank rolling the property boom in the United Kingdom. Some Muslim countries are underdeveloped because Western governments have supported dictators and suppressed the voice of the people. Do you want proof, look at the history of Indonesia. America was willing to barter with a dictator because corporations were benefiting from its mineral resources. Another example is Iraq..did you know that it was the West who actually backed Saddam party to come into power...then supplying chemical weapons to destroy the Iranians....such short memories. Rwanda is another example how western colonization was one of the primary reasons that caused the genocide.
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It is because the people of these countries haven't got what it takes to develop and make progress: they are lazy, incompetent, corrupt, and unproductive.

Thief your presumptions and accusations are comical. If you travel across Europe, you will notice that all the low class jobs are given to immigrants. This is because westerners are lazy and incompetent by nature to actually work hard for an honest job. The only thing your civilization is good at is the banking sector, which is artificial and dirty as you steal from the poor. The financial crisis is proof of that.
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