In Pakistan, there were just 80,000 Christians in 1947. In 2000, there were 6,000,000 Christians in Pakistan and their number was rapidly growing.
In Bangladesh where Muslims did all they could not to leave a single woman without raping her 10,000,000 abandoned Islam and converted to Christianity.
In 1900, there was only 1,000,000 Catholics in Africa. Since then, in just 100 years, their number grew 330 times and now is 330,000,000. And it´s only Catholics. But there are also Orthodox, Protestants , Lutherans…
Islam is "the fastest growing religion", you say?
I think you have problems in understanding the statistics you see.
You are reading the question about the number of muslims who renounce Islam and convert to Christianity and start to answer about the growth of muslims in the result of the higher birthrate. Also, you evidently do not understand that 10,000 new converts to Islam in Great Britain or 30,000 new converts to Islam in France are nothing compared to 6,000,000 people who renounce Islam and convert to Christianity in Africa and another 1,5 million who convert to Christianity in Asia.
And by the way, to make the picture complete: 75% of the new converts to Islam in the European countries and USA renounce of Islam within three years.
The population of Bangladesh is over 140 mln people. 1% of 140 mln means 1,4 mln. Christians in Bagladesh. The total number of the Christian converts during the Bangladesh short history is 10,000,000 people.
"The total number of Christians in Pakistan was approximately 2,800,000 in 2008, or 1.6% of the population." Hmmm…
And by Mr. Nazir S Bhatti, President, Pakistan Christian Congress, the total number of Christians in Pakistan is 13% of the population of Pakistan.