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Why China doesn't want to get caught in the middle of a India-Pakistan conflict


Jan 17, 2009
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Hong Kong (CNN)Beijing is on the verge of being sucked into an India-Pakistan crisis, amid rising tensions in the Kashmir region that borders China.

Diplomatic relations between longtime rivals India and Pakistan reached their lowest point in years this week, after Pakistan claimed its air force shot down two Indian jets over the disputed border Kashmir region, capturing one pilot.
That came a day after the Indian military said it had launched airstrikes against a terrorist camp in Pakistan, the first such incursion by Indian air forces since the India-Pakistan war of 1971.
It isn't just that China shares a border with the contested region of Kashmir -- Beijing also has important links with both Pakistan and India that it needs to balance.
China has close economic, diplomatic and military ties with Pakistan, making it one of the nation's closest allies in region.

China's President Xi Jinping shakes hands with Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan on November 2.
Meanwhile, China's long-running trade war with the US has forced Beijing to look for alternative trading partners. As result, China has started to rebuild ties with rival rising power India and Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Last year Modi made two visits to China.
This week, China's Foreign Ministry called for both Pakistan and India to "maintain self-restraint and focus on regional peace and stability."
In an urgent late night call on Wednesday, Pakistan Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi asked Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi to play "a constructive role in easing the current tensions."
During the call, China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi stressed that "the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries should be respected, and China does not want to see the acts that violate the norms of international relations."
Steve Tsang, director of the China Institute at SOAS University of London, said there was no benefit to China on any front if tensions between India and Pakistan spiraled.
"China cannot afford to be seen as failing Pakistan, but at the same time I don't think the Chinese really want to pick a fight with the Indians over this," he said.
The Xinjiang dilemma
The long-standing tensions that existed in the region were not a big problem for Beijing, according to China expert Tsang, as they served to remind Islamabad of China's importance as an ally.
But the escalation this week has put Beijing in an awkward position.
"They have to do something to show that they are helping to keep things under control, while not appearing unreliable as Pakistan's ally," Tsang said.

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But Beijing doesn't want to overplay its support of Pakistan and push India into the arms of US President Donald Trump.
Compounding China's problems is the fact India claims it was striking back against terrorists in Kashmir.
The mass detention of Muslim majority Uyghurs in China's north western province of Xinjiang by the Chinese government is one of Beijing's most controversial international policies -- and justified by China's government on the grounds that it is an essential measure in combating terrorism.
"They don't want to be too hard on India, because they're acting in response to terrorism," Tsang said.
China experts said the country's best option was to join the US in working to defuse tensions between Pakistan and India.
Han Hua, professor and South Asia studies expert at Peking University, said given China has greater influence in Pakistan, while the US holds more sway in India, it made sense for the two to cooperate.
"China's message is clear to both sides: exercise restraint," she said. "China's interest lies in the stability of South Asia."

@Windjammer @graphican @Areesh @Irfan Baloch @WebMaster
Chinese Opinions are Quite Surprising to me.
Add to it that OIC Invites India and Pakistan is not attending making things worse.

Im not making any conclusions, but see this is the REALITY. In hard times you are on your own.
Finally he shows his true colors.In evening someone said he seems last sensible indian and i replied "just wait"" and withing hours he proved me right thank you
China has basically got a smile from ear to ear and rubbing hands seeing how it's weapons are making headlines around the world.
At least show Official Chinees Report , stand, news, ……………………….. Some thing from Chinees foreign office …………………………………………………………………..
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