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Why Armenia And Serbia Might Seek Iranian Drones

you see unlike some countries Iran is above sectarianism , racism and other such nonsense .
unlike certain other country that seems some people from that country have some serious obsession with these things

Then stop calling Iran as Islamic Republic who support christian Armenia to attack Azerbaijan and to kill muslims

Iran is afraid of Turkic Council which will be sole power from Turkiye to China

I honestly can not see how a non nuclear state such as Turkey will contemplate a military confrontation with a Nuclear state such as Iran

Iran is not Nuclear State ....
If Iran declare nuclear weapons ... S.Arabia and Turkiye will also develop Nuclear Weapons

btw Turkiye is a nuclear power against İran
NATO's nuclear weapon sharing policy to use B-61 Nuclear Bombs by Turkish F-16s

If Baku is Turkish red line..Armenia is Iran's redline... Best outcome for all concerned is to remove Jew from Baku and no one has to fight..

We dont care about Iran

We kicked Armenia in Karabakh
We kicked IRGC , SAA , Hezbolah in Syria

and İran only watched on TV how Turkish Armed Forces kicked all of you

Without Russia weak poor backward İran can do nothing
They have enriched Uranium

So fucking what? You think they would give a **** if Iran was attacked?

"They aren't as bad as Azerbaijan" is enough to go to nuclear war with Turkey and put Iran's existence at risk?

Are you listening to yourselves?

Man, you're not getting it, are you? If Armenia dares to collaborate with Tel Aviv against Iran's national security and territorial integrity, Iran will put them in their place all the same. For the time being Baku is effectively engaging in such mischief as we speak, and you expect Iran to remain passive and watch on as they advance their zionist, anti-Iranian agenda? It's a bilateral issue between Iran and Baku, nothing to do with Armenia.
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actually destroying dams with the artillery is not that useful tactics , its a lot better to use something like torpedo that indirectly use the power of water behind the dam to destroy the dam than directly attacking them, it usually fail to do so those dam are reinforced cement , its what artillery do with asphalt you can guess what you achieve if you use it against reinforced cement

and as i said those dams are small you destroy them at must they raise water line 1-2 day no let say a week (which they do not) then what
There are 240 mm heavy artillery and other type of missiles too such as Sakarya or Khan but Azeris proboly put enough TNT on their own side of the dam aleady..
And one week is not short time in war especialy ıf thousands of your troops left without logistic help.
They have enriched Uranium

So fucking what? You think they would give a **** if Iran was attacked?

"They aren't as bad as Azerbaijan" is enough to go to nuclear war with Turkey and put Iran's existence at risk?

Are you listening to yourselves?
It took economically poor Pakistan a mere 10 years to go from start of her nuclear program to detonation...Iran has had 48 years from start of her nuclear program in 1975..so what do you think Iran has!!....
Man, you're not getting it, are you? If Armenia dares to collaborate with Tel Aviv against Iran's national security and territorial integrity, Iran will put them in their place. For the time being Baku is engaging in such mischief, and you expect Iran to remain passive and watch on as they advance their zionist, anti-Iranian agenda?
It's exactly what I expect will happen, Iran will use some harsh words, maytbe give some weapons to Armenia.
But it won't be enough because Armenians can't fight for shit.

Actual smart thing to do would be to support Azerbaijan and try to fight the Israeli influence from within.
But Iran is even worse at diplomacy than Turkey

It took economically poor Pakistan a mere 10 years to go from start of her nuclear program to detonation...Iran has had 48 years from start of her nuclear program in 1975..so what do you think Iran has!!....
Don't care. It's not going to be used.
They have enriched Uranium
So they can make nukes any time they want? If so than its jews problem not ours
^This guy still thinks number of f16's matter in todays warfare. You realize that the majority of Azarbaijan (Azar means fire in Persian) are shia? It means they are at the very least neutral if it comes to war with Iran. Iran does not even need to invade or take direct action... many other possibilities exist.

Your shia card wont work against Turkiye

Azerbaijan and Turkiye are real blood brothers and are ready to kick persian İran

And you do not have any nuclear weapons, those NATO bombs are kept under their supervision and no turkish hands can touch them without American permission. You know this too but the gray wolf thingy is pressing the IQ very hard it seems.

Turkiye hosts B-61 Nuclear Bombs for NATO's nuclear weapon sharing policy
20 of them are allocated for use by the Turkish Air Force in case of a nuclear conflict,

USA-İsrael will be so happy to use B-61 Nuclear Bombs by Turkish F-16s against Iran
Man, you're not getting it, are you? If Armenia dares to collaborate with Tel Aviv against Iran's national security and territorial integrity, Iran will put them in their place all the same. For the time being Baku is engaging in such mischief, and you expect Iran to remain passive and watch on as they advance their zionist, anti-Iranian agenda? It's a bilateral issue between Iran and Baku, nothing to do with Armenia.
Armenian lobby in USA work hard to make Armenia leave CSTO and invite US troops to Armenia but sane Armenians in military know its death sentence for Karabakh and dont do it.. So even ıf İran destroy Azerbaijan, This time Armenians will do same thing but with Americans and there will be new threat for Iran. Even now they accept all kind of help from Iran but when it comes to buying weapons they go to India, why? because they dont want to look Pro Iran at all
Then stop calling Iran as Islamic Republic who support christian Armenia to attack Azerbaijan and to kill muslims
i don't see any relation
and you see whats funny . supporting christian Armenia is bad . but supporting Israel is good as Aliyev regime is new BFF of child murdering Zionism regime. the hypocrisy here is intresting

There are 240 mm heavy artillery and other type of missiles too such as Sakarya or Khan but Azeris proboly put enough TNT on their own side of the dam aleady..
And one week is not short time in war especialy ıf thousands of your troops left without logistic help.
that do the trick , the artillery no , even in ukrine when ukraainian wanted to destroy a dam they used a drone boat filled with explossive not that famus himras . the problem is as i said the dams on aras are small , there is very little water behind them and the river has no depth in many places . destroying the dams at must raise the water very little and for a small time . when i said one week at must i meant 1 week at most the water will be above normal , that above normal can be 30 cm , as i said it only 1-2 day can make problem for crossing the river . and if iran want pass the river very easily can pass it in caspaian see as azerbaiejan navy and airforce are nothing compared to irans capability in the area
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Turkiye hosts B-61 Nuclear Bombs for NATO's nuclear weapon sharing policy
20 of them are allocated for use by the Turkish Air Force in case of a nuclear conflict,

USA-İsrael will be so happy to use B-61 Nuclear Bombs by Turkish F-16s against Iran
the problem is will usa be happy , will they give you the codes needed to activate them
i don't see any relation
and you see whats funny . supporting christian Armenia is bad . but supporting Israel is good as Aliyev regime is new BFF of child murdering Zionism regime. the hypocrisy here is intresting

in 1990s , Russia,Iran,Armenia together attacked Azerbaijan and killed muslims , occupied Azerbaijani territory Karabakh

There was no any relationship between Azerbaijan and Israel in 1990-1992

Hypocrite Iran supported christian Armenia against muslim Azerbaijan
and Azerbaijan found a new friend to match with all of you

only Israel helped Azerbaijan ,, only Israel sold weapons to Azerbaijan
Iran can not blame Azerbaijan while Iran support Armenia since 1990s

btw Zionist Israel is far better than İran
Israel maybe killed thousands of muslims in Palestine
but Iran killed hundreds of thousands of innocent muslims in Syria

Iran is also babby - child murdering criminal country .. even worse than Israel
that do the trick , the artillery no , even in ukrine when ukraainian wanted to destroy a dam they used a drone boat filled with explossive not that famus himras . the problem is as i said the dams on aras are small , there is very little water behind them and the river has no depth in many places . destroying the dams at must raise the water very little and for a small time . when i said one week at must i meant 1 week at most the water will be above normal , that above normal can be 30 cm , as i said it only 1-2 day can make problem for crossing the river . and if iran want pass the river very easily can pass it in caspaian see as azerbaiejan navy and airforce are nothing compared to irans capability in the area
I already know that the dam in Nakhchivan will not be enough on its own, thats why I say that Turkey will open the lids of its own dams to raise the water level for more longer time.
And even current state of Aras, Iran still needs mobile and normal bridges for ground vehicles to cross the Aras river and absolute air superiority to protect its bridge crossing units.
the problem is will usa be happy , will they give you the codes needed to activate them

Its NATO Nuclear weapon sharing policy and Turkiye is a NATO Member

in a nuclear conflict against Iran , NATO will give green light to Turkiye to use B-61 Nuclear Bombs which are located at Incirlik Air Base / Turkiye

Why Armenia And Serbia Might Seek Iranian Drones​

Paul Iddon
I write mostly about Middle East affairs, politics and history.
It has been an excellent year for Iranian drone exports. Tehran infamously supplied Russia with hundreds of its Shahed-136 loitering munitions (self-detonating or “suicide” drones) for use in the Ukraine war. It has reportedly reached an agreement with Moscow that allows Russia to manufacture such drones locally — a deal that follows the inauguration in May of a factory in Tajikistan that will locally produce Iran’s older Ababil-2 drones. And, according to Iranian officials, a record number of other countries are eager to get their hands on Tehran’s unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).

“Today we have reached a point that 22 world countries are demanding to purchase unmanned aircraft from Iran,” claimed Iranian Major General Yahya Rahim Safavi on Oct. 18. Among the countries he mentioned were Serbia and Armenia.
A substantive delivery of Iranian drones to these countries could have significant strategic ramifications for the Balkans and the South Caucasus. For instance, if Serbia purchases Iranian drones, that “could make Belgrade the largest military drone operator in the Balkans,” according to Defense News.
However, there is heavy skepticism among analysts that Belgrade is interested in Iranian drones, with one Serbian aviation writer noting that Serbia already possesses significant capabilities “to cater to its own needs” and “that there is really little Iran could possibly provide it with in terms of either finished UAV products or in know-how.”
Nevertheless, the low price of some Iranian drones – $20,000 is the figure often cited for each unit of the single-use Shahed-136 – could tempt Belgrade to diversify and strengthen its arsenal by buying a number of these drones. Or, Iran might offer Serbia a deal for local production that could help expand Belgrade’s existing drone program relatively cheaply.
View attachment 900847
TOPSHOT - A drone flies over Kyiv during an attack[+]AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES

“Iran is building a strong market for its loitering munition drone types,” Nicholas Heras, director of strategy and innovation at the New Lines Institute, told me. “The growth in global interest in the Iranian drones is a type of echo of how Turkey developed the international market for its military drone types.”

“The Turks focused on a ‘middle class’ drone type that is intended to be reused, is rugged, and can operate effectively against both state and non-state actors,” he said. “For all intents and purposes, Turkey decided that it would deliver an ‘air force on the cheap’ for state actors looking to skip out on expensive aircraft and the maintenance requirements that come with them.”

“Iran has decided that it wants to corner the market on what are essentially flying, more accurate, further ranged, artillery rounds that can deliver devastating effects on the battlefield, especially against ground forces.”

Such loitering munitions could enable smaller states to pose a crude deterrent to their larger rivals.

“Both the Armenians and the Serbians are in need of the ability to quickly create significant losses to stronger opponents – NATO for Serbia, Azerbaijan for Armenia – and the Iranian loitering munition-type drones could provide that capability,” Heras said.
Iran has a number of these drone types that may interest Belgrade and Yerevan.

“As far as what kind of drones Iran can sell to both Armenia and Serbia - there are a number of options that include both the Shahed and Ababil models since both were used by Iranian proxies in the Middle East, and now Shahed has demonstrated its limited, but key, capacity in Ukraine,” Samuel Bendett, a research analyst with the Center for Naval Analyses, told me. “Other drones like Mohajer are probably not off the table either.”

Then there is the broader political and strategic context behind a potential Armenian procurement.

“Armenia is looking to offset the strengthening Turkish-Azerbaijani military alliance and the perception that Russia may not be as committed to Armenian defense as previously thought,” Bendett said.

“As Turkish and Israeli drone technology contributed to Azerbaijani victory in 2020, Armenia was caught flat-footed even though it actually has its own drone industry that was underinvested in comparison,” he added. “So Armenia is looking to avoid this mistake by investing in UAV capabilities.”

Tehran also has its own interests in helping strengthen Yerevan militarily.

“Iran is also concerned about the Turkish-Azeri alliance and the Israeli angle in this alliance and has claimed before it could throw its weight behind Armenia in the next conflict,” Bendett said. “Iran held military exercises closer to the Nagorno-Karabakh region, indicated that it could use military strength if the Zangezur corridor cuts off its access to Armenia proper, and is looking for its own way to offset the Istanbul-Baku-Tel Aviv relationship.”
Therefore, Armenia becoming a customer of Iranian drones makes a lot of sense from that geostrategic standpoint.

Yerevan also wants drone technology that has proven itself in combat, which could further its interest in Tehran’s UAVs.

“Iranian loitering drones like Shahed-136/1 are a relatively low-cost/high-impact investment in capacity that can potentially pose a challenge to Azerbaijan and maybe even Turkey itself,” Bendett said. “In selling its drones to Armenia, Iran can put both Istanbul and Baku on notice via this proxy sale to Yerevan.”

Any significant supply of Iranian drones to Armenia, or the establishment of a drone factory on Armenian soil like the one in Tajikistan, could further fuel the arms race in the increasingly volatile South Caucasus region.

“As far as the overall impact of such sales on the regional dynamics - in the Caucasus, all countries are already arming themselves with drone technology, either imported or indigenous,” Bendett said. “Armenia’s acquisition of Iranian drones could bolster its defenses and may act as a potential deterrent given that Shahed drones can strike targets many hundreds of kilometers away.”
The regional drone race is well underway and is not expected to slow down any time soon.”

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Paul Iddon
I am a journalist/columnist who writes about Middle East military and political affairs.
Nobody seeking anything from terrorist Iranians.

All you can sell is voodoo magic.

Its NATO Nuclear weapon sharing policy and Turkiye is a NATO Member

in a nuclear conflict against Iran , NATO will give green light to Turkiye to use B-61 Nuclear Bombs which are at Incirlik Air Base / Turkiye
You shut up, arab wanna be disgusting piece of shit. May these acems **** your mom from the @ss.

Its NATO Nuclear weapon sharing policy and Turkiye is a NATO Member

in a nuclear conflict against Iran , NATO will give green light to Turkiye to use B-61 Nuclear Bombs which are located at Incirlik Air Base / Turkiye

You are not a real Turk, you are fake Turk who likes to lick german yarraks.
Saddam was thinking that Iranian Arabs will join him if he attacks Iran ... we know what happened afterward.
Yup! Exactly! I forgot about that! He thought Khuzestan would rise and join him. But the only ones who joined him were the communist MEK.

Its NATO Nuclear weapon sharing policy and Turkiye is a NATO Member

in a nuclear conflict against Iran , NATO will give green light to Turkiye to use B-61 Nuclear Bombs which are located at Incirlik Air Base / Turkiye
Don't be so sure. Especially with Erdogan as a leader.

in 1990s , Russia,Iran,Armenia together attacked Azerbaijan and killed muslims , occupied Azerbaijani territory Karabakh

There was no any relationship between Azerbaijan and Israel in 1990-1992

Hypocrite Iran supported christian Armenia against muslim Azerbaijan
and Azerbaijan found a new friend to match with all of you

only Israel helped Azerbaijan ,, only Israel sold weapons to Azerbaijan
Iran can not blame Azerbaijan while Iran support Armenia since 1990s

btw Zionist Israel is far better than İran
Israel maybe killed thousands of muslims in Palestine
but Iran killed hundreds of thousands of innocent muslims in Syria

Iran is also babby - child murdering criminal country .. even worse than Israel
So you are back to COPY/PASTE the same bull you've been posting for years?
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