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Why are Turks so nationalistic?

Patriotism and nationalism are pretty much tied in together in the case of Turkiye, every nationalist is a patriot, and every patriot is a nationalist in Turkiye. Perhaps I am wrong, but Turks believe in having a ethnic homogenous society. There are many ethnic Turks, Albanians, Bosniacs, Laz, and some Kurds who all refer to themselves as Turks because they are nationalist and patriotic and believe in a common Turkish identity. As you know in Turkiye to be a Turk isn't always an ethnic term but a nationality term as well.

Man, That's wrong...all Nationalist people are patriots but not all patriots are nationalist. Unfortunately today in Turkey, there isn't any nationalism. There's ultra nationalism which makes them blind. Almost all the nationalists I've known are blindly nationalist, but they smoke American tobacco, Russian&Italian&Scottish alcohol, drive American cars...etc. Then they talk about nationalism. Myself was an ex-patriot. Now i'm not. And i do hate nationalists by their ideology since I fought them a few months ago over my friend.
Im gonna see you guys in this 10 years . DONT FORGET MY COMMINTMENT ! All Anti-Muslim world gonna see wath we realy are ! Right now you can say everything you want but after a while you will see that what can a turk realy make !

Haha:victory: I am really curious that what you can do...you can do nothing but your wet dream. I am guessing whose small ID you are.
Where it is I go, on Youtube or other forums etc, I always see them swearing and cursing on anyone who doesn't agree with their view.

For example, "Turkey can beat Israel, if you don't agree with me you suck you shitty ****".

Or in a 'Top 10 Muslim army' video on youtube they always call you names and bring up GFP ranks saying that Turkey is the strongest Muslim country and that the Pakistanis and Iranians can't compare to them. Which I believe is a joke.

I even saw them calling Indians "black people" when they get in arguments with them.

They even attack the Chinese in their videos calling them racist against the Turkic Muslims, and almost everyone of them insult them with racial slurs (such as; small eyes etc.)

I mean, I am not trying to be rude here I just want to make a point, why are they like this? They are very hypocritical at times to, cursing anyone who disagrees with what they call themselves of being the so called 'leader of the Islamic world' as stupid, but don't they know that they are in a western puppet in NATO and want to join the EU?

This is the stupidest thread ever. All nationalities do that. Name me a country whose nationals do not defend their armed forces.
World think our leader is Ataturk but %60 of Turkey people dont like that guy and like me we hate that guy. Because he and him weapon friends coupted the SULTAN ABDÜLHAMIT HAN HZ. and the hole Muslim world go down and became slave of Europe world jut for this man.

Your petty attempt to defame Ataturk is pathetic which reveals your education level ..The Ottoman Empire gave independence to Romania, Serbia, and Montenegro; it granted autonomy to Bulgaria; instituted reforms in Bosnia and Herzegovina; and ceded the Dobruja and parts of Armenia to Russia during Sultan Abdulhamit`s Era...Study the Treaty of San Stefano(I bet you havent even heard of it before) You talk as if all was well before Ataturk..Go back to your cave little man and stop reading all those religious mumbo jumbos

This is the stupidest thread ever. All nationalities do that. Name me a country whose nationals do not defend their armed forces.

and another credit goes to our little man @whatcanaturkdo for reviving that zombie, nonsense thread
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The Ottoman Empire gave independence to Romania, Serbia, and Montenegro; it granted autonomy to Bulgaria;

That is simply not true. You didnt gave independence to us, we fought for and won our independence. So please don't speak about this as if your country willingly gave us independence. Here is a bit of history for you:


First Serbian Uprising - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Second Serbian Uprising - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Herzegovina Uprising (1875

Serbo-Turkish War (1876


April Uprising - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Romanian War of Independence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

First Balkan War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And just to be clear, i have nothing against Turkey or turkish people, but do not belittle what we did, saying we gave them independence, because you didn't give us anything, we took what is rightfully ours on the battlefield.
That is simply not true. You didnt gave independence to us, we fought for and won our independence. So please don't speak about this as if your country willingly gave us independence. Here is a bit of history for you:


First Serbian Uprising - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Second Serbian Uprising - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Herzegovina Uprising (1875

Serbo-Turkish War (1876


April Uprising - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Romanian War of Independence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

First Balkan War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And just to be clear, i have nothing against Turkey or turkish people, but do not belittle what we did, saying we gave them independence, because you didn't give us anything, we took what is rightfully ours on the battlefield.

You would not get independence without Russia and its wars with Turkey, do not forget that.
You would not get independence without Russia and its wars with Turkey, do not forget that.

That is absolutely true, after all in 19. century Turkey was a way more powerful than Serbia and Montenegro. If you ask me the only real ally Serbia ever had was Russia.
That is absolutely true, after all in 19. century Turkey was a way more powerful than Serbia and Montenegro. If you ask me the only real ally Serbia ever had was Russia.

We was going to give independence anyway earlier or shorter, just like Greece who was given/gained independence by support of British Empire, French Empire, Russian Empire.

You either give the land willingly if you know you can't keep it ( British gave India independence) or they fight for it if their unhappy.
That is absolutely true, after all in 19. century Turkey was a way more powerful than Serbia and Montenegro. If you ask me the only real ally Serbia ever had was Russia.

It will soon be 100 years since the outbreak of the First World War ... Prepared by English but Russia, Germany, Austria and Turkey have lost their empires. And the Anglo-Saxons are preparing a new massacre - and once again to die and to lose will someone else...
That is simply not true. You didnt gave independence to us, we fought for and won our independence. So please don't speak about this as if your country willingly gave us independence. Here is a bit of history for you:


First Serbian Uprising - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Second Serbian Uprising - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Herzegovina Uprising (1875

Serbo-Turkish War (1876


April Uprising - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Romanian War of Independence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

First Balkan War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And just to be clear, i have nothing against Turkey or turkish people, but do not belittle what we did, saying we gave them independence, because you didn't give us anything, we took what is rightfully ours on the battlefield.

Boy, those young nationalist children dont want to understand what they read...Please re-read my post and then come back at me again...For gods sake which country would give independence willingly?? I told study "the Treaty of San Stefano" to that guy..My same advice goes for you too..Please contribute something, do not reply to me just to reply
You would not get independence without Russia and its wars with Turkey, do not forget that.

Thats true...The whole Balkan peninsula and even Arab peninsula would/might be different if Turkey-Russia hadnt fight...İts always interesting for me to brainstorm about those issues
Boy, those young nationalist children dont want to understand what they read...Please re-read my post and then come back at me again...For gods sake which country would give independence willingly?? I told study "the Treaty of San Stefano" to that guy..My same advice goes for you too..Please contribute something, do not reply to me just to reply

Treaty of San Stefano was was annulled and revised, and and all those countries gain their independence and autonomy at Berlin congress where they were internationally recognized. Maybe i didn't understand well what you were trying to say, because it looked to me like, you were implying that Turkey just like that gave independence to Balkan states, if that is the case, my bad for not understanding what you were trying to say.

we took what is rightfully ours on the battlefield.

We didn't give you independence but to say that you defeated Turks on battlefield 1v1 is simply not true..
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That is absolutely true, after all in 19. century Turkey was a way more powerful than Serbia and Montenegro. If you ask me the only real ally Serbia ever had was Russia.

Truth is Turkey is a much better ally or (big brother) unfortunately major powers dont want us to come too close to eachother, there is a big number of Turks from Serbian descent living in Turkey cooperation between our peoples should be established if its not already there and should be strenghtened further..

We didn't give you independence but to say that you defeated Turks on battlefield 1v1 is simply not true..

Please quote the part where i am saying anything about "one on one".
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