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Why are students from Muslim countries invisible in the world of science?

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Religion has nothing to do with scientific knowledge nor it contradicts.It is one of the most illiterate and pathetic approach I have ever come across.It is just about time,every nation has one.There was time when Muslims laid foundations of all basic scientific methods and several libraries were burned when their countries were captured by ''crusaders''
However,after that muslims left behind due to their superiority complex on racial basis and fights with each other,corruption,wasting millions of dollars.The habits of muslims as whole was degraded.Once,there was not a single house where libraries were not present,there was a time when two boys living near to each other used to discuss as if from where the light comes from and how it goes off!
Nowdays,when two individuals meet,all they discuss is nonsense.I am not gonna comment about any other muslim country.
However,since I am living in Pakistan and am myself perusing my field in science,therefore I will tell you what are the difficulties being faced by us:
2-Sophisticated equipment,we have only few gene sequencing machines based on Sanger system and it costs alot,where as machines introduced by companies like Illumina costs only 10cents per few sample and we don't have it..so we cannot afford it.
3-Average student cannot opt for research here,very high percentage criteria has been set b/c machines are very costly.
4-Education system is pathetic,biology students are kept away from maths when they opt it.A biologist must be taught with good maths at higher school levels.
5-People don't have much awareness,yes average person!
6-There is another problem,researcher cannot afford high quality chemical after sometime which affects upon results greatly.
So,please in our case keep religion aside-and oh one more thing,in here girls are more pursuing their field in science as compare to boys who prefer more to join field which can give them some real good money.

The author cannot face this fact that her nation has bad education system and average researcher cannot afford,nor she can face that how corrupted this system is,so to satisfy herself she again blamed same religion which itself forces muslims to research and to ''think''

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