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why are people still voting for PMLN and PPP

This question dont make any sense. You expect from people to vote for those people whom you percieve as Messiah. Its all about perception. Its democratic right of people to vote any political leader or party they wish. You should respect their right even if you disagreee. My question is why we expect from others to agree with our concepts of Mr right ? What you pervieve as great leader could be Mr unfit for others.
ques makes sense if u want it i dont expect people to vote for IK or so so i am asking people to open there eyes its so clear that nawaz and zardari are corrupt bastards it is because of them that we are in this situation today instead of clear our debt they are doubling it wth is this ask yourself of course they wont pay there taxes they wont care this aint a country for them its an empire father dies son takes over and ur supporting it BTW i mentioned im not a fan to IK but wt he says makes sense for sure
we need a skilled dictator, democracy wont work with the mentality of pakistani people
its the People's choice to whom they wanted to vote!

If person living in village or rural area, uses his wisdom before casting his vote, and a educated person, just vote because what his leader is saying is right, then according to me, the person living in rural area, is making wise decision by using his mind.

People following IK or NS or PPP or Altaf, if they wanted to vote to their parties, who i or someone else to say thing about their decision. but whatever change will come , its always from vote .
its the People's choice to whom they wanted to vote!
If person living in village or rural area, uses his wisdom before casting his vote, and a educated person, just vote because what his leader is saying is right, then according to me, the person living in rural area, is making wise decision by using his mind.
People following IK or NS or PPP or Altaf, if they wanted to vote to their parties, who i or someone else to say thing about their decision. but whatever change will come , its always from vote .
ur votes are being manipulated and ur ok with that
Because people in rural areas don't see voting as their right (to chose a leader); they see it as their duty (to obey their vadera).

Same thing happens in urban areas, but replace 'vadera' with 'ethnic thug'.
Just because you (including me) were lucky enough to have the resources to get a good education does not mean that you and I have the right to question the wisdom of 200 million countrymen.

Educated people cannot swallow the fact that PML-N and PPP get elected. Their education only leads them to arrogance and hubris.
How you so sure that your political party pti or its MNAs or MPAs will never do any corruption and all of them will be saints..stop this self righteous approach
we dont have many choices no one is clean any one can be bought in camparison with nawaz and zardari IK is an angel,if ur leaders pays taxes and isnt corrupt soon people follow knowing there money wont be digested
ur ok with corrupt leaders

So Sheikh Rasheed, Chaudhary Pervez Elahi, Shah Mahmood Qureshi are the only dead honest people in Pakistan in your opinion? Also a thing I have noticed about PTI die hards in general is that most of them are dishonest to the core, tax evading people, yet talk like they are saints in an ocean of dumb and corrupt people...Most Pakistanis are corrupt in one way or another(I estimate 70%). I don't blame the leaders exclusively.
So Sheikh Rasheed, Chaudhary Pervez Elahi, Shah Mahmood Qureshi are the only dead honest people in Pakistan in your opinion? Also a thing I have noticed about PTI die hards in general is that most of them are dishonest to the core, tax evading people, yet talk like they are saints in an ocean of dumb and corrupt people...Most Pakistanis are corrupt in one way or another(I estimate 70%). I don't blame the leaders exclusively.
who would to choose between IK and nawaz or zardari as i said before we dont have loads of choices but its the best we got
we dont have many choices no one is clean any one can be bought in camparison with nawaz and zardari IK is an angel,if ur leaders pays taxes and isnt corrupt soon people follow knowing there money wont be digested
Ik is angel..ik angel cannot run country alone and he still has same lotaz from others party with him to take different ministries. Look fresh face of pervez khatack for an example. Its habit of Pakistani to bash whoever ruled in Pakistan in past because they all wish quick solution of all their problems. Ik is frista because he never been PM of Pakistan and is busy building castles in the air . We cannot predict about Ik because he never got in rule. You can judge his performace in kpk though and there is no revolutionary change in kpk
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